Every franchise account created in VTEX is also automatically a white label seller of the main account. So any pickup points configured in the franchise account will be available options for shoppers who place orders in the main account.
Items will only be displayed for shoppers at Checkout with the pickup point option if the SKU is available in the inventory of the main account and also in the inventory of the franchise account.
Initial setup
To set up a white label seller as a pickup point, you have to make the following configurations in the franchise account:
- Pickup point: create the pickup point with the franchise account address. You can use the Create/Update Pickup Point endpoint.
- Shipping policy: set up a shipping policy and link it to a registered pickup point. You can use the Create shipping policy endpoint.
- Loading dock: configure a loading dock and link it to the shipping policy associated with the pickup point. You can use the Create/update dock endpoint.
- Warehouse: you must configure a warehouse and link it to the shipping policy associated with the pickup point. You can use the Create/update warehouse endpoint.
Fill in inventory level
After setting the pickup point, the shipping policy, the loading dock, and the warehouse, fill in the quantity of the items in inventory. You can also use the Update inventory by SKU and warehouse endpoint.
The franchise account does not have its own catalog, it inherits products and SKU information from the main account, so it is necessary to update quantity through the import and export of the inventory spreadsheet.
Validate settings
Once you've made the pickup point settings correctly in the franchise account, SKUs with inventory levels and price values configured can be sold on the main account. The franchise account will work as a white label seller and the main account will work as marketplace.
Make sure your white label seller is active. In your VTEX Admin, go to Marketplace > Sellers > Management, and in the seller row in column Status, click
White label seller and franchise account
To check if the white label seller, which is the franchise account, is delivering a SKU through the registered pickup point, use the Cart simulation endpoint.
POST - https://{accountName}.{environment}.com.br/api/checkout/pub/orderForms/simulation
Request body example
_14{_14 "items": [_14 {_14 "id": "1",_14 "quantity": 1,_14 "seller": "1"_14 }_14 ],_14 "country": "BRA",_14 "postalCode": "12345-000",_14 "geoCoordinates": [_14 -47.924747467041016_14 ]_14}
Response body example
_237{_237 "items": [_237 {_237 "id": "1",_237 "requestIndex": 0,_237 "quantity": 1,_237 "seller": "1",_237 "sellerChain": [_237 "1"_237 ],_237 "tax": 0,_237 "priceValidUntil": "2023-07-12T11:49:01Z",_237 "price": 9999,_237 "listPrice": 9999,_237 "rewardValue": 0,_237 "sellingPrice": 2999700,_237 "offerings": [],_237 "priceTags": [_237 {_237 "name": "DISCOUNT@MANUALPRICE",_237 "value": -5000,_237 "rawValue": -50,_237 "isPercentual": false,_237 "identifier": "1234abc-5678b-1234c"_237 }_237 ],_237 "measurementUnit": "un",_237 "unitMultiplier": 300,_237 "parentItemIndex": null,_237 "parentAssemblyBinding": null,_237 "availability": "available",_237 "priceDefinition": {_237 "calculatedSellingPrice": 2999700,_237 "total": 2999700,_237 "sellingPrices": [_237 {_237 "value": 2999700,_237 "quantity": 1_237 }_237 ]_237 }_237 }_237 ],_237 "ratesAndBenefitsData": {_237 "rateAndBenefitsIdentifiers": [],_237 "teaser": []_237 },_237 "paymentData": {_237 "installmentOptions": [_237 {_237 "paymentSystem": "2",_237 "bin": null,_237 "paymentName": "Visa",_237 "paymentGroupName": "creditCardPaymentGroup",_237 "value": 2999700,_237 "installments": [_237 {_237 "count": 1,_237 "hasInterestRate": false,_237 "interestRate": 0,_237 "value": 2999700,_237 "total": 2999700,_237 "sellerMerchantInstallments": [_237 {_237 "id": "brenoStore",_237 "count": 1,_237 "hasInterestRate": false,_237 "interestRate": 0,_237 "value": 2999700,_237 "total": 2999700_237 }_237 ]_237 }_237 ]_237 }_237 ],_237 "paymentSystems": [_237 {_237 "id": 2,_237 "name": "Visa",_237 "groupName": "creditCardPaymentGroup",_237 "validator": null,_237 "stringId": "2",_237 "template": "creditCardPaymentGroup-template",_237 "requiresDocument": false,_237 "displayDocument": false,_237 "isCustom": false,_237 "description": "",_237 "requiresAuthentication": false,_237 "dueDate": "2022-07-19T11:39:36.37197Z",_237 "availablePayments": null_237 }_237 ],_237 "payments": [],_237 "giftCards": [],_237 "giftCardMessages": [],_237 "availableAccounts": [],_237 "availableTokens": [],_237 "availableAssociations": {}_237 },_237 "selectableGifts": [],_237 "marketingData": {_237 "utmSource": "app",_237 "utmMedium": "CPC",_237 "utmCampaign": "Black friday",_237 "utmipage": "true",_237 "utmiPart": "true",_237 "utmiCampaign": "true",_237 "coupon": null,_237 "marketingTags": [_237 "tag1",_237 "tag2"_237 ]_237 },_237 "country": "BRA",_237 "postalCode": "12345-000",_237 "geoCoordinates": [_237 -47.924747467041016,_237 -15.832582473754883_237 ],_237 "logisticsInfo": [_237 {_237 "itemIndex": 0,_237 "addressId": null,_237 "selectedSla": null,_237 "selectedDeliveryChannel": null,_237 "quantity": 1,_237 "shipsTo": [_237 "BRA"_237 ],_237 "slas": [],_237 "deliveryChannels": [_237 {_237 "id": "pickup-in-point"_237 }_237 ]_237 }_237 ],_237 "messages": [],_237 "purchaseConditions": {_237 "itemPurchaseConditions": [_237 {_237 "id": "1",_237 "seller": "1",_237 "sellerChain": [_237 "1"_237 ],_237 "slas": [_237 {_237 "id": "Normal",_237 "deliveryChannel": "delivery",_237 "name": "Normal",_237 "deliveryIds": [_237 {_237 "courierId": "1",_237 "warehouseId": "1_1",_237 "dockId": "1",_237 "courierName": "Transportadora",_237 "quantity": 1,_237 "kitItemDetails": []_237 }_237 ],_237 "shippingEstimate": "3bd",_237 "shippingEstimateDate": null,_237 "lockTTL": "10d",_237 "availableDeliveryWindows": {_237 "startDateUtc": "2017-03-27T00:00:00+00:00",_237 "endDateUtc": "2017-03-27T00:00:00+00:00",_237 "price": 0,_237 "lisPrice": 0,_237 "tax": 0_237 },_237 "deliveryWindow": {_237 "startDateUtc": "2014-04-21T09:00:00+00:00",_237 "endDateUtc": "2014-04-21T12:00:00+00:00",_237 "price": 0,_237 "listprice": 1000,_237 "tax": 0_237 },_237 "price": 1500,_237 "listPrice": 1500,_237 "tax": 0,_237 "pickupStoreInfo": {_237 "isPickupStore": false,_237 "friendlyName": null,_237 "address": null,_237 "additionalInfo": null,_237 "dockId": null_237 },_237 "pickupPointId": null,_237 "pickupDistance": 0,_237 "polygonName": null,_237 "transitTime": "3bd"_237 }_237 ],_237 "price": 9999,_237 "listPrice": 9999_237 }_237 ]_237 },_237 "pickupPoints": [_237 {_237 "friendlyName": "Locker Arizona",_237 "address": {_237 "addressType": "pickup",_237 "receiverName": null,_237 "addressId": "1cc6116",_237 "postalCode": "85004",_237 "city": "Phoenix",_237 "state": "AZ",_237 "country": "USA",_237 "street": "North 3rd Street",_237 "number": "752",_237 "neighborhood": "Downtown",_237 "complement": "",_237 "reference": null,_237 "geoCoordinates": [_237 3345.231544494628906,_237 -11206.918148040771484_237 ]_237 },_237 "additionalInfo": "Bring your ID",_237 "id": "1cc6116",_237 "businessHours": []_237 }_237 ],_237 "subscriptionData": null,_237 "totals": [_237 {_237 "id": "Items",_237 "name": "Total dos Itens",_237 "value": 2999700_237 }_237 ],_237 "itemMetadata": {_237 "items": []_237 }
When the configuration was made correctly, the call will return the shipping information of a given SKU. That is enough to check if the shipping is occurring by the registered pickup point.
Marketplace and main account
To check if the main account, which is the marketplace, is including the SKU of the white label seller in the shopping cart, use the same Cart simulation endpoint mentioned in the previous section.
Fill in the id
field of the request body with the SKU ID sold by the white label seller and make sure to use a shipping address covered by your logistic operation. The response body you will get should display valid shopping cart information, which shows that the SKU is been sold by the main account as well.