
VTEX Store Components

VTEX Store Components is a collection of components that can be used to create/extend others VTEX apps.


The Store Components collection uses the store builder with the blocks architecture. Please refer to our Builder documentation to learn more about the store builder.

To use this app, you must import it as dependency of your project in the manifest.json file.

"dependencies": {
"": "3.x"

Then, you can start adding components to your store theme app.

Styles API

The Store Components collection provides some CSS classes as an API for style customization.

To use this CSS API, you must add the styles builder and create an app styling CSS file.

  1. Add the styles builder to your manifest.json:

"builders": {
"styles": "2.x"

  1. Create a file called inside the styles/css folder. Add your custom styles:

.container {
margin-top: 10px;


For more information, check the documentation of all components of the Store Components collection.

The following blocks have been deprecated: Animation, Categories Highlights, Collection Badges, Container, Discount Badge, Gradient Collapse, Greeting, Slider. Despite this, support for them is still granted.

Creating a new component

To start your development, create a new folder on react/components. That's where your source code will be stored. Also create a new js file on /react, this file should be used to expose your component, like:

Project structure

Inside your react/components/<component_name> you should have:

  • index.js
  • [Optional] components/
  • [Optional] constants/
  • [Optional] utils/
  • [Optional] queries/
  • [Optional] mutations/
  • [Optional] styles.css

Next, inside of react/ folder you need to export your component, such as:

import ProductPrice from './components/ProductPrice/index'
export default ProductPrice

Also, all dependencies needed should be inserted inside the react/package.json.


You can check if others are passing through similar issues here. Also feel free to open issues or contribute with pull requests.


To execute our tests go to react/ folder and run yarn test

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