Learn how to integrate carriers with VTEX Pick and Pack API Protocol
All API access is over HTTPS and accessed from https://api.pickingnpacking.com
. All data is sent and received as JSON.
Blank fields are included as null
 instead of being omitted.
All timestamps returned in UTC, ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.sssZ
All distance measurements are in meters.
Basic authentication
API key available:
Steps to generate JWT
- Create a token of authentication with service token.
- When making each request listed below, include an
header with the JWT generated in step 1, as shown below:
_10// Headers_10{_10 "Authorization": "JWT"_10}
Service endpoints
Endpoint URLs
Endpoints are configurable when creating the carrier configuration.
Create service
This is the information that VTEX will send to the carrier to create a service.
- URL: Carrier configuration
- Method: Carrier configuration
- Headers: Carrier configuration
- Query: Carrier configuration
_99{_99 orderId: String!_99 carrierId: String!_99 seller: String!_99 sender: {_99 name: String_99 phone: String_99 email: String_99 city: String!_99 state: String!_99 country: String!_99 address: String!_99 neighborhood: String_99 number: String_99 reference: String_99 addressComplement: String_99 location: {_99 latitude: Float_99 longitude: Float_99 }_99 pickupDate: AWSDateTime!_99 deliveryWindow: {_99 name: String_99 initialDate: AWSDateTime_99 finalDate: AWSDateTime_99 }_99 zipCode: String!_99 }!_99 receiver: {_99 name: String!_99 phone: String_99 email: String_99 city: String!_99 state: String!_99 country: String!_99 address: String!_99 neighborhood: String_99 number: String_99 reference: String_99 addressComplement: String_99 location: {_99 latitude: Float_99 longitude: Float_99 }_99 identification: String_99 deliveryDate: AWSDateTime! # UTC iso 8601_99 deliveryWindow: {_99 name: String_99 initialDate: AWSDateTime_99 finalDate: AWSDateTime_99 },_99 contactName: String_99 zipCode: String!_99 }!_99 packages: [_99 {_99 id: String!_99 orderId: String!_99 envelope: String_99 description: String_99 categories: [String]_99 dimensions: {_99 width: String_99 height: String_99 length: String_99 }_99 weight: String_99 totalValue: Float_99 items: [_99 {_99 id: String!_99 name: String!_99 ean: String!_99 refId: String_99 image: String_99 type: String_99 price: Float!_99 weight: String_99 quantity: Int!_99 }_99 ]_99 }_99 ]_99 type: PICKUP | DELIVERY | PICKUP_DELIVERY | RETURN!_99 carrierServiceType: NATIONAL | INTERNATIONAL | EXPRESS | SPECIALIZED | OTHERS!_99 comments: String_99 paymentMethod: ONLINE | CASH_ON_DELIVERY | PIN_PAD!,_99 settings: [_99 {_99 label: String_99 value: String_99 "key": String_99 }_99 ]_99 timezone: {_99 offset: Float!_99 value: String!_99 }!_99}
Body Example
_103{_103 "orderId": "SLR-29384924-01",_103 "carrierId": "servientrega-50461c9f3335",_103 "seller": "qaolimpica",_103 "sender": {_103 "name": "Tabitha Sears",_103 "phone": "+57 2305781612",_103 "email": "tabitha_sears@fortean.brother",_103 "city": "Jenkinsville",_103 "state": "Northern Mariana Islands",_103 "country": "Brazil",_103 "address": "77 Sullivan Place, Jenkinsville, Northern Mariana Islands",_103 "addressComplement": "Labore sunt laboris reprehenderit nulla cupidatat irure labore sunt dolore est.",_103 "number": "1029",_103 "reference": "3",_103 "location": {_103 "latitude": -75.269008,_103 "longitude": 137.499833_103 },_103 "pickupDate": "2022-04-25T18:06:41.202Z"_103 },_103 "receiver": {_103 "name": "Pansy Graves",_103 "phone": "+57 4240807147",_103 "email": "pansy_graves@zentime.moda",_103 "city": "Valle",_103 "state": "Marshall Islands",_103 "country": "Iceland",_103 "neighborhood": "Billings",_103 "number": "9840",_103 "reference": "65C"_103 "address": "63 Billings Place, Valle, Marshall Islands",_103 "addressComplement": "In excepteur in Lorem id eu et id.",_103 "location": {_103 "latitude": -33.249891,_103 "longitude": -135.052901_103 },_103 "identification": "9541933267",_103 "deliveryDate": "2022-04-16T20:49:36.117Z",_103 "contactName": "Savannah Porter",_103 "deliveryWindow": {_103 "name": "consectetur",_103 "initialDate": "2022-04-25T22:50:41.209Z",_103 "finalDate": "2022-05-05T21:50:41.210Z"_103 }_103 },_103 "packages": [_103 {_103 "id": "6266df719ac55224b793ad36",_103 "orderId": "SLR-1221800709659-01",_103 "envelope": "Grande",_103 "description": "Paquete delicado",_103 "categories": ["Cellphone", "Technology"]_103 "dimensions": {_103 "width": "68",_103 "height": "43",_103 "length": "13"_103 },_103 "weight": "19",_103 "totalValue": 5616.01,_103 "items": [_103 {_103 "id": "6266df71a19ebe35637e1f42",_103 "name": "Celular nokia AD1",_103 "ean": "473390795673",_103 "refId": "6266",_103 "image": "https://static9.depositphotos.com/1628352/1107/i/600/depositphotos_11071361-stock-photo-tomato.jpg",_103 "type": "Tech",_103 "price": 774230.01,_103 "weight": "4 kg",_103 "quantity": 4_103 },_103 {_103 "id": "6266df71803601c3bc4e2d99",_103 "name": "Celular nokia AD2",_103 "ean": "329949764612",_103 "refId": "6266",_103 "image": "https://static9.depositphotos.com/1628352/1107/i/600/depositphotos_11071361-stock-photo-tomato.jpg",_103 "type": "Tech",_103 "price": 23162,_103 "weight": "14 kg",_103 "quantity": 9_103 }_103 ]_103 }_103 ],_103 "type": "PICKUP_DELIVERY",_103 "carrierServiceType": "OTHERS",_103 "comments": "Consectetur ex dolor adipisicing proident.",_103 "paymentMethod": "CASH_ON_DELIVERY",_103 "orderValue": 8000,_103 "settings": [_103 {_103 "label": "Clave secreta",_103 "value": "keysecret-0122",_103 "key": "secrekey"_103 }_103 ],_103 "timezone": {_103 "offset": 300,_103 "value": "America/Bogota"_103 }_103}
Expected response
_10{_10 "status": "PENDING", // PENDING | ASSIGNED | PICKED | ON_ROUTE | INCIDENT | RETURNED | DELIVERED | CANCELED | ON_HOLD_10 "serviceId": "ASDF23324KDSF2", // Id devuelto por la transportadora_10 "shippingPrice": 20000.09 // If not exists send `null`_10 "metaData": {}, // Carrier additional information for example: {"anyKey": "anyValue", "propertyCustom": "anyValue", "anyArray": ["anyValue"], "errorKeyExample": "Show error trace exampel"}, if not exists send `null`_10 "shippingEstimatedDate": "2022-05-29T22:36:37.589Z" // If not exists send `null`_10}
Status codes
HTTP Status Code | Description |
200 | Ok |
401 | Required authentication |
400 | Bad request |
404 | Resource not found |
500 | Internal error |
There is a 5 seconds timeout before the service creation is confirmed. After that, it is possible to use any of the endpoints below.
Cancel service
In case a user or the application needs to cancel a service, this will be sent to the carrier's configured endpoints.
- URL: Carrier config
- Method: Carrier config
- Headers: Carrier config
- Query: Carrier config
_10{_10 serviceId: String!_10 carrierId: String!_10 reason: String_10}
_10{_10 "serviceId": "apknieot924892jaf-1231",_10 "carrierId": "servientrega9234jaf",_10 "reason": "La dirección de entrega esta mal registrada"_10}
_10{_10 "message": "Service executed successfully",_10 "data": {_10 "serviceId": "apknieot924892jaf-1231",_10 "carrierId": "servientrega9234jaf",_10 "reason": "En el lugar de residencia no hay quien reciba el paquete"_10 }_10}
Status codes
HTTP Status Code | Description |
200 | Ok |
401 | Requires authentication |
400 | Bad request |
404 | Resource not found |
500 | Internal error |
Pause service
In case a user or the application needs to pause or resume a service, this will be sent to the carrier's configured endpoints.
- URL: Carrier config
- Method: Carrier config
- Headers: Carrier config
- Query: Carrier config
_10{_10 serviceId: String!_10 carrierId: String!_10 pause: Boolean!_10 reason: String_10}
_10{_10 "serviceId": "apknieot924892jaf-1231",_10 "carrierId": "servientrega9234jaf",_10 "pause": false,_10 "reason": "En el lugar de residencia no hay quien reciba el paquete"_10}
_10{_10 "message": "Service executed successfully",_10 "data": {_10 "serviceId": "apknieot924892jaf-1231",_10 "carrierId": "servientrega9234jaf",_10 "cancel": true,_10 "reason": "En el lugar de residencia no hay quien reciba el paquete"_10 }_10}
Status codes
HTTP Status Code | Description |
200 | Ok |
401 | Requires authentication |
400 | Bad request |
404 | Resource not found |
500 | Internal error |
Update shipping services
This endpoint will allow the carriers to update an ongoing shipping service.
Endpoint URL
REST API endpoints are prefixed with the following URL:
Get service
The following endpoint returns information about a service, which can be queried by providing the carrier ID and the corresponding service ID as query parameters. The response returned by the endpoint will contain the requested information.
- GET:
- Authentication: API_KEY_PUBLIC
_137type ServiceResponseDto {_137 id: ID!_137 orderId: String!_137 carrierId: String!_137 serviceId: String # '{carrierId}&{serviceIdFromCarrier}'_137 carrierLogo: String_137 carrierName: String!_137 seller: String!_137 status: ServiceStatus!_137 labels: [ServiceLabel]!_137 trackingUrl: String_137 comments: String_137 evidences: [ServiceEvidence]!_137 packages: [PackageService]!_137 timeline: [TrackingTimeline]!_137 type: ServiceType!_137 notes: [ServiceNotes]!_137 paymentMethod: String_137 carrierServiceType: String_137 shippingPrice: Float_137 shippingEstimatedDate: AWSDateTime_137 shippingFinishedDate: AWSDateTime_137 metaData: AWSJSON_137 timezone: CTimezone_137 tags: [String]!_137}_137_137enum ServiceStatus {_137 CREATED_137 PENDING_137 ASSIGNED_137 PICKED_137 ON_ROUTE_137 INCIDENT_137 RETURNED_137 DELIVERED_137 CANCELED_137 ON_HOLD_137}_137_137type ServiceLabel {_137 id: ID!_137 url: String!_137 name: String!_137 type: ServiceLabelType!_137}_137_137enum ServiceLabelType {_137 PDF_137 BASE64_137 TEXT_137 ZPL_137}_137_137type ServiceEvidence {_137 type: ServiceEvidenceType!_137 content: String_137 date: AWSDateTime!_137 author: String_137}_137_137enum ServiceEvidenceType {_137 TEXT_137 IMAGE_137}_137_137type PackageService {_137 id: ID!_137 orderId: String!_137 envelope: String_137 dimensions: ServiceDimensionsPacking_137 weight: String_137 totalValue: Float_137 items: [ServiceItemsPackage]!_137 categories: [String]!_137 description: String_137}_137_137type ServiceDimensionsPacking {_137 width: String_137 height: String_137 length: String_137}_137_137type ServiceItemsPackage {_137 id: ID!_137 name: String!_137 ean: String!_137 refId: String_137 image: String_137 type: String_137 price: Float!_137 weight: String_137 quantity: Int!_137}_137_137type TrackingTimeline {_137 id: ID!_137 type: TrackingTimelineType!_137 date: AWSDateTime!_137 description: String_137 author: String_137 metaData: AWSJSON_137}_137_137enum TrackingTimelineType {_137 STATUS_137 EVIDENCE_137 NOTE_137 LABEL_137 OTHER_137}_137_137enum ServiceType {_137 PICKUP_137 DELIVERY_137 PICKUP_DELIVERY_137 RETURN_137}_137_137type ServiceNotes {_137 type: ServiceNotesType!_137 date: AWSDateTime!_137 content: String!_137 author: String_137}_137_137enum ServiceNotesType {_137 COMMENT_137 ERROR_137}_137_137type CTimezone {_137 offset: Float # (-5, -3, ...)_137 value: String # ("America/Bogota", ...)_137 label: String_137}
_293{_293 "message": "success",_293 "data": {_293 "id": "d9dc0d2c-5f49-4254-ad05-5551be273a2c",_293 "orderId": "1313160501383-01",_293 "carrierId": "627eb3b93a19fdc0cf5fe087",_293 "serviceId": "627eb3b93a19fdc0cf5fe087&470083180050116775042433920287",_293 "carrierName": "Blue Express",_293 "seller": "exito96",_293 "status": "DELIVERED",_293 "type": "PICKUP_DELIVERY",_293 "labels": [],_293 "evidences": [_293 {_293 "type": "IMAGE",_293 "date": "2023-02-27T13:25:08.538Z",_293 "content": "https://tookan.s3.amazonaws.com/acknowledgement_images/1677504302764669967113822-470083180Signature.jpg",_293 "author": "Juan C Testing P"_293 },_293 {_293 "type": "IMAGE",_293 "date": "2023-02-27T13:26:22.799Z",_293 "content": "https://tookan.s3.amazonaws.com/acknowledgement_images/16775043776540952751646343-470083181Signature.jpg",_293 "author": "Juan C Testing P"_293 }_293 ],_293 "packages": [_293 {_293 "id": "1677504239859",_293 "orderId": "1313160501383-01",_293 "envelope": "Box",_293 "dimensions": {_293 "height": "2",_293 "length": "2",_293 "width": "2"_293 },_293 "weight": "2",_293 "totalValue": 40000,_293 "items": [_293 {_293 "id": "60",_293 "name": "Neutrogena Hydro Boost Water Gel X 50 Gr",_293 "ean": "EAN159",_293 "quantity": 2,_293 "price": 20000,_293 "refId": "60",_293 "image": "https://blueExpress.vteximg.com.br/arquivos/ids/155747-55-55/60.jpg?v=637917088184130000",_293 "type": "PRODUCT",_293 "weight": "1"_293 },_293 {_293 "id": "59",_293 "name": "Shampo Sin Sal + Mascarilla French Gold",_293 "ean": "EAN158",_293 "quantity": 2,_293 "price": 20000,_293 "refId": "59",_293 "image": "https://blueExpress.vteximg.com.br/arquivos/ids/155746-55-55/59.jpg?v=637917087644630000",_293 "type": "PRODUCT",_293 "weight": "1"_293 }_293 ],_293 "categories": ["Personal Care"],_293 "description": "-"_293 }_293 ],_293 "timeline": [_293 {_293 "id": "d8ecc1d7-52c9-4c1f-81ee-5524a66cc276",_293 "date": "2023-02-27T13:25:09.749Z",_293 "createdAt": "2023-02-27T13:25:09.749Z",_293 "updatedAt": "2023-02-27T13:25:09.749Z",_293 "type": "STATUS",_293 "description": "Courier on route",_293 "author": "System",_293 "metaData": {_293 "rating": 5,_293 "totalDistanceTraveled": 0,_293 "trackingUrl": "https://blueExpress.northlatam.com/tracking/index.html?jobID=41903e23c5157de2a3961c05cafc6e5b",_293 "status": "ON_ROUTE"_293 }_293 },_293 {_293 "id": "27e6fe70-9a8e-4ca3-8454-d491bb1fe828",_293 "date": "2023-02-27T13:26:22.809Z",_293 "createdAt": "2023-02-27T13:26:22.809Z",_293 "updatedAt": "2023-02-27T13:26:22.809Z",_293 "type": "EVIDENCE",_293 "description": "Added evidence",_293 "author": "Juan C Testing P",_293 "metaData": {_293 "0": {_293 "type": "IMAGE",_293 "content": "https://tookan.s3.amazonaws.com/acknowledgement_images/16775043776540952751646343-470083181Signature.jpg",_293 "author": "Juan C Testing P"_293 }_293 }_293 },_293 {_293 "id": "3395c4b0-40fc-4681-8c13-f26119a1da16",_293 "date": "2023-02-27T13:25:52.841Z",_293 "createdAt": "2023-02-27T13:25:52.841Z",_293 "updatedAt": "2023-02-27T13:25:52.841Z",_293 "type": "STATUS",_293 "description": "Courier on route",_293 "author": "System",_293 "metaData": {_293 "rating": 5,_293 "totalDistanceTraveled": 0,_293 "trackingUrl": "https://blueExpress.northlatam.com/tracking/index.html?jobID=41903e23c5157de2a3961c05cafc6e5b",_293 "status": "ON_ROUTE"_293 }_293 },_293 {_293 "id": "3d778bfa-dbd3-40de-a23e-03f6e1aa84ea",_293 "date": "2023-02-27T13:24:45.684Z",_293 "createdAt": "2023-02-27T13:24:45.684Z",_293 "updatedAt": "2023-02-27T13:24:45.684Z",_293 "type": "STATUS",_293 "description": "Service pending",_293 "author": "System",_293 "metaData": {_293 "rating": 5,_293 "totalDistanceTraveled": 0,_293 "trackingUrl": "https://blueExpress.northlatam.com/tracking/index.html?jobID=98cb758cc7049b956d13c15e67e5fd87",_293 "status": "PENDING"_293 }_293 },_293 {_293 "id": "25b9dba7-4e65-4a10-b0b5-27f98997422a",_293 "date": "2023-02-27T13:26:22.985Z",_293 "createdAt": "2023-02-27T13:26:22.985Z",_293 "updatedAt": "2023-02-27T13:26:22.985Z",_293 "type": "NOTE",_293 "description": "A new note has been added",_293 "author": "Juan C Testing P",_293 "metaData": {_293 "0": {_293 "type": "COMMENT",_293 "note": "Entregado",_293 "author": "Juan C Testing P"_293 },_293 "1": {_293 "type": "COMMENT",_293 "note": "Entregado a porteria",_293 "author": "Juan C Testing P"_293 }_293 }_293 },_293 {_293 "id": "a27af5ba-a765-4941-bde8-21f7795473cd",_293 "date": "2023-02-27T13:24:03.496Z",_293 "createdAt": "2023-02-27T13:24:03.496Z",_293 "updatedAt": "2023-02-27T13:24:03.496Z",_293 "type": "STATUS",_293 "description": "Service creation",_293 "author": "System",_293 "metaData": null_293 },_293 {_293 "id": "4cd358ff-c79b-421d-a0a1-bcdb70622886",_293 "date": "2023-02-27T13:25:08.691Z",_293 "createdAt": "2023-02-27T13:25:08.691Z",_293 "updatedAt": "2023-02-27T13:25:08.691Z",_293 "type": "NOTE",_293 "description": "A new note has been added",_293 "author": "Juan C Testing P",_293 "metaData": {_293 "0": {_293 "type": "COMMENT",_293 "note": "Recogido",_293 "author": "Juan C Testing P"_293 }_293 }_293 },_293 {_293 "id": "5c4137a5-c6db-479c-98ab-b40b9adc22dc",_293 "date": "2023-02-27T13:25:08.547Z",_293 "createdAt": "2023-02-27T13:25:08.547Z",_293 "updatedAt": "2023-02-27T13:25:08.547Z",_293 "type": "EVIDENCE",_293 "description": "Added evidence",_293 "author": "Juan C Testing P",_293 "metaData": {_293 "0": {_293 "type": "IMAGE",_293 "content": "https://tookan.s3.amazonaws.com/acknowledgement_images/1677504302764669967113822-470083180Signature.jpg",_293 "author": "Juan C Testing P"_293 }_293 }_293 },_293 {_293 "id": "912f2d4a-00d6-4ba0-a380-4bf0fa593d6e",_293 "date": "2023-02-27T13:24:39.847Z",_293 "createdAt": "2023-02-27T13:24:39.847Z",_293 "updatedAt": "2023-02-27T13:24:39.847Z",_293 "type": "STATUS",_293 "description": "Assigned courier",_293 "author": "System",_293 "metaData": {_293 "rating": 5,_293 "totalDistanceTraveled": 0,_293 "trackingUrl": "https://blueExpress.northlatam.com/tracking/index.html?jobID=98cb758cc7049b956d13c15e67e5fd87",_293 "status": "ASSIGNED"_293 }_293 },_293 {_293 "id": "b44f7442-e7b5-4d87-8dc3-9c9ec480a269",_293 "date": "2023-02-27T13:24:03.471Z",_293 "createdAt": "2023-02-27T13:24:03.471Z",_293 "updatedAt": "2023-02-27T13:24:03.471Z",_293 "type": "STATUS",_293 "description": "Service pending in PROD",_293 "author": "System",_293 "metaData": {_293 "shippingEstimatedDate": null,_293 "metaData": null,_293 "serviceId": "470083180050116775042433920287",_293 "shippingPrice": null,_293 "status": "PENDING"_293 }_293 },_293 {_293 "id": "b992c08d-3b6c-4e95-9c87-9b41b82abc27",_293 "date": "2023-02-27T13:25:07.834Z",_293 "createdAt": "2023-02-27T13:25:07.834Z",_293 "updatedAt": "2023-02-27T13:25:07.834Z",_293 "type": "STATUS",_293 "description": "Courier picked the package",_293 "author": "System",_293 "metaData": {_293 "rating": 5,_293 "totalDistanceTraveled": 0,_293 "trackingUrl": "https://blueExpress.northlatam.com/tracking/index.html?jobID=98cb758cc7049b956d13c15e67e5fd87",_293 "status": "PICKED"_293 }_293 },_293 {_293 "id": "23a4bd15-e33d-441c-a699-c0c20dda6a7a",_293 "date": "2023-02-27T13:26:22.160Z",_293 "createdAt": "2023-02-27T13:26:22.160Z",_293 "updatedAt": "2023-02-27T13:26:22.160Z",_293 "type": "STATUS",_293 "description": "The package was delivered",_293 "author": "System",_293 "metaData": {_293 "rating": 5,_293 "totalDistanceTraveled": 0,_293 "trackingUrl": "https://blueExpress.northlatam.com/tracking/index.html?jobID=41903e23c5157de2a3961c05cafc6e5b",_293 "status": "DELIVERED"_293 }_293 }_293 ],_293 "notes": [_293 {_293 "type": "COMMENT",_293 "date": "2023-02-27T13:25:08.682Z",_293 "content": "Recogido",_293 "author": "Juan C Testing P"_293 },_293 {_293 "type": "COMMENT",_293 "date": "2023-02-27T13:26:22.976Z",_293 "content": "Entregado",_293 "author": "Juan C Testing P"_293 },_293 {_293 "type": "COMMENT",_293 "date": "2023-02-27T13:26:22.976Z",_293 "content": "Entregado a porteria",_293 "author": "Juan C Testing P"_293 }_293 ],_293 "timezone": {_293 "offset": -300,_293 "value": "America/Bogota",_293 "label": null_293 },_293 "carrierLogo": "iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAAhQAAAHICAYAAAAWbnMsA",_293 "trackingUrl": "https://blueExpress.northlatam.com/tracking/index.html?jobID=41903e23c5157de2a3961c05cafc6e5b",_293 "comments": "-",_293 "paymentMethod": "ONLINE",_293 "carrierServiceType": "EXPRESS",_293 "shippingPrice": null,_293 "shippingEstimatedDate": null,_293 "shippingFinishedDate": null,_293 "metaData": {_293 "jobCapacityTest": true,_293 "test": "This is field custom",_293 "name": "Last Mile Test"_293 }_293 }_293}
Update service (via webhook)
Service that allows updating the details of the tracking service via webhook.
- Authentication: API_KEY_PUBLIC
Name | Type | In | Description |
carrierId | string | path | Carrier ID |
serviceId | string | path | Id generated by the service |
Authorization | string | header | JWT generated with API KEY PUBLIC |
_16{_16 status: PENDING | ASSIGNED | PICKED | ON_ROUTE | INCIDENT | RETURNED | DELIVERED_16 agent: {_16 id: String!_16 name: String!_16 identification: String_16 phone: String_16 email: String_16 vehicle: SCOOTER | VAN | CAR | TRUCK | BIKE | WALK | DRONE_16 }_16 trackingUrl: String_16 totalDistanceTraveled: Int_16 rating: Float # 1-5_16 shippingPrice: Float_16 shippingEstimatedDate: String_16}
_16{_16 "status": "PENDING",_16 "agent": {_16 "id": "pedro1",_16 "name": "Pedro!",_16 "identification": "89082480",_16 "phone": "242424234",_16 "email": "pedro@gmailc.om",_16 "vehicle": "SCOOTER"_16 },_16 "trackingUrl": "https://localhost.com",_16 "totalDistanceTraveled": 2,_16 "rating": 5,_16 "shippingPrice": 150000,_16 "shippingEstimatedDate": "2022-04-27T20:25:45.067Z"_16}
_19{_19 "message": "Service updated successfully",_19 "data": {_19 "status": "PENDING",_19 "agent": {_19 "id": "pedro1",_19 "name": "Pedro!",_19 "identification": "89082480",_19 "phone": "242424234",_19 "email": "pedro@gmailc.om",_19 "vehicle": "SCOOTER"_19 },_19 "trackingUrl": "https://localhost.com",_19 "totalDistanceTraveled": 2,_19 "rating": 5,_19 "shippingPrice": 150000,_19 "shippingEstimatedDate": "2022-04-27T20:25:45.067Z"_19 }_19}
Status codes
HTTP Status Code | Description |
200 | Ok |
401 | Requires authentication |
400 | Bad request |
404 | Resource not found |
500 | Internal error |
Create notes
Service that allows the carriers to add notes/information on services.
- Authentication: API_KEY_PUBLIC
Name | Type | In | Description |
carrierId | string | path | Carrier ID |
serviceId | string | path | Id generated by the service |
Authorization | string | header | JWT generated with API KEY PUBLIC |
_10[_10 {_10 type: ERROR | COMMENT!_10 note: String!_10 author: String_10 }_10]
_12[_12 {_12 "type": "ERROR"_12 "note": "El paquete tarda en ser despachado",_12 "author": "Oscar Rojas"_12 },_12 {_12 "type": "COMMENT"_12 "note": "El paquete fue recogido",_12 "author": "Oscar Rojas"_12 }_12]
_15{_15 "message": "Notes saved successfully",_15 "data": [_15 {_15 "type": "ERROR"_15 "note": "El paquete tarda en ser despachado",_15 "author": "Oscar Rojas"_15 },_15 {_15 "type": "COMMENT"_15 "note": "El paquete ha fue recogido",_15 "author": "Oscar Rojas"_15 }_15 ]_15}
Status codes
HTTP Status Code | Description |
200 | Ok |
401 | Requires authentication |
400 | Bad request |
404 | Resource not found |
500 | Internal error |
Create evidence
Service that allows the carrier to add evidence like proof of delivery or pickup to the shipping service, photos, text, others.
- Authentication: API_KEY_PUBLIC
Name | Type | In | Description |
carrierId | string | path | Carrier ID |
serviceId | string | path | Id generated by the service |
Authorization | string | header | JWT generated with API KEY PUBLIC |
_10[_10 {_10 type: IMAGE | TEXT!_10 content: String!_10 author: String_10 }_10]
_12[_12 {_12 "type": "IMAGE",_12 "content": "https://parkers-images.bauersecure.com/wp-images/18727/courier-van-insurance-01.jpg",_12 "author": "Felipe Cardenas"_12 },_12 {_12 "type": "TEXT",_12 "content": "El paquete fue entregado",_12 "author": "Felipe Cardenas"_12 }_12]
_15{_15 "message": "Evidences saved successfully",_15 "data": [_15 {_15 "type": "IMAGE",_15 "content": "https://parkers-images.bauersecure.com/wp-images/18727/courier-van-insurance-01.jpg",_15 "author": "Felipe Cardenas"_15 },_15 {_15 "type": "TEXT",_15 "content": "El paquete fue entregado",_15 "author": "Felipe Cardenas"_15 }_15 ]_15}
Status codes
HTTP Status Code | Description |
200 | Ok |
401 | Requires authentication |
400 | Bad request |
404 | Resource not found |
500 | Internal error |
Create labels
Service that allows the carrier to add the shipping labels.
- Authentication: API_KEY_PUBLIC
Name | Type | In | Description |
carrierId | string | path | Carrier ID |
serviceId | string | path | Id generated by the service |
Authorization | string | header | JWT generated with API KEY PUBLIC |
_10{_10 id: String!_10 url: String!_10 name: String!_10 type: PDF | BASE64 | TEXT | ZPL!_10}
If the label is type BASE64 or TXT, the max size that we allow is 180kb.
_10{_10 "id": "AS23424ADASFG",_10 "url": "http://s3://mybucket-alpha/orc/2013-10-04-custdata/label-pickup.pdf",_10 "name": "Etiqueta de entrega",_10 "type": "PDF"_10}
_10{_10 "message": "Label saved successfully",_10 "data": {_10 "id": "AS23424ADASFG",_10 "url": "http://s3://mybucket-alpha/orc/2013-10-04-custdata/label-picup.pdf",_10 "name": "Etiqueta de entrega",_10 "type": "PDF"_10 }_10}
Status codes
HTTP Status Code | Description |
200 | Ok |
401 | Requires authentication |
400 | Bad request |
404 | Resource not found |
500 | Internal error |
Cancel service
Service that will cancel an ongoing shipping service.
- Authentication: API_KEY_PUBLIC
Name | Type | In | Description |
carrierId | string | path | Carrier ID |
serviceId | string | path | Id generated by the service |
Authorization | string | header | JWT generated with API KEY PUBLIC |
_10{_10 "comment": "La direccion de entrega se cambio",_10 "type": "END_CLIENT_CANCELED"_10}
_10{_10 "message": "Service canceled successfully",_10 "data": {_10 "comment": "La direccion de entrega se cambio",_10 "type": "END_CLIENT_CANCELED"_10 }_10}
Status codes
HTTP Status Code | Description |
200 | Ok |
401 | Requires authentication |
400 | Bad request |
404 | Resource not found |
500 | Internal error |
On hold service
Service that allows a carrier to temporarily pause a shipping service.
- Authentication: API_KEY_PUBLIC
Name | Type | In | Description |
carrierId | string | path | Carrier ID |
serviceId | string | path | Id generated by the service |
Authorization | string | header | JWT generated with API KEY PUBLIC |
_10{_10 "comment": "La direccion de entrega se cambio",_10 "type": "END_CLIENT_PAUSE"_10}
_10{_10 "message": "Service on hold successfully",_10 "data": {_10 "comment": "La direccion de entrega se cambio",_10 "type": "END_CLIENT_PAUSE"_10 }_10}
Status codes
HTTP Status Code | Description |
200 | Ok |
401 | Requires authentication |
400 | Bad request |
404 | Resource not found |
500 | Internal error |
Create token
Endpoint available to generate authentication JWT.
REST API endpoints are prefixed with the following URL:
- Authentication: None
_10{_10 apiKey: String!_10}
_10{_10 "apiKey": "db5a3cecfef9cb0a9815af7c2eb8f7d6:c400460c165cc9beb146ad4d757e3bb1a24ff15228c424a0bd7c37f0ac356c0f6230568705d93dd6ff68190c0eafe5a74cbb14229748f20d3e53cbcc790ba372"_10}
_10{_10 "message": "success",_10 "data": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ2.eyJob4N0bmFtZSI6Im5ld2J1c2luZXNzMDEiLCJpYXQiOjE2MzM3MjE1NzksImV4cCI6MTYzMzcyMjQ3OX0.7QRZpElg1HYgyJpE6QTNgE2IN3vXbzIfulBS0Bvyzds"_10}
Status codes
HTTP Status Code | Description |
200 | Ok |
401 | Requires authentication |
400 | Bad request |
404 | Resource not found |
500 | Internal error |