Storefront Development

Storefront Development
Store Framework

Interfaces establish a relation between a block and a React component, allowing the store builder to build the store frontend. These interfaces are defined in the app's interfaces.json file.

Interfaces provide a set of rules that dictate the behavior of theme blocks when rendering their React components and the available properties and methods.

For each theme block exported by your app, you should define a corresponding interface that defines the props available to the React component.

The following table shows some possible keys that could be added to the block interface, as well as their respective descriptions:

componentName of the React component that the theme block will render.
allowedList of other theme blocks that help build the desired React component. When declared, these blocks can be included as children to the block you developed in the Store Theme app.
compositionDefines the rendering position of the children of the block that you are developing. Remember that when defining the composition key, you don't control the position of the block it defines but the position of the children of that block. Possible values for this key are blocks (the child blocks have a specific position in the interface based on the React component on which they are based) or children (the position of the child blocks depends exclusively on how they are declared in the theme). If no value is defined for the composition key, the platform default is blocks.
deviceDefines whether your theme block is designed for mobile or desktop devices. Possible values are mobile and desktop.
requiredList of theme blocks that must be rendered in the interface to support the block rendering you are developing.
aroundList of theme blocks that must be rendered in the interface around your new block for it to work correctly.
beforeList of theme blocks that must be rendered in the interface before your block (above it) for it to work correctly. For example: header.
afterList of theme blocks that must be rendered in the interface after your block (below it) for it to work correctly. For example: footer.
previewDefines the behavior of the page while the block is loading.
renderDefines the block rendering type. Possible values are lazy (the block is only rendered when a user interacts with it), server (the block is rendered from the server side), or client (the block is rendered from the client side.

The only required key that needs to be declared in a block interface is component. You may declare the other ones based on the desired scenario for your new theme block.


For each exported block, the app specifies a corresponding React component. For example:

// product-summary/store/interfaces.json
"product-summary": {
"component": "ProductSummary",
"composition": "children",
"content": {
"$ref": "app:vtex.product-summary#/definitions/ProductSummary"

Let's delve into this example of a component named ProductSummary:

  • product-summary: Sets the name of the interface block being defined.
  • component: Specifies the name of the React component (ProductSummary) associated with the interface. Check Component for more information.
  • composition: Indicates the structure and composition of the component within its parent component. Check Composition for more information.
  • content: Points to an external schema definition for the ProductSummary component. The structure and properties expected within the ProductSummary component are defined in a separate schema file associated with the vtex.product-summary app.
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