API Reference

Multilevel Omnichannel InventoryMultilevel omnichannel inventory API integration
Multilevel omnichannel inventory API integration

The Multilevel Omnichannel Inventory (MOI) feature has been discontinued for integrations with external marketplaces. Now, MOI is available only for integrations between VTEX marketplaces and sellers. We recommend reviewing your integration strategies to align with the currently supported functionalities. For more information, please contact VTEX support.

Marketplaces following the External Marketplace protocol can also make the Multilevel Omnichannel Inventory setting available for VTEX sellers connected to it. This allows for more fulfillment options by VTEX sellers, since they can connect their franchise accounts' inventories as fulfillment options. You can learn more about the benefits and restrictions of implementing this feature in our Multilevel Omnichannel Inventory Help article.

External marketplaces and connectors should follow this article's instructions to configure Multilevel Omnichannel Inventory in their marketplace architecture with VTEX.

Before you begin, make sure that the necessary settings are made in the connected VTEX account, so the feature is fully operational.

API integration overview

When using a Multilevel Omnichannel Inventory architecture, the endpoints used in the integration's architecture are the following:

Therefore, the flow of the routes follows the image below:

{"base64":"  ","img":{"width":1758,"height":832,"type":"png","mime":"image/png","wUnits":"px","hUnits":"px","length":190028,"url":""}}

Place Multilevel Omnichannel Order

Use the request example below to Place Order.

  • Method: PUT
  • URL: {host}/api/checkout/pvt/orders?sc={sc}&affiliateId={affiliateId}

Request example:

"selectedSla":"Retirada (14b25e5)",

Changes in the order's data

The Multilevel Omnichannel Inventory changes and adds fields to the order's data. You can know more about the fields in the Retrieve user order details API Reference.

The table below describes the fields that were added or changed in the order's data.

FieldNew or Changed?Description
scNewPath parameter including the sales channel ID.
marketplaceServicesEndpointNewField is added to the orderform. This field should be filled in with the information provided by the external marketplace that is placing an order in VTEX.
marketplaceOrdergroupNewField is added to the orderform. This field should be filled in with the information provided by the external marketplace that is placing an order in VTEX.
affiliateIdNewThe afiliate identification code created by the seller. The seller must inform this ID to the marketplace so that the marketplace can complete the configuration process.
marketplacePaymentValueNewField is added to the orderform.
transactionChangedThis field no longer is required in the orderform.
originChangedThe field 'origin' will come with chain as a value, and not fulfillment or marketplace like before.
paymentDataChangedThe field is no longer required in chained orders.

Marketplace Order Authorization

The marketplace must implement the following endpoint to notify the chain order that its progress has been approved:

  • Method: POST
  • URL: {host}/api/checkout/pvt/orders/{orderId}/receipts/marketplace-order-authorization

Request example

"marketplaceOrderGroup": "847392476",
"authorizationReceipt": {
"date": "{date}",
"receipt": "{receipt}"

orderIdStringYesPath parameter with the Chain order ID.
itemsArray of objectsYesArray containing the SKUs that are being invoiced.
idStringYesID of the SKU being invoiced.
priceIntegerYesTotal price of the SKU being invoiced in cents. Do not use any decimal separator. For instance, $24.99 should be represented as 2499.
sellerStringYesAccount name of the seller responsible for fulfillment
quantityIntegerYesQuantity currently in inventory of the SKU being invoiced.
marketplaceOrderGroupStringYesMarketplace order ID or order group
authorizationReceiptObjectYesObject including date and receipt of authorization
dateStringYesDate of authorization
receiptStringYesReceipt number

Cancel Order Notification

The marketplace must implement the endpoint below, to receive the cancel notification from the VTEX seller.

  • Method: POST
  • URL: https://{baseUrldoParceiro}/pvt/orders/order-group/{orderGroup}/notifications/seller-cancellation

Request example

"sellerOrderId": "7908010136043"

orderGroupStringYesPath parameter including the marketplace order ID or order group.
idStringYesID of the canceled order by the seller.
sellerOrderIdStringYesOrder ID in the VTEX system.

Order Invoice Notification

The marketplace must implement this endpoint for the chain order to inform it about the order invoice. Check out our Order Invoice Notification to know more details.

  • Method: POST
  • URL: {marketplaceServiceEndpoint}/api/oms/pvt/orders/{orderId}/invoice

Note that the path including /pvt is usually called if the notification is meant for an internal VTEX endpoint. If calling external agents, substitute the path for /pub.

Request example:

"courier":"All postal codes",
"items": [
"id": "1231",
"price": 7450,
"quantity": 1

invoiceNumberStringYesNumber that identifies the invoice.
invoiceValueStringYesTotal amount being invoiced in cents. Do not use any decimal separator. For instance, $24.99 should be represented as 2499.
issuanceDateStringYesIssuance date of the invoice.
invoiceUrlStringURL of the invoice. Can be used to send the URL of an XML file, for example, which is useful for some integrations.
trackingNumberStringNoThe number code that identifies the order tracking. This field should only be used when sending the tracking information. When the request is used for sending the invoice, this field should be left empty.
trackingUrlStringNoThe URL used to track the order. This field should only be used when sending the tracking information. When the request is used for sending the invoice, this field should be left empty.
courierStringNoThe name of the carrier responsible for delivering the order. This field should only be used when sending the tracking information. When the request is used for sending the invoice, this field should be left empty.
itemsArray of objectsYesArray containing the SKUs that are being invoiced.
idStringYesID of the SKU being invoiced.
priceIntegerYesTotal price of the SKU being invoiced in cents. Do not use any decimal separator. For instance, $24.99 should be represented as 2499.
quantityIntegerYesQuantity currently in inventory of the SKU being invoiced.

Response example:

"date": "2018-11-21T11:50:09.9994509-02:00",
"orderId": "876053333998-01",
"receipt": "95233cf2078d418ba77155380c18f398"

Next steps

Checkout the Change chain orders in external marketplaces article to learn how to implement more complex change order scenarios.

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