Storefront Development

Storefront Development
FastStoreGoing live
1. Setting up a VTEX account for FastStore
This guide is the first step in integrating a FastStore headless storefront with the VTEX platform. In the following section, you will set up your VTEX environment and install all the necessary apps to start the integration of your storefront with VTEX.
You must complete the following steps before configuring the website DNS because required dependencies, such as VTEX Intelligent Search, will be installed and configured throughout this process.

Before you begin

Before you continue, make sure you have:
  1. Access to a VTEX account.
  2. The VTEX IO CLI 3.x installed on your machine. Please check this guide for more information.


You will use the FastStore plugin for the VTEX IO CLI to install, with a single command, all dependencies needed for developing a FastStore website.
  1. Log in to your VTEX account:
    Remember to replace the value between curly brackets according to your scenario.

    vtex login {account}

  2. Install the FastStore plugin for the VTEX IO CLI:

    vtex plugins install faststore

  3. Set up your VTEX account for FastStore by running the following command:

    vtex faststore setup

Once the command completes, you should see the following message: Happy coding on FastStore 🎉.
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