App Development

App Development
ServicesDeveloping services on VTEX IO
6. Using GraphQL to retrieve data from Master Data

Now that we have updated the product count, we need to retrieve the top N most viewed products. To do so, we can use Master Data to retrieve the product page view data and sort by the count field. We can also limit the length of retrieved products, creating a customized size rank of most-visited products.

To achieve this objective, we'll employ GraphQL, the technology used by VTEX IO for data retrieval and interface between services and front-end applications. GraphQL allows implementing queries for fetching the exact data you need via types, schemas, and resolvers.

Using the graphql builder

To enable the use of GraphQL in your VTEX IO app, add the graphql builder to the app's manifest.json file.


"name": "backend-course",
"vendor": "vtex",
"version": "0.0.2",
"title": "Backend Course",
"description": "Reference app for the Backend Course",
"builders": {
"graphql": "1.x",
"node": "6.x"
"scripts": {
"prereleasy": "bash"
"credentialType": "absolute",
"policies": [
"name": "ADMIN_DS"
"name": "outbound-access",
"attrs": {
"host": "",
"path": "/dataentities/*"
"dependencies": {
"": "0.x"
"$schema": ""

Creating the GraphQL type

Within the service-course-template/graphql folder, create a folder named types. Inside this folder, create the productView.graphql file to declare the type of the product list we intend to retrieve.


type ProductView {
slug: String
count: Int

Creating the GraphQL schema

Still within the service-course-template/graphql folder, define the schema in the schema.graphql file. This schema outlines the structure of our query and the data to be retrieved.

Optionally, directives can be included for scenarios like obtaining user tokens or utilizing cookies. Check out the graphql-example app for advanced usage examples.


type Query {
productList(topN: Int): [ProductView]

Creating the GraphQL resolver

With the schema, types, and query defined, create the query's resolver. The resolver determines the actions executed when a query is invoked. In our case, we want to perform a scroll on Master Data, ordering by the count (to obtain the top most viewed products) and limiting the page size (the top N).

Back to our node implementation, define the resolver by creating a node/resolvers folder. In this new folder, add a file named products.ts and populate it with the code presented in the right panel.


import { COURSE_ENTITY } from '../utils/constants'
export const productList = async (
_: any,
{ topN }: { topN: number },
{ clients: { masterdata } }: Context
) =>
dataEntity: COURSE_ENTITY,
fields: ['count', 'slug'],
schema: 'v1',
size: topN,
sort: `count DESC`,
.then(({ data }) => data)

Using the GraphQL resolver

Import the resolver into the node/index.ts file and set up the graphql section, connecting your defined queries with the underlying data retrieval logic (productList).

Note that resolvers act as the glue between your GraphQL schema and the actual data-fetching logic. When a GraphQL query is executed, the resolver associated with each field in the query is invoked to obtain the corresponding data. In this case, when the productList query is executed, the productList resolver function (products.ts) is triggered to fetch the top N most viewed products from Master Data.


import {
} from '@vtex/api'
import { Clients } from './clients'
import { analytics } from './handlers/analytics'
import { updateLiveUsers } from './event/liveUsersUpdate'
import { productList } from './resolvers/products'
// Create a LRU memory cache for the Status client.
// The @vtex/api HttpClient respects Cache-Control headers and uses the provided cache.
const memoryCache = new LRUCache<string, any>({ max: 5000 })
metrics.trackCache('status', memoryCache)
declare global {
type Context = ServiceContext<Clients, State>
interface State extends RecorderState {
code: number
const THREE_SECONDS_MS = 3 * 1000
const CONCURRENCY = 10
export default new Service<Clients, State, ParamsContext>({
clients: {
implementation: Clients,
options: {
default: {
retries: 2,
timeout: 10000,
events: {
exponentialTimeoutCoefficient: 2,
exponentialBackoffCoefficient: 2,
initialBackoffDelay: 50,
retries: 1,
concurrency: CONCURRENCY,
events: {
liveUsersUpdate: updateLiveUsers,
routes: {
analytics: method({
GET: [analytics],
graphql: {
resolvers: {
Query: {

Linking the app

Finally, run vtex link and access the provided GraphQL route.


17:31:10.803 -info: Build accepted for vtex.service-course-template@0.0.1 at myaccount/myworkspace vtex.builder-hub@0.250.0
17:31:10.818 - info: Starting build for app vtex.service-course-template@0.0.1 vtex.builder-hub@0.250.0
17:31:19.588 - warn: node builder overrode the following options in tsconfig.json: target: 'es2017' = 'es2019' vtex.builder-hub@0.250.0
17:31:27.227 - info: Bundle: 26 files - 34.44MB vtex.builder-hub@0.250.0
17:31:27.228 - info: Sent bundle to Apps in 3869ms vtex.builder-hub@0.250.0
17:31:27.229 - info:App linked successfully vtex.builder-hub@0.250.0
17:31:27.230 - info: You can try out the queries in this app using the GraphiQLIDE available at:
_10 vtex.builder-hub@0.250.0

Using the graphql builder

To enable the use of GraphQL in your VTEX IO app, add the graphql builder to the app's manifest.json file.

Creating the GraphQL type

Within the service-course-template/graphql folder, create a folder named types. Inside this folder, create the productView.graphql file to declare the type of the product list we intend to retrieve.

Creating the GraphQL schema

Still within the service-course-template/graphql folder, define the schema in the schema.graphql file. This schema outlines the structure of our query and the data to be retrieved.

Optionally, directives can be included for scenarios like obtaining user tokens or utilizing cookies. Check out the graphql-example app for advanced usage examples.

Creating the GraphQL resolver

With the schema, types, and query defined, create the query's resolver. The resolver determines the actions executed when a query is invoked. In our case, we want to perform a scroll on Master Data, ordering by the count (to obtain the top most viewed products) and limiting the page size (the top N).

Back to our node implementation, define the resolver by creating a node/resolvers folder. In this new folder, add a file named products.ts and populate it with the code presented in the right panel.

Using the GraphQL resolver

Import the resolver into the node/index.ts file and set up the graphql section, connecting your defined queries with the underlying data retrieval logic (productList).

Note that resolvers act as the glue between your GraphQL schema and the actual data-fetching logic. When a GraphQL query is executed, the resolver associated with each field in the query is invoked to obtain the corresponding data. In this case, when the productList query is executed, the productList resolver function (products.ts) is triggered to fetch the top N most viewed products from Master Data.

Linking the app

Finally, run vtex link and access the provided GraphQL route.


"name": "backend-course",
"vendor": "vtex",
"version": "0.0.2",
"title": "Backend Course",
"description": "Reference app for the Backend Course",
"builders": {
"graphql": "1.x",
"node": "6.x"
"scripts": {
"prereleasy": "bash"
"credentialType": "absolute",
"policies": [
"name": "ADMIN_DS"
"name": "outbound-access",
"attrs": {
"host": "",
"path": "/dataentities/*"
"dependencies": {
"": "0.x"
"$schema": ""

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