App Development

App Development
Releasing a new app version

Once you have finished developing your app, you may release it as the first step toward making your new app version public. The process of releasing an app consists of:

  • Incrementing the app version in the manifest.json file according to the SemVer (semantic versioning) best practices.
  • Updating the app
  • Creating a release commit and a release tag.
  • Sending the performed changes to the app repository.

Please note that releasing a new app version does not make it available to end-users or automatically update the app on accounts that have it installed. To do so, you must finish the entire process of making your new app version public.

Before you begin

If you are releasing an app in the App Store, make sure that you have covered the VTEX guidelines before proceeding.


  1. Open the terminal and log in to the account responsible for the app development, i.e., the account specified as the app vendor in the manifest.json file.

  2. Change to the app root folder.

  3. Depending on the scenario (check SemVer best practices), run one of the following commands to release your new app version:

    • vtex release patch stable - Releases a patch stable version.

    • vtex release minor stable - Releases a minor stable version.

    • vtex release major stable - Releases a major stable version.

    • vtex release patch beta - Releases a patch beta version.

    • vtex release minor beta - Releases a minor beta version.

    • vtex release major beta - Releases a major beta version.

For more details about the vtex release command, check our VTEX IO CLI reference.

Understanding app versioning

Major, minor and patch

Versioning in VTEX IO follows the SemVer standard, utilizing a format of {major}.{minor}.{patch}. For instance, if an app version is 2.13.5, the major is 2, the minor is 13, and the patch is 5.

Apps should start development with version 0.0.0.

The recommended use cases for each version type are as follows:

  • Patch: intended for bug fixes and minor issues.
  • Minor: intended for changes in functionality that are not breaking changes like new features, changes in the UI, and others.
  • Major: intended for breaking changes and changes in the endpoints. Changes in the Billing Options always require a new major release.

For each new version of a type, this version type will be increased by one and turn the minor types to 0, if applicable. For instance, if your app version is 2.13.5 and you want to:

  • Release a new patch, your new app version will be 2.13.6.
  • Release a new minor, your new app version will be 2.14.0.
  • Release a new major, your new app version will be 3.0.0.

Stable and beta versions

App versions are created as stable by default. Beta versions must be explicitly declared and are identified by a dash symbol (-) following a sequence of alphanumeric characters after the version number. For instance, 2.13.5 is a stable version, and you can have a beta version called 2.13.5-beta1.

The recommended use cases for stable and beta versions are:

  • Stable: intended for wide availability and production environments.
  • Beta: intended for tests and limited availability.

Consider the following when dealing with a beta version:

  • Beta versions cannot be deployed. If you run vtex deploy on a beta version of an app, the accounts and workspaces with that specific app version installed will not be updated to this version.
  • Beta versions ignore the ttl (time-to-live) parameter set in the service.json file.
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Publishing an app
App Development
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