Storefront Development

Storefront Development
Store Framework

Composition is one of the main properties for the theme's interfaces.json file, being used to define the expected behavior from a React component in your Store Theme app once it is declared as a block.

According to the framework logic, a component can be a crossroad for several different blocks: it is possible and desirable to render it using a family tree, leveraging from the parent/child relationship between blocks to achieve the proper results on the UI.

What defines how a parent block should declare its children in your Store Theme app is the composition property: whenever a new block is about to be developed for the framework, it gets a composition definition in the interfaces.json file that can either be blocks, children, or slots.

We strongly recommend you to use slots composition whenever possible due to its greater flexibility!


The blocks composition is the default value for a React component definition in your theme.

Once you define that a block composition is blocks, you are also defining in practice that all of its child blocks must be declared through an blocks list, as shown in the example below:

"shelf#home": {
"blocks": ["product-summary.shelf"]

The product-summary.shelf has blocks composition. Thereby, it is declared in the shelf's blocks list.

In addition to that, the children will have an specific, fixed and preordained (according to the React component nature) position on the UI, regardless of its code positioning in the theme.

Notice that the composition property does not define the position on the UI for the block in which it is defined, but rather to its children!


Blocks whose composition is children will declare their child blocks in a children list with no preordained position attached, which means that how their children are defined in the code directly impacts their positioning on the store page.

In practice, the block declared first in the children list will be at the top of the page, followed by the second block below it on the list and so on.

For example:

"product-summary.shelf": {
"children": [

The product-summary-name has children composition, thereby it is declared in the product-summary.shelf's children list.

Notice that in the example above, product-summary.shelf requires other blocks as children, such as product-summary-name, to properly render the component.

In this scenario, keep in mind that the blocks ordering matters. The product-summary-name will be rendered first, followed by the product-summary-description and so on.

Notice that the composition property does not define the position on the UI for the block in which it is defined, but rather to its children.


The slots composition, in turn, allows you to declare child blocks using regular React props instead of declaring an array for it.

"hello-world": {
"props": {
"Icon": "icon-caret#point-up"
"icon-caret#point-up": {
"props": {
"orientation": "up"

The icon-caret#point-up has slots composition, thereby it is declared as a prop in the hello-world block. Notice that the prop name can be any of your choosing and is usually defined by the block in which it is declared.

Check out the complete documentation for slots here!

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