
Basic components
Basic components

Use our storefront components to create a seamless shopping experience for your customers.

Add to cart Button
A button for adding items into the shopping cart.
Navigation scheme that shows a user's browsing history up to their current location in your store.
Displays your store's Footer.
Google One-Tap Login
Google One-tap delivers a seamless experience with a small pop-up that can authenticate a userwith a streamlined interface.
Displays your store's Header.
Locale Switcher
Component responsible for changing the current language of the store.
Handles every functionality related to user login.
Rendersthe Menu component, displaying a bar containing links and drop-down sub-menus.
Fetching data from the Checkout OrderForm API, the Minicart component displays a summary list of allitems added by customers in their shopping cart.
Order Placed
Renders the the orderPlaced page with all order data.
Product Customizer
Allows a product's attachments to be made available and ready to be chosen by users from theproduct page.
Product Identifier
Shows a product identifier, such as the product reference, product ID, sku EAN or skureference.
Product List
Works with Minicar to display all items in the user's cart, informing when some of them are unavailable.
Product Price
The app exports blocks related to the product's price, such as list price, selling price and savings.
Product Quantity
Allows users to a add a chosen amount of the displayed product in their cart.
Product SpecificationBadges
This block is exported by the Product Summary app and it is responsible fordisplaying badges with the product's specifications in other store blocks.
Product Summary
App responsible for summarizing product information (such as name, price and image) in otherstore blocks, such as the Shelf and the Minicart.
Product Summary AttachmentList
This block is exported by the Product Summary app and it is responsible fordisplaying the product's attachments in other store blocks.
Product Summary Brand
This block is exported by the Product Summary app and it is responsible for displaying theproduct's brand in other store blocks.
Product Summary Buy Button
This block is exported by the Product Summary app and it is responsible for displaying aBuy Button block in other store blocks.
Product Summary Description
This block is exported by the Product Summary app and it is responsible for displayingthe product's description in other store blocks.
Product Summary Image
This block is exported by the Product Summary app and it is responsible for displaying theproduct's image in other store blocks.
Product Summary List
This block is exported by the Product Summary app and it is responsible for displaying aproducts list in other store blocks.
Product Summary Name
This block is exported by the Product Summary app and it is responsible for displaying theproduct's name in other store blocks.
Product Summary SKU Selector
This block is exported by the Product Summary app and it is responsible for displayingthe SKU Selector block in other store blocks.
Rich Text
The Rich Text brings texts to your store and everything else that Markdown language is able to. Itconverts texts written in Markdown language and displays its content as HTML elements.
TheVTEX Search app is responsible for handling the new VTEX Intelligent Search solution in IO stores byproviding new UI components that enhance the search experience, such as the autocomplete feature.
Search Result
Handles the result fetched by the VTEX Search API and displaying it to users. The app exports allstore blocks expected in a search results page, such as the filters and the product gallery.
Displays a list of products in the store home page.
Store Image
Render an pre-defined image on the UI.
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