App Development

App Development
Node apps
ServicesDeveloping services on VTEX IO5. Using the Master Data client
5. Using the Master Data client

Now that we are actively using the data retrieved from Analytics, the next crucial step is to persist and update this data. To achieve this, we'll leverage Master Data, a database-as-a-service product from VTEX.

Master Data is the foundation for creating database architectures within a VTEX store. Initially designed for storing and organizing customer data, it has evolved into a versatile tool widely utilized by VTEX stores for business rule customizations and creating apps. The @vtex/api package provides a native Master Data client, accessible through ctx.clients.masterdata.

In this step, Master Data will be used to fetch data regarding the top N most viewed products, where N is a parameter that will be used to get the desired number of products.

Master Data uses the concept of data entities and JSON Schema to validate and index documents. One data entity can have many schemas, depending on how you need to use the data stored.

Creating a Master Data entity

First, you will use the Master Data API to create an entity and new schema in Master Data to save your product list. Use Postman or any other API client you prefer to send the cURL request presented in the right panel, providing the following information:

  • accountName: Name of your VTEX account.
  • data_entity_name: Name of the data entity to be created in Master Data. Use course_backend_product_list to be consistent with our app.
  • schema_name: Name of the schema to be created in Master Data. Use v1 to be consistent with our app (identical to the one used in service-course-template/node/event/updateLiveUsers.ts).
  • userToken: Value of your user authentication cookie. To get your VTEX local token, run vtex local token in your terminal.

curl --location --request PUT 'https://{{accountName}}{{data_entity_name}}/schemas/{{schema_name}}' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'VtexIdclientAutCookie: {{userToken}}' \
--data '{
"properties": {
"slug": {
"type": "string"
"count": {
"type": "number"
"v-indexed": [
"v-security": {
"allowGetAll": true,
"publicRead": [
"publicWrite": [
"publicFilter": [


"Message": "JSON Schema persisted successfully. Revalidation and indexing process running in background."

Saving data to Master Data

Now, to save the data, we need to check if the productSlug is already saved in Master Data. Use the searchDocuments method of the Master Data client in the node/event/liveUsersUpdate.ts file, as highlighted in the provided code.

Note: The COURSE_ENTITY global constant is course_backend_product_list, the name of our Master Data schema.


import { Clients } from '../clients/index'
import { EventContext } from '@vtex/api'
import { COURSE_ENTITY } from '../utils/constants'
export async function updateLiveUsers(ctx: EventContext<Clients>) {
const liveUsersProducts = await
console.log('LIVE USERS: ', liveUsersProducts)
await Promise.all(
_28 ({ slug, liveUsers }) => {
const [savedProduct] = await ctx.clients.masterdata.searchDocuments<{
id: string
count: number
slug: string
dataEntity: COURSE_ENTITY,
fields: ['count', 'id', 'slug'],
pagination: {
page: 1,
pageSize: 1,
schema: 'v1',
where: `slug=${slug}`,
console.log('SAVED PRODUCT', savedProduct)
return true

Handling errors and exceptions

To ensure proper error handling, implement a try-catch structure, as presented in the code to the right.


import { Clients } from '../clients/index'
import { EventContext } from '@vtex/api'
import { COURSE_ENTITY } from '../utils/constants'
export async function updateLiveUsers(ctx: EventContext<Clients>) {
const liveUsersProducts = await
console.log('LIVE USERS: ', liveUsersProducts)
await Promise.all(
_33 ({ slug, liveUsers }) => {
try {
const [savedProduct] = await ctx.clients.masterdata.searchDocuments<{
id: string
count: number
slug: string
dataEntity: COURSE_ENTITY,
fields: ['count', 'id', 'slug'],
pagination: {
page: 1,
pageSize: 1,
schema: 'v1',
where: `slug=${slug}`,
console.log('SAVED PRODUCT', savedProduct)
} catch (e) {
console.log(`failed to update product ${slug}`)
return true

Updating existing documents

If a product is already saved, we need to update it by incrementing its count. The Master Data client provides the createOrUpdateEntireDocument method for this purpose. Implement the incrementation in the Master Data entity in the liveUsersUpdate.ts file, right after the console.log({savedProduct}) line.


import { Clients } from '../clients/index'
import { EventContext } from '@vtex/api'
import { COURSE_ENTITY } from '../utils/constants'
export async function updateLiveUsers(ctx: EventContext<Clients>) {
const liveUsersProducts = await
console.log('LIVE USERS: ', liveUsersProducts)
await Promise.all(
_42 ({ slug, liveUsers }) => {
try {
const [savedProduct] = await ctx.clients.masterdata.searchDocuments<{
id: string
count: number
slug: string
dataEntity: COURSE_ENTITY,
fields: ['count', 'id', 'slug'],
pagination: {
page: 1,
pageSize: 1,
schema: 'v1',
where: `slug=${slug}`,
console.log('SAVED PRODUCT', savedProduct)
await ctx.clients.masterdata.createOrUpdateEntireDocument({
dataEntity: COURSE_ENTITY,
fields: {
count: liveUsers,
id: savedProduct?.id,
schema: 'v1'
} catch (e) {
console.log(`failed to update product ${slug}`)
return true

Linking the app

Finally, run vtex link and wait for an event to be fired. Once it does, check your terminal for the logs in the code.

Break the vtex link by typing ctrl + C and use the provided cURL command to inspect the updates on Master Data. Replace {{accountName}} with your VTEX account name.

To run a cURL on Windows, ensure to replace single quotes (') with double quotes ("). For Windows versions earlier than Windows 10 (version 1803), download and install cURL.


curl --location --request GET ',count&_schema=v1&an={{accountName}}' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json'


[{"slug": "1762", "count" : 10}, {"slug": "1461", "count" :4}, {"slug" :"1581", "count" :1}, {"slug": "1663", "count": 6}, {"slug": "1705", "count" : 1}, {"slug": "1806", "count" :5}, {"slug": "1154", "count": 8}, {"slug": "1472", "count" :6}, {"slug": "1317", "count" :8}, {"slug": "1336", "count" :9}, {"slug": "1968", "count" :2}, {"slug": "1472", "count" :3}, {"slug": "1252", "count" :3}, {"slug": "1066", "count" : 1}, {"slug":"1140", "count" :3}]

Creating a Master Data entity

First, you will use the Master Data API to create an entity and new schema in Master Data to save your product list. Use Postman or any other API client you prefer to send the cURL request presented in the right panel, providing the following information:

  • accountName: Name of your VTEX account.
  • data_entity_name: Name of the data entity to be created in Master Data. Use course_backend_product_list to be consistent with our app.
  • schema_name: Name of the schema to be created in Master Data. Use v1 to be consistent with our app (identical to the one used in service-course-template/node/event/updateLiveUsers.ts).
  • userToken: Value of your user authentication cookie. To get your VTEX local token, run vtex local token in your terminal.

Saving data to Master Data

Now, to save the data, we need to check if the productSlug is already saved in Master Data. Use the searchDocuments method of the Master Data client in the node/event/liveUsersUpdate.ts file, as highlighted in the provided code.

Note: The COURSE_ENTITY global constant is course_backend_product_list, the name of our Master Data schema.

Handling errors and exceptions

To ensure proper error handling, implement a try-catch structure, as presented in the code to the right.

Updating existing documents

If a product is already saved, we need to update it by incrementing its count. The Master Data client provides the createOrUpdateEntireDocument method for this purpose. Implement the incrementation in the Master Data entity in the liveUsersUpdate.ts file, right after the console.log({savedProduct}) line.

Linking the app

Finally, run vtex link and wait for an event to be fired. Once it does, check your terminal for the logs in the code.

Break the vtex link by typing ctrl + C and use the provided cURL command to inspect the updates on Master Data. Replace {{accountName}} with your VTEX account name.

To run a cURL on Windows, ensure to replace single quotes (') with double quotes ("). For Windows versions earlier than Windows 10 (version 1803), download and install cURL.


curl --location --request PUT 'https://{{accountName}}{{data_entity_name}}/schemas/{{schema_name}}' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'VtexIdclientAutCookie: {{userToken}}' \
--data '{
"properties": {
"slug": {
"type": "string"
"count": {
"type": "number"
"v-indexed": [
"v-security": {
"allowGetAll": true,
"publicRead": [
"publicWrite": [
"publicFilter": [


"Message": "JSON Schema persisted successfully. Revalidation and indexing process running in background."

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