App Development

App Development
ServicesCalling commerce APIs on VTEX IO
1. Getting the Service app boilerplate

To kickstart your journey in this course, your initial step is to clone the vtex.service-example boilerplate app. This repository serves as a template with all the essential files you need to get started in this course.

Cloning the boilerplate repository

Clone the vtex-apps/service-example boilerplate by running the command presented on the right panel. This will create a local copy of the project, equipping you with the necessary files to start the course.

git clone

Understanding the project structure

Open the service-example project in the code editor of your preference. Note that the project contains the /node and /docs directories, the manifest.json file, and the package.json file.

┣ 📂 node
┣ 📂 docs
┣ 📄
┣ 📄 manifest.json
┗ 📄 package.json

manifest.json file

At the heart of this structure lies the manifest.json file, a crucial document encapsulating metadata about the app. This file not only contains fundamental details such as the app's name, version, and title but also outlines the builders, policies, and dependencies necessary for the app functionality. Let's delve deeper into some of these concepts:

buildersobjectSpecifies the builders required by the app. Note that the app uses the node builder, responsible for interpreting Node.js code. For each declared builder, there will be a dedicated folder specifically designed to be interpreted by that particular builder.
policiesarrayDeclares policies for accessing external services or specific resources needed for the app functioning.

"name": "service-example",
"vendor": "vtex",
"version": "0.2.22",
"title": "Service Example",
"description": "Reference app for VTEX IO Services",
"mustUpdateAt": "2018-01-04",
"categories": [],
"dependencies": {},
"builders": {
"node": "6.x",
"docs": "0.x"
"scripts": {
"prereleasy": "bash"
"credentialType": "absolute",
"policies": [
"name": "outbound-access",
"attrs": {
"host": "",
"path": "*"
"name": "colossus-fire-event"
"name": "colossus-write-logs"
"$schema": ""

node folder

The /node folder contains the backend logic of the app, written in Node.js. Here, Node packages and native libraries, such as @vtex/clients, can be employed to enhance code development.

Within the node folder, you will also find the following folders and files:

Folder or fileDescription
/middlewaresFolder containing middleware functions.
/middlewares/validate.tsMiddleware that validates if the request has a valid HTTP status code. It will also be used to access the app authentication token.
/middlewares/status.tsMiddleware to call the VTEX Commerce API and fetch SKU details from the Catalog API.
/clientsFolder where the Clients of the app are defined, used to access external resources and services.
/clients/index.tsDefinition of the Clients class. Here we will import the Client Catalog and define a getter/setter function for Catalog items.
index.tsInitial declarations for the app's functionality, including mapping routes and middlewares.
package.jsonMetadata about the node app, including its name, version, description, dependencies, and scripts.
service.jsonConfiguration file that specifies the the app's infrastructure attributes. It includes details such as memory allocation, timeout duration, minimum and maximum replicas, and routes.
tsconfig.jsonConfiguration file for TypeScript, specifying how the TypeScript compiler should compile the project. It may include options such as the target JavaScript version, module system, and other compiler settings.

┣ 📂 middlewares
┃ ┣ 📄 validate.ts
┃ ┗ 📄 status.ts
┣ 📂 clients
┃ ┣ 📄 status.ts
┃ ┗ 📄 index.ts
┣ 📄 index.ts
┣ 📄 package.json
┣ 📄 service.json
┣ 📄 tsconfig.json
┗ 📄 yarn.lock

node/service.json file

Located within the /node folder, the service.json file configures the app's infrastructure attributes. Key details are summarized in the following table:

memoryintegerMemory size allocated to the app, in megabytes. This value is subjective to automatic adjustments if excessive usage is detected.
timeoutintegerMaximum duration for fulfilling a request, in seconds. Requests exceeding this timeout are aborted.
minReplicasintegerMinimum number of replicas available when the app is operational.
maxReplicasintegerMaximum numbers of replicas available for the app.
routesobjectDescribes the app's REST routes. Note that a public route named status with the path /_v/status/:code is already defined.

"memory": 256,
"ttl": 10,
"timeout": 2,
"minReplicas": 2,
"maxReplicas": 4,
"workers": 1,
"routes": {
"status": {
"path": "/_v/status/:code",
"public": true

node/index.ts file

The node/index.ts file associates routes with middlewares. Note that the routes section associates the status route with the GET method and the validate and status middleware functions.

This means that when a GET request is made to the status route, the app will trigger the validate and status middleware functions in the specified order.

Check the middlewares/status.ts and middlewares/validate.ts files to better understand the functions exposed by this service.


import type { ClientsConfig, ServiceContext, RecorderState } from '@vtex/api'
import { LRUCache, method, Service } from '@vtex/api'
import { Clients } from './clients'
import { status } from './middlewares/status'
import { validate } from './middlewares/validate'
const TIMEOUT_MS = 800
// Create a LRU memory cache for the Status client.
// The 'max' parameter sets the size of the cache.
// The @vtex/api HttpClient respects Cache-Control headers and uses the provided cache.
// Note that the response from the API being called must include an 'etag' header
// or a 'cache-control' header with a 'max-age' value. If neither exist, the response will not be cached.
// To force responses to be cached, consider adding the `forceMaxAge` option to your client methods.
const memoryCache = new LRUCache<string, any>({ max: 5000 })
metrics.trackCache('status', memoryCache)
// This is the configuration for clients available in `ctx.clients`.
const clients: ClientsConfig<Clients> = {
// We pass our custom implementation of the clients bag, containing the Status client.
implementation: Clients,
options: {
// All IO Clients will be initialized with these options, unless otherwise specified.
default: {
retries: 2,
timeout: TIMEOUT_MS,
// This key will be merged with the default options and add this cache to our Status client.
status: {
declare global {
// We declare a global Context type just to avoid re-writing ServiceContext<Clients, State> in every handler and resolver
type Context = ServiceContext<Clients, State>
// The shape of our State object found in `ctx.state`. This is used as state bag to communicate between middlewares.
interface State extends RecorderState {
code: number
// Export a service that defines route handlers and client options.
export default new Service({
routes: {
// `status` is the route ID from service.json. It maps to an array of middlewares (or a single handler).
status: method({
GET: [validate, status],

Testing the /status route

Change to the app directory and link it to a development workspace. This action will prompt the availability of the /status route. To verify its functionality, make a request to https://{workspace}--{accountName}, replacing {workspace} and {accountName} according to your scenario.


cd services-example && vtex link


20:00:48.027 - warn: Changing @vtex/api on devDependencies from 6.45.15 to 6.46.0
20:00:48.029 - info: Running yarn in node
yarn install v1.22.19
warning package.json: No license field
warning No license field
[1/4] 🔍 Resolving packages...
[2/4] 🚚 Fetching packages...
[3/4] 🔗 Linking dependencies...
warning "@vtex/test-tools > react-intl@2.9.0" has unmet peer dependency "prop-types@^15.5.4".
[4/4] 🔨 Building fresh packages...
success Saved lockfile.
✨ Done in 38.02s.
20:01:26.400 - info: Finished running yarn
20:01:26.400 - info: Linking app vtex.service-example@0.2.22
20:01:26.590 - info: Sending 14 files
20:01:26.591 - info: Link ID: 0be90a2d772f711b
20:01:26.592 - info: Project size: 0.49MB
20:01:26.592 - info: Compressing project files...
20:01:26.642 - info: Compressed project size: 0.21MB
20:01:28.175 - info: Sending files: 100% - 0.21MB/0.21MB
20:01:28.214 - info: Build accepted for vtex.service-example@0.2.22 at myaccount/myworkspace vtex.builder-hub@0.296.0
20:01:28.488 - info: Starting build for app vtex.service-example@0.2.22 vtex.builder-hub@0.296.0
20:01:42.645 - warn: node builder overrode the following options in tsconfig.json:
module: 'esnext' => 'commonjs' vtex.builder-hub@0.296.0
20:01:50.121 - info: Bundle: 17 files - 0.67MB vtex.builder-hub@0.296.0
20:01:50.121 - info: Sent bundle to Apps in 688ms vtex.builder-hub@0.296.0
20:01:50.121 - info: App linked successfully vtex.builder-hub@0.296.0
20:01:50.122 - info: Node app build finished successfully vtex.builder-hub@0.296.0
20:01:52.783 - info: Starting vtex.service-example@0.2.22 service-node@6.38.1
20:01:52.783 - info: Fetching /apps/vtex.service-example@0.2.22/files/dist/service-node/dependencies.tar.zst service-node@6.38.1
20:01:52.784 - info: Fetching /apps/vtex.service-example@0.2.22/bundle/dist/service-node/app service-node@6.38.1
20:01:52.791 - info: OK: /apps/vtex.service-example@0.2.22/bundle/dist/service-node/app service-node@6.38.1
20:01:52.792 - info: Extracted /apps/vtex.service-example@0.2.22/bundle/dist/service-node/app service-node@6.38.1
20:01:52.830 - info: OK: /apps/vtex.service-example@0.2.22/files/dist/service-node/dependencies.tar.zst service-node@6.38.1
20:01:52.866 - info: Extracted /apps/vtex.service-example@0.2.22/files/dist/service-node/dependencies.tar.zst service-node@6.38.1
20:01:53.357 - info: Runtime @vtex/api is: /usr/local/app/node_modules/@vtex/api/lib/index.js service-node@6.38.1
20:01:53.359 - info: Using @vtex/api from: /usr/local/app/node_modules/@vtex/api/lib/index.js service-node@6.38.1
20:01:53.364 - info: Spawning 1 workers service-node@6.38.1
20:01:53.368 - info: Using 30 seconds as worker graceful shutdown timeout service-node@6.38.1
20:01:53.384 - info: Worker 25 is listening service-node@6.38.1
20:01:53.878 - info: Available service routes:
_44 service-node@6.38.1
20:01:53.882 - info: App running service-node@6.38.1
20:02:01.904 - info: Debugger tunnel listening on :9229. Go to chrome://inspect in Google Chrome to debug your running application.

Cloning the boilerplate repository

Clone the vtex-apps/service-example boilerplate by running the command presented on the right panel. This will create a local copy of the project, equipping you with the necessary files to start the course.

Understanding the project structure

Open the service-example project in the code editor of your preference. Note that the project contains the /node and /docs directories, the manifest.json file, and the package.json file.

manifest.json file

At the heart of this structure lies the manifest.json file, a crucial document encapsulating metadata about the app. This file not only contains fundamental details such as the app's name, version, and title but also outlines the builders, policies, and dependencies necessary for the app functionality. Let's delve deeper into some of these concepts:

buildersobjectSpecifies the builders required by the app. Note that the app uses the node builder, responsible for interpreting Node.js code. For each declared builder, there will be a dedicated folder specifically designed to be interpreted by that particular builder.
policiesarrayDeclares policies for accessing external services or specific resources needed for the app functioning.

node folder

The /node folder contains the backend logic of the app, written in Node.js. Here, Node packages and native libraries, such as @vtex/clients, can be employed to enhance code development.

Within the node folder, you will also find the following folders and files:

Folder or fileDescription
/middlewaresFolder containing middleware functions.
/middlewares/validate.tsMiddleware that validates if the request has a valid HTTP status code. It will also be used to access the app authentication token.
/middlewares/status.tsMiddleware to call the VTEX Commerce API and fetch SKU details from the Catalog API.
/clientsFolder where the Clients of the app are defined, used to access external resources and services.
/clients/index.tsDefinition of the Clients class. Here we will import the Client Catalog and define a getter/setter function for Catalog items.
index.tsInitial declarations for the app's functionality, including mapping routes and middlewares.
package.jsonMetadata about the node app, including its name, version, description, dependencies, and scripts.
service.jsonConfiguration file that specifies the the app's infrastructure attributes. It includes details such as memory allocation, timeout duration, minimum and maximum replicas, and routes.
tsconfig.jsonConfiguration file for TypeScript, specifying how the TypeScript compiler should compile the project. It may include options such as the target JavaScript version, module system, and other compiler settings.

node/service.json file

Located within the /node folder, the service.json file configures the app's infrastructure attributes. Key details are summarized in the following table:

memoryintegerMemory size allocated to the app, in megabytes. This value is subjective to automatic adjustments if excessive usage is detected.
timeoutintegerMaximum duration for fulfilling a request, in seconds. Requests exceeding this timeout are aborted.
minReplicasintegerMinimum number of replicas available when the app is operational.
maxReplicasintegerMaximum numbers of replicas available for the app.
routesobjectDescribes the app's REST routes. Note that a public route named status with the path /_v/status/:code is already defined.

node/index.ts file

The node/index.ts file associates routes with middlewares. Note that the routes section associates the status route with the GET method and the validate and status middleware functions.

This means that when a GET request is made to the status route, the app will trigger the validate and status middleware functions in the specified order.

Check the middlewares/status.ts and middlewares/validate.ts files to better understand the functions exposed by this service.

Testing the /status route

Change to the app directory and link it to a development workspace. This action will prompt the availability of the /status route. To verify its functionality, make a request to https://{workspace}--{accountName}, replacing {workspace} and {accountName} according to your scenario.

git clone

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