
Storefront Permissions

The Storefront Permissions app is part of VTEX’s B2B Suite solution, which is a collection of apps that allow stores to manage organizations, storefront roles and permissions, and checkout settings for B2B commerce relationships. We recommend that you use it alongside the other apps in this suite for all functionalities to work as expected.

When navigating a B2B store as a customer, it is common for a main user from an organization to have other people under their structure, each with their own information and access privileges.

Within an organization, each user can have different roles, such as a professional buyer that places orders with budget limits from a predefined cost center or a manager in charge of reviewing and approving orders. These roles can be associated with multiple permissions, depending on the actions this user needs to perform.

The Storefront Permissions app stores a predefined set of roles and app permissions related to what B2B users can access and do in your storefront, making this information available for other integrated apps to check. This is useful for stores who want to set specific app permissions for users with different roles in an organization.

Available storefront roles

In the following table, you can see the available storefront roles, their key used for identification in the app’s code, and their description.

Store Adminstore-adminStore administrator, that is, a user who has access to the VTEX Admin.
Sales Adminsales-adminSales administrator user who can manage all sales users.
Sales Managersales-managerSales manager user who can manage sales users in the same organization, as well as assist or impersonate buyers during navigation or purchase.
Sales Representativesales-representativeSales representative user who can assist or impersonate buyers in the same cost center during navigation or purchase.
Organization Admincustomer-adminMain organization user who manages the organization information, as well as its members and cost centers.
Organization Approvercustomer-approverOrganization user who can take a saved cart or quote that was created by an Organization Buyer and use it to place an order.
Organization Buyercustomer-buyerOrganization user who has the ability to add items to cart. If the B2B Quotes app is installed, they are also able to save their cart for future use or create a quote.

How it works

Storefront Permissions communicates automatically with other B2B Suite apps, such as B2B Organizations, where it enables different organization management capabilities depending on each user’s role.

It also allows you to configure available permissions when developing your own app, associate them with the predefined roles, and have these permissions checked by other applications – if you perform the steps described in the Advanced app integration section.

The Storefront Permissions app does not contain an interface – it operates “backstage”, storing the predefined roles and serving as a bridge to communicate with other apps in order to check user permissions. If you would like to manage roles and app permissions using the VTEX Admin interface, you must also install the Storefront Permissions UI app. As an optional feature, you can install the Admin Customers app for additional customer management capabilities.

Before you begin

Make sure you have the VTEX IO CLI (Command Line Interface) installed in your machine.

If you opt to develop your own app and integrate it with Storefront Permissions, read our documentation on Developing an app.


You can install the app by running vtex install vtex.storefront-permissions in your terminal, using the VTEX IO CLI.

Advanced app integration [optional]

If you would like to develop your own app and integrate it with Storefront Permissions, follow the steps below.

  1. Open your app’s repository.

  2. In the manifest.json file, add vtex.storefront-permissions under the builders property, as follows.

    "builders": {
    "vtex.storefront-permissions": "1.x"

  3. In the root folder, create a new folder named vtex.storefront-permissions.

  4. In the vtex.storefront-permissions folder, create a configuration.json file. The content of this file should follow the format below. Keep in mind that you must replace the example information with the name of your app and its features.

    "name": "My awesome app",
    "features": [
    "label": "View",
    "value": "view-awesome-things",
    "roles": ["store-admin","sales-admin","sales-manager","sales-representative","customer-admin","customer-approver","customer-buyer"]
    "label": "Create",
    "value": "create-awesome-things",
    "roles": ["store-admin","sales-admin","sales-manager","sales-representative"]
    "label": "Delete",
    "value": "delete-awesome-things",
    "roles": ["store-admin","sales-admin","sales-manager","sales-representative"]
    "label": "Special Access",
    "value": "allow-special-access",
    "roles": ["store-admin","sales-admin"]

    Below you can find a description of each property.

    namestringName of your app.
    featuresarray of objectsList of features related to your app – the functionalities of your app that you want to set permissions for users to be able to access or not.
    objectObject containing information about each feature of your app.
    labelstringName or description of the feature.
    valuestringIdentifier key you want to use for the feature, as used in your app’s custom storefront components. Do not use space or special characters in this field.
    rolesarray of stringsList with the keys for all the roles you want to associate with the permission to use the feature by default. You can find more information about each role and its key in the Available Storefront Roles section of this documentation.
  5. Make sure you refer to the value – the identifier key – for each feature you want to set permissions for in your custom storefront components’ code, when developing your app.

    Example: in the B2B Organizations app, one of the permissions created is represented by the following object.

    "label": "Create Cost Center",
    "value": "create-cost-center-organization",
    "roles": ["store-admin","sales-admin","customer-admin"]

    Therefore, in a custom storefront component’s code in TypeScript, whenever referring to this feature, it uses create-cost-center-organization.

Once you are done developing and installing your own app, if you have Storefront Permissions UI, the features of your app associated with each role will be automatically loaded on the Storefront Permissions page. For more details on this, read our documentation on the Storefront Permissions UI app.

GraphQL queries

Now that your app is integrated, you can write a GraphQL query on your app to check the current user's permission within the context of your app.

First, you need to associate your test user to a Role containing your app's permission by following the B2B Organizations documentation.

It is not necessary to declare your app name nor user credentials, the query will take care of these details.


This query allows you to check which permissions a user has in the context of your app. When the query is performed, Storefront Permissions checks which app the request is coming from, and returns the current user's permissions for that specific app.

The response will be a list with all the permissions the current user has on the app.

Sample query:

query permissions {
checkUserPermission @context(provider: "vtex.storefront-permissions") {
role {

Sample response:

"checkUserPermission": {
"role": {
"id": "00549c22-f39d-11eb-82ac-0a55b612700f",
"name": "Admin",
"slug": "customer-admin"
"permissions": ["view-awesome-things","create-awesome-things","delete-awesome-things"]


This query allows you to check if there are any users associated with a specific role. The response will be a boolean, with "hasUsers": true if there are users with this role or false if there are not.

Sample query:

query hasUsers {
hasUsers(slug: "sales-admin")
@context(provider: "vtex.storefront-permissions")

Sample response:

"data": {
"hasUsers": true


This query allows you to check if the current user is impersonating another user, and retrieve information on the impersonated user.

Sample query:

query checkImpersonation {
checkImpersonation {

Sample response:

"data": {
"checkImpersonation": {
"firstName": "Andrew",
"lastName": "Smith",
"email": "",
"userId": "aaaaa-bbbb-cccc-dddd-eeeee",
"error": null


Using Session Watcher, Storefront Permissions detects changes to the user authentication to trigger changes to its cart and navigation, based on associated price tables, collections, profile information and shipping options.

This query fetches Session Watcher’s status, that is, whether it is active or not. The response will be a boolean, with true meaning that it is enabled or false meaning it is disabled.

Sample query:

query getSessionWatcher {

Sample response:

"data": {
"getSessionWatcher": false

GraphQL mutation


Using this mutation, you can inform the userId to impersonate an user. To remove impersonation, send an empty userId instead.

Sample mutation:

mutation impersonateUser($userId: ID)
@context(provider: "vtex.storefront-permissions") {
impersonateUser(userId: $userId) {


If your account is not using vtex.b2b-organizations you may want to disable the Session Watcher to avoid unnecessary operations. To do so, set the active property to false in the mutation exemplified below.

The response will be a boolean, with true for a successful operation or false for a failure.

Sample mutation:

mutation setSessionWatcher {
sessionWatcher(active: false)

Sample response:

"data": {
"sessionWatcher": true

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