API Reference

Master DataMaster Data v2Setting up alternate keys in Master Data v2
Setting up alternate keys in Master Data v2

With Master Data v2 you can configure alternate keys, which are cross JSON schema.

There are two types of alternate keys:

  • Single
  • Multiple

The Single type sets the value of the field as unique in the data entity, while in the Multiple type, other documents may have this same value.

Get documents using alternate keys

To get a document using an alternate key, add the following query in the search API:


In this scenario, Master Data will not try to get the document in the indexer. It is a faster process than getting a single document in the indexer.

The Multiple type must be used in the case of low quantities of matching documents. For instance, the Profile System uses this Multiple index to get clients' addresses. The amount of addresses of a given client is less than one hundred. So this is a good use case.

If your alternate key has over one hundred matches available, you need to set the field as indexed and paginate your searches.

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