
Basic components
Search Result
Official extension
Version: 3.136.1
Latest version: 3.136.1

{"base64":"  ","img":{"width":110,"height":20,"type":"svg","mime":"image/svg+xml","wUnits":"px","hUnits":"px","url":""}}

The Search Result app handles the results returned by the VTEX Search API and displaying them to users.

The app exports all store blocks expected in a search results page, such as the filters and the product gallery.

{"base64":"  ","img":{"width":2878,"height":1578,"type":"png","mime":"image/png","wUnits":"px","hUnits":"px","length":746685,"url":""}}


To configure the VTEX Search Result, check the sections below.

Adding the Search Result app to your theme's dependencies

In your theme's manifest.json, add the Search Result app as a dependency:

"dependencies": {
"": "3.x"

Now, you can use all the blocks exported by the search-result app. Check out the full list below:

search-result blocks

Block nameDescription
{"base64":"  ","img":{"width":69,"height":20,"type":"svg","mime":"image/svg+xml","wUnits":"px","hUnits":"px","url":""}}
Enables you to build the search result page using its three children blocks: search-result-layout desktop,, and search-not-found-layout . It must be used in the template since it uses the context provided by the VTEX Search API.
{"base64":"  ","img":{"width":69,"height":20,"type":"svg","mime":"image/svg+xml","wUnits":"px","hUnits":"px","url":""}}
Used instead of search-result-layout in scenarios in which the search result will be declared in a template that doesn't fetch Search context, such as Home. It accepts a querySchema prop that executes search custom queries. It also supports three children blocks: search-result-layout.desktop, and search-not-found-layout .
{"base64":"  ","img":{"width":69,"height":20,"type":"svg","mime":"image/svg+xml","wUnits":"px","hUnits":"px","url":""}}
Builds the search result page structure for desktop mode.
search-result-layout.mobileBuilds the search result page structure for mobile mode. If the is not provided, the search-result-layout.desktop will be used instead.
search-layout-switcherEnables mobile users to switch between the available layout modes.
search-not-found-layoutBuilds the whole search result page structure for scenarios in which no result was fetched. It is rendered whenever users search for a term that doesn't return a product.
{"base64":"  ","img":{"width":69,"height":20,"type":"svg","mime":"image/svg+xml","wUnits":"px","hUnits":"px","url":""}}
Displays the gallery with all the products found in the search.
gallery-layout-switcherLogical block that allows users to switch between the available gallery's layouts. To know how to build your search results with multiple layouts, access the documentation.
gallery-layout-optionDefines how each layout option should be rendered for users. To know how to build your search results with multiple layouts, access the documentation.
not-foundContains a text and a description for the page that was not found in the search. It must be declared as a child of search-not-found-layout.
{"base64":"  ","img":{"width":69,"height":20,"type":"svg","mime":"image/svg+xml","wUnits":"px","hUnits":"px","url":""}}
Decides, behind the scenes, which block will be displayed: either the gallery block (if products are found) or the not-found block (if the selected filters lead to an empty search results page). This means that both gallery and not-found must be declared as search-content children.
store.not-found#searchWhen configured, it displays a 404 error message whenever the server cannot return what the browser request was or when it is configured not to handle that request.
search-products-count-per-pageDisplays the total number of products being displayed on the search results page.
search-products-progress-barDisplays a progress bar of products being displayed on the search results page.
order-by.v2Allows users to choose the product ordination on the search results page.
filter-navigator.v3Allows users to apply different filters to the search. On mobile, renders a button that, when clicked on, displays all available filters in a sidebar.
total-products.v2Displays the total amount of products found for that search.
search-title.v2Displays a title for the search that was done.
search-fetch-moreDisplays the Show More button. This button is not rendered when the user is on the last page.
search-fetch-previousDisplays the Show Previous button. This button is not rendered when the user is on the first page.
sidebar-close-buttonDisplays an X button on the filter sidebar on mobile.

Adding the Search Result to page templates

The Search Result app data usually is displayed on search pages (, but it can also be added on any other page.

When added to the search page, the block used must be the search-result-layout, since it fetches data provided by the template's current search context. If you want to add the app to another page, use the search-result-layout.customQuery block.

On the desired store page, add the search-result-layout block or the search-result-layout.customQuery to the correct template blocks list. Check both codes below as examples:

On search pages

"": {
"blocks": ["search-result-layout"]

On other pages

"store.home": {
"blocks": [
+ "search-result-layout.customQuery#home"

Defining how the search query data should be fetched

You need to define how the search results will be fetched before declaring the blocks into the search results layout.

You should define these results through a custom query in the home page. On the search template, you must use the already provided context.

If you use search-result-layout, the blocks will define the fetched data from the context. If what you are using is search-result-layout.customQuery, the props should be sent through the querySchema to configure the custom query.

Using search-result-layout:

"": {
"blocks": [
"props": {
"context": {
"skusFilter": "FIRST_AVAILABLE",
"simulationBehavior": "default"

Using search-result-layout.customQuery:

"store.home": {
"blocks": [
"search-result-layout.customQuery#home": {
"props": {
"querySchema": {
"skusFilter": "FIRST_AVAILABLE",
"simulationBehavior": "default"

Check all props to configure your search data in the table below:

The context and querySchema props

Prop nameTypeDescriptionDefault value
Query string of the search URL that defines the results that should be fetched in the custom query. For example: Blue. This prop only works if the mapField prop is declared as well.
{"base64":"  ","img":{"width":69,"height":20,"type":"svg","mime":"image/svg+xml","wUnits":"px","hUnits":"px","url":""}}
Search URL's map parameter to define which results should be fetched in the custom query, for example specificationFilter_100. This prop only works if the queryField prop is declared as well.
maxItemsPerPagenumberMaximum number of items per search page. The maximum value of this prop is 50. If a higher number is added, the query will fail.10
orderByFieldenumDetermines which order products must follow when displayed. The possible values are named after the sorting type: OrderByReleaseDateDESC, OrderByBestDiscountDESC, OrderByPriceDESC, OrderByPriceASC, OrderByNameASC, OrderByNameDESC, or OrderByTopSaleDESC.

ASC and DESC stand for ascending order and descending order, respectively, based on the position of each value's corresponding code in the ASCII table.

The last option (OrderByTopSaleDESC) considers the number of sold units of the product in the past 90 days, taking into account only ecommerce orders (no physical stores orders) from order-placed events (e.g. without checking if the payment was approved). If the store has an app, it is possible to consider the events from the app as long as they are implemented on the store's side, they aren't implemented by default. In case the shopper has an ad-blocking extension or a browser restriction that disables sending events, their navigation will not be counted.

If not set to any of the mentioned values, the fallback behavior is sorting by relevance settings.

OrderByScoreDESC is not a valid value for this prop.
hideUnavailableItemsbooleanDetermines whether the search result should hide unavailable items (true) or not (false). This prop only hides items that are unavailable according to indexed information, without taking into account simulationBehavior.false
facetsBehaviorstringDefines the filters' behavior. When set to Dynamic, it restricts the results according to the filters that the user has already selected. If set to Static, all filters will continue to be displayed to the user, even if there are no results.Static
skusFilterenumRefines the SKUs returned for each product in the query. The fewer returned SKUs, the more performant your shelf query will be. Available value options: FIRST_AVAILABLE (returns only the first available SKU), ALL_AVAILABLE (returns all available SKUs), and ALL (returns all product's SKUs).ALL_AVAILABLE
simulationBehaviorenumDefines whether the search data will be up-to-date (default) or fetched using the Cache (skip). You should only use the last option if you prefer faster queries than the most up-to-date prices or inventory.default
installmentCriteriaenumDefines which price should be displayed when different installments are available. Possible values are: MAX_WITHOUT_INTEREST (displays the maximum installment option with no interest attached to it) or MAX_WITH_INTEREST (displays the maximum installment option whether it has interest attached to it or not)."MAX_WITHOUT_INTEREST"
excludedPaymentSystemsstringList of payment systems that should not be considered when displaying the installment options to users. This prop configuration only works if the installmentCriteria prop was also declared. In case it was not, all available payment systems will be displayed regardless.undefined
includedPaymentSystemsstringList of payment systems that should be considered when displaying the installment options to users. This prop configuration only works if the installmentCriteria prop was also declared. In case it was not, all available payment systems will be displayed regardless.undefined

Pagination does not display results after page 50. You can configure it to display more products per page using the prop maxItemsPerPage by increasing the quantity of products on each page.

When the simulationBehavior prop is set as skip, it defines that the search data should only be fetched using the store's cache. This may impact the content displayed on store pages since the cache storage changes according to user interaction in each page.

You must define the query for the following search pages:

  • Brand
  • Department
  • Category
  • Subcategory

This allows you to define custom behaviors for each of your store's search pages. For example:

"": {
"blocks": [
"props": {
"context": {
"skusFilter": "FIRST_AVAILABLE",
"simulationBehavior": "default"
"": {
"blocks": [
"props": {
"context": {
"skusFilter": "FIRST_AVAILABLE",
"simulationBehavior": "default"
"": {
"blocks": [
"props": {
"context": {
"skusFilter": "FIRST_AVAILABLE",
"simulationBehavior": "default"
"": {
"blocks": [
"props": {
"context": {
"skusFilter": "FIRST_AVAILABLE",
"simulationBehavior": "default"
"": {
"blocks": [
"props": {
"context": {
"skusFilter": "FIRST_AVAILABLE",
"simulationBehavior": "default"

Defining your search results page's layout and behavior

Now you can structure the search-result-layout or the search-result-layout.customQuery blocks. They both require the search-result-layout.desktop as a child. But you can also provide other children, such as the and the search-not-found-layout props.

According to your store's scenario, structure the search-result-layout or the search-result-layout.customQuery, by declaring their children and then configuring them using the Flex Layout blocks and their props. For example:

"search-result-layout": {
"blocks": [
"search-result-layout.desktop": {
"children": [
"props": {
"preventRouteChange": true

The search-result-layout.desktop,, and search-not-found-layout props

Prop nameTypeDescriptionDefault value
hiddenFacetsobjectIndicates which filters should be hidden. The possible values are in this table.undefined
showFacetQuantitybooleanDetermines whether the resulting amount in each filter should appear beside its name on the filter-navigator.v3 block as (true) or (false)false
showFacetTitlebooleanWhether the facet title should appear on selected filters section on the filter-navigator.v3 block as (true) or (false)false
blockClassstringUnique block ID to be used in CSS customizationundefined
trackingIdstringID to be used in Google Analytics to track store metrics based on the Search Result block.Search result
mobileLayoutobjectControls how the search results page will be displayed to users using the mobile layout. The possible values are in this table.undefined
defaultGalleryLayoutstringName of the gallery layout to be used by default in the search results page. This prop is required when several layouts are explicitly defined by the gallery block. This prop's value must match the layout name defined in the name prop from layouts object.undefined
thresholdForFacetSearchnumberThe minimum number of facets must be displayed on the interface for a search bar to be displayed. If you declare 0, the search bar will always be displayed.undefined
preventRouteChangebooleanKeeps page customizations even when the user applies new filters. This prop will only change the URL’s query string rather than the entire URL, preventing a full page reload whenever filters are applied.false

The mobileLayout object

Prop nameTypeDescriptionDefault value
mode1enumDefines the default layout for the mobile search results page. Possible values are: normal, small or inline.normal
mode2enumDefines which layout will be set for the mobile search results page when users click on the layout selector button. Possible values also are normal, small, or inline.small

The hiddenFacets object

Prop nameTypeDescriptionDefault value
brandsbooleanDetermines whether Brand filters should be hidden (true) or not (false).false
categoriesbooleanDetermines whether Category filters should be hidden (true) or not (false).false
priceRangebooleanDetermines whether Price filters should be hidden (true) or not (false).false
specificationFiltersobjectIndicates which specification filters should be hidden. The possible values are in this table.undefined

The specificationFilters object

Prop nameTypeDescriptionDefault value
hideAllbooleanDetermines whether specification filters should be hidden (true) or not (false).false
hiddenFiltersobjectObject array of specification filters that should be hidden. The possible values are in this table.undefined

The hiddenFilters object

Prop nameTypeDescriptionDefault value
namestringName of the specification filter that you want to hide.undefined

Using the Flex Layout to build your search results page

With the Flex Layout app and the other blocks also exported by the Search Results app, such as the gallery, you can build your search results page.

Find below the available blocks to build your store's search results page and their existing props as well.

The gallery block

The gallery block defines how fetched items should be displayed on the store's search results page.

When declared with no props, it expects the product-summary.shelf as a child and consequently the block structure inherited from it.

However, it is possible to use the layouts prop to provide several layouts to the page, allowing your store to have different arrangements of items according to what best fits your users' needs.

In a scenario where multiple layouts are provided, your store users will be able to shift between them according to their needs using the gallery-layout-switcher block, described in the table below. The gallery will then render the component provided by the currently selected layout.

To understand how to build your search results with multiple layouts using the layouts prop, access the documentation.

The gallery-layout-switcher props
Prop nameTypeDescriptionDefault value
layoutsobjectList of layouts used to arrange and display the items on the search results page. If no value is provided, the gallery block must receive a product-summary-shelf block instead as a child. Check this table for props of this block.undefined
undefinedblockDefines which blocks should be rendered per layout. The prop name is not undefined, you must include the value passed on the component prop. This prop's value must match the block name of your choosing to be rendered in that specific layout.undefined
customSummaryIntervalnumberDefines the item interval at which the Gallery should render a custom product-summary block. For example, declaring 5 would render a custom block at every four items rendered, as shown on this image. It is important to know that this prop doesn't support layouts yet.undefined
CustomSummaryblockDefines a block to be rendered according to the interval defined by the customSummaryInterval prop.undefined
preferredSKUPreferredSKUEnumControls which SKU will be initially selected in the product summary."FIRST_AVAILABLE"

For PreferredSKUEnum:

First AvailableFIRST_AVAILABLEFirst available SKU in stock found or first SKU without stock.
Last AvailableLAST_AVAILABLELast available SKU in stock found or last SKU without stock.
CheapestPRICE_ASCCheapest SKU in stock found or first SKU without stock.
Most ExpensivePRICE_DESCMost expensive SKU in stock found or first SKU without stock.

There's a way to select which SKU should take preference over this prop. You can create a product specification (field) and per product assign the value of the desired SKU to be initially selected. Keep in mind that if the specification doesn't exist or if the value is empty, it will use the preferredSKU prop as fallback. You can read more about it, and how to implement it in Recipes

The layouts object
Prop nameTypeDescriptionDefault value
{"base64":"  ","img":{"width":69,"height":20,"type":"svg","mime":"image/svg+xml","wUnits":"px","hUnits":"px","url":""}}
Layout name. This value must be unique i.e. not equal to other layout names declared in the gallery block.
Names the undefined prop from the gallery block, which is responsible for declaring the block to be rendered in this layout. This prop's value can be any of your choosing as long as it is PascalCased i.e. has the first letter of each word in its name capitalized. Caution: For this to work, the chosen value must be named after the gallery block's undefined prop. Do not use the component prop's value to directly pass the desired block name itself. Check out the example below in order to understand the underlying logic behind this prop.
itemsPerRownumber / object
{"base64":"  ","img":{"width":69,"height":20,"type":"svg","mime":"image/svg+xml","wUnits":"px","hUnits":"px","url":""}}
Number of items to be displayed in each row of this layout. This prop works with responsive values, therefore it also accepts an object with different numbers for desktop, tablet or phone screen sizes (see the table below).
The itemsPerRow object
Prop nameTypeDescriptionDefault value
desktopnumberNumber of slides to be shown on desktop devices.undefined
tabletnumberNumber of slides to be shown on tablet devices.undefined
phonenumberNumber of slides to be shown on phone devices.undefined
Example of a gallery block

"gallery": {
"props": {
"layouts": [
"name": "whole",
"component": "OneOrTwoLineSummary",
"itemsPerRow": 1
"name": "two",
"component": "OneOrTwoLineSummary",
"itemsPerRow": 2
"name": "many",
"component": "ManyByLineSummary",
"itemsPerRow": {
"desktop": 5,
"mobile": 1
"OneOrTwoLineSummary": "product-summary.shelf",
"ManyByLineSummary": "product-summary.shelf"

The gallery-layout-switcher block

The gallery-layout-switcher block is a logical block that allows users to switch between the available gallery layouts.

It receives no props and expects the gallery-layout-option block as a child. It's essential to define the options in the same order as the layouts so that the accessibility features can work properly.

The gallery-layout-option block

This block defines how each layout option should be rendered for users.

Prop nameTypeDescriptionDefault value
{"base64":"  ","img":{"width":69,"height":20,"type":"svg","mime":"image/svg+xml","wUnits":"px","hUnits":"px","url":""}}
Name of the layout option. This prop's value must match the one passed to the name prop.
Example of the gallery-layout-switcher and the gallery-layout-option blocks

"gallery-layout-switcher": {
"children": [
//It follows the same whole -> two -> many order
"gallery-layout-option#whole": {
"props": {
"name": "whole"
"children": [
"gallery-layout-option#two": {
"props": {
"name": "two"
"children": [
"gallery-layout-option#many": {
"props": {
"name": "many"
"children": [

filter-navigator.v3 block

This block renders a filter selector for the fetched results.

Prop nameTypeDescriptionDefault value
categoryFiltersModeenumDetermines whether the category filters should use the href attribute with the category pages' URLs (href) or not (default). By default, the filters use HTML divs with role="link". You may change this behavior by setting this prop's value to href, thereby creating a link building to improve the SEO ranking of your category pages.default
layoutenumDetermines whether the Filter Navigator layout should be responsive (responsive) or not (desktop). You may use desktop when the Filter Navigator is configured to display in a drawer.responsive
maxItemsDepartmentnumberMaximum number of departments to be displayed before the See More button is triggered.8
maxItemsCategorynumberMaximum number of category items to be displayed before the See More button is triggered.8
initiallyCollapsedbooleanMakes the search filters start out collapsed (true) or open (false).false
openFiltersModeenumDefines how many filters can be opened simultaneously on the Filter Navigator component. The possible values are many (more than one filter can be opened simultaneously) and one (only one filter can be opened). Notice that if one is declared, all filters will collapse before user interaction, regardless of the value passed to the initiallyCollapsed prop.many
filtersTitleHtmlTagstringHTML tag for the filter's title.h5
scrollToTopenumScrolls the page to the top (auto or smooth) or not (none) when selecting a facet.none
truncateFiltersbooleanDetermines whether a filter selector with more than 10 filter options should shorten the list and display a See more button (true) or not (false).false
closeOnOutsideClickbooleanDetermines whether the Filter Navigator component should be closed when users click outside of it (true) or not (false). This prop only works if the openFiltersMode prop is set as one.false
appliedFiltersOverviewenumDetermines whether an overview of the applied filters should be displayed (show) or not (hide).hide
totalProductsOnMobileenumDetermines whether the Filter Navigator should display the total number of products on mobile devices (show) or not (hide).hide
fullWidthOnMobilebooleanDetermines whether the filter-navigator.v3 will be rendered on mobile using the full screen width (true) or not (false).false
navigationTypeOnMobileenumDefines how mobile users should navigate on the filter selector component. The possible values are page (only one list of options can be seen at a time) or collapsible (all lists of options can be seen simultaneously).page
updateOnFilterSelectionOnMobilebooleanDetermines whether the search results on mobile should be updated according to filter selection (true) or not (false). This prop only works if the preventRouteChange prop is declared as true.false
drawerDirectionMobileEnumDetermines whether the search filters on mobile opens to the left (drawerLeft) or to the right (drawerRight)drawerLeft
showClearByFilterbooleanDetermines whether a clear button (responsible for erasing all filter options selected by the user) should be displayed alongside the filter name (true) or not (false).false
showClearAllFiltersOnDesktopbooleanDetermines whether a clear button should be displayed (true) or not (false). This button will reset all selected filters.false
priceRangeLayoutenumDetermines whether a text field enters the desired price range should be displayed (inputAndSlider) or not (slider).slider
facetOrderingarrayArray of objects (see below) that applies custom sorting rules for filters. The default behavior sorts the items by quantity, in descending order.undefined
showQuantityBadgeOnMobilebooleanDisplays a badge for mobile users indicating how many active filters there are.false
  • facetOrdering object:
Prop nameTypeDescriptionDefault value
keystringFacet key that will be sorted. Possible values are category-1, category-2, category-3 (for department, category and subcategory), brand or a product specification name.undefined
orderByenumField from facets that should be used when sorting the entries. Possible values are name and quantity.undefined
orderenumDetermines whether the filter should be sorted by ascending (ASC) or descending (DESC) order.ASC

For example:

"filter-navigator.v3": {
"props": {
"facetOrdering": [
"key": "brand",
"orderBy": "name",
"order": "ASC"

The facetOrdering prop will conflict with the enableFiltersFetchOptimization flag on, since it returns only the top filter values ordered by count. In order to achieve the desired outcome with facetOrdering, it is necessary to set enableFiltersFetchOptimization as false on Admin settings.

The order-by block

The order-by block renders a dropdown button with sorting options to display the fetched results. Check the block props in the table below.

The order-by props
Prop nameTypeDescriptionDefault value
specificationOptions[object]Indicates which sorting options by specification will be displayed. This only works for stores using
hiddenOptions[string]Indicates which sorting options will be hidden. (e.g. ["OrderByNameASC", "OrderByNameDESC"])undefined
showOrderTitlebooleanDetermines whether the selected order value (e.g. Relevance) will be displayed (true) or not (false).true
  • specificationOptions Object:

    Prop nameTypeDescriptionDefault value
    valuestringValue that will be sent for sorting in the API. It must be in the format {specification key}:{asc/desc}. For example: "size:desc" or "priceByUnit:asc".undefined
    labelstringLabel that will be displayed in the sorting options. E.g.: "Price by unit, ascending"undefined
Sorting options for the order-by block
Sorting optionValue
Top Sales Descending"OrderByTopSaleDESC"
Release Date Descending"OrderByReleaseDateDESC"
Best Discount Descending"OrderByBestDiscountDESC"
Price Descending"OrderByPriceDESC"
Price Ascending"OrderByPriceASC"
Name Ascending"OrderByNameASC"
Name Descending"OrderByNameDESC"

The search-fetch-more block

The search-fetch-more block renders a Show More button used to load the results of the next search results page. Check the block props in the table below.

This block is not rendered if there is no next page.

The search-fetch-more prop
Prop nameTypeDescriptionDefault value
htmlElementForButtonenumWhich HTML element will be displayed for Show more button component. Possible values are: a (displays a <a> element with href and rel attributes) or button (displays a <button> element without href and rel attributes).button

The search-fetch-previous block

The search-fetch-previous block renders a Show Previous button used to load the results of the previous search results page.

This block is not rendered if there is no previous page.

The search-fetch-previous prop
Prop nameTypeDescriptionDefault value
htmlElementForButtonenumWhich HTML element will be displayed for Show previous button component. Possible values are: a (displays a <a> element with href and rel attributes) or button (displays a <button> element without href and rel attributes).button

The search-products-count-per-page block

The search-products-count-per-page block shows the product count per search page. This block does not need any prop when declared.

The search-products-progress-bar block

The search-products-progress-bar block shows a progress bar of search results. This block does not need any prop when declared.

The sidebar-close-button block

The sidebar-close-button block is the Close button rendered on the top right of the mobile filter sidebar.

The sidebar-close-button props
Prop nameTypeDescriptionDefault value
sizenumberSize of the button icon.30
typestringType of the button icon.line


To apply CSS customization in this and other blocks, follow the instructions given in the recipe on Using CSS Handles for store customization.

CSS handles
See also
VTEX App Store