API Reference

Consult product search information
Consult product search information

It is essential to understand the products searched in your store to present personalized marketing information to shoppers. You can use the Intelligent Search API, as detailed in the following sections, to gather information about shoppers’ product searches. This way, you can create synonyms or banners that include common searches on your store.

Get a list of suggested terms for a search term

To get a list of suggested terms for a search term, you must use the Get list of suggested terms similar to the search term endpoint. You can filter the endpoint response by defining the term's locale and query.

Response body example:

"searches": [
"term": "mountain bike",
"count": 66
"term": "bike helmet",
"count": 121
"term": "electric bike",
"count": 78
"term": "bike rack",
"count": 161
"term": "road bike",
"count": 28

To get the system corrections for a misspelled search term, you must use the Get attempt of correction of a misspelled term endpoint. You can filter the endpoint response by defining the term's locale and query.

Response body example:

"correction": {
"correction": true,
"misspelled": true,
"text": "mountain bike",
"highlighted": "mountain <em>bike</em>"

To get a product list for a search term, you must use the Get list of products for a query endpoint. You can filter the endpoint response by defining the term's locale and query.

Response body example:

"products": [
"cacheId": "sp-2000003",
"productId": "2000003",
"description": "With this beautiful design piece you will never miss an appointment anymore. Yay.",
"productName": "Top Wood Clock",
"productReference": "clock120",
"linkText": "wood-clock",
"brand": "Sony",
"brandId": 2000005,
"link": "/wood-clock/p",
"categories": [
"/Home & Decor/"
"categoryId": "40",
"categoriesIds": [
"priceRange": {
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"lowPrice": 197.99
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"TotalValuePlusInterestRate": 197.99,
"NumberOfInstallments": 1,
"Name": "American Express à vista",
"PaymentSystemName": "American Express"
"Value": 197.99,
"InterestRate": 0,
"TotalValuePlusInterestRate": 197.99,
"NumberOfInstallments": 1,
"Name": "Visa à vista",
"PaymentSystemName": "Visa"
"Value": 98.99,
"InterestRate": 0,
"TotalValuePlusInterestRate": 197.99,
"NumberOfInstallments": 2,
"Name": "Visa 2 vezes sem juros",
"PaymentSystemName": "Visa"
"Value": 65.99,
"InterestRate": 0,
"TotalValuePlusInterestRate": 197.99,
"NumberOfInstallments": 3,
"Name": "Visa 3 vezes sem juros",
"PaymentSystemName": "Visa"
"Value": 49.49,
"InterestRate": 0,
"TotalValuePlusInterestRate": 197.99,
"NumberOfInstallments": 4,
"Name": "Visa 4 vezes sem juros",
"PaymentSystemName": "Visa"
"Value": 39.59,
"InterestRate": 0,
"TotalValuePlusInterestRate": 197.99,
"NumberOfInstallments": 5,
"Name": "Visa 5 vezes sem juros",
"PaymentSystemName": "Visa"
"Value": 32.99,
"InterestRate": 0,
"TotalValuePlusInterestRate": 197.99,
"NumberOfInstallments": 6,
"Name": "Visa 6 vezes sem juros",
"PaymentSystemName": "Visa"
"Value": 197.99,
"InterestRate": 0,
"TotalValuePlusInterestRate": 197.99,
"NumberOfInstallments": 1,
"Name": "Diners à vista",
"PaymentSystemName": "Diners"
"Value": 100.48,
"InterestRate": 100,
"TotalValuePlusInterestRate": 200.96,
"NumberOfInstallments": 2,
"Name": "Diners 2 vezes com juros",
"PaymentSystemName": "Diners"
"Value": 197.99,
"InterestRate": 0,
"TotalValuePlusInterestRate": 197.99,
"NumberOfInstallments": 1,
"Name": "Mastercard à vista",
"PaymentSystemName": "Mastercard"
"Value": 197.99,
"InterestRate": 0,
"TotalValuePlusInterestRate": 197.99,
"NumberOfInstallments": 1,
"Name": "Boleto Bancário à vista",
"PaymentSystemName": "Boleto Bancário"
"Value": 197.99,
"InterestRate": 0,
"TotalValuePlusInterestRate": 197.99,
"NumberOfInstallments": 1,
"Name": "Vale à vista",
"PaymentSystemName": "Vale"
"Value": 197.99,
"InterestRate": 0,
"TotalValuePlusInterestRate": 197.99,
"NumberOfInstallments": 1,
"Name": "Promissory à vista",
"PaymentSystemName": "Promissory"
"Value": 197.99,
"InterestRate": 0,
"TotalValuePlusInterestRate": 197.99,
"NumberOfInstallments": 1,
"Name": "Customer Credit à vista",
"PaymentSystemName": "Customer Credit"
"Value": 98.99,
"InterestRate": 0,
"TotalValuePlusInterestRate": 197.99,
"NumberOfInstallments": 2,
"Name": "Customer Credit 2 vezes sem juros",
"PaymentSystemName": "Customer Credit"
"Value": 67.97,
"InterestRate": 100,
"TotalValuePlusInterestRate": 203.91,
"NumberOfInstallments": 3,
"Name": "Customer Credit 3 vezes com juros",
"PaymentSystemName": "Customer Credit"
"Value": 197.99,
"InterestRate": 0,
"TotalValuePlusInterestRate": 197.99,
"NumberOfInstallments": 1,
"Name": "Free à vista",
"PaymentSystemName": "Free"
"Price": 197.99,
"ListPrice": 197.99,
"spotPrice": 197.99,
"taxPercentage": 0,
"PriceWithoutDiscount": 197.99,
"Tax": 0,
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"PriceValidUntil": "2023-04-01T13:13:20Z",
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"nameComplete": "Top Wood Clock 1",
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"Key": "RefId",
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"brand": "Sony",
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"link": "/kevin1-lkn/p",
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"/Home & Decor/"
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"lowPrice": 10
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"commertialOffer": {
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"DeliverySlaSamples": [],
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"Installments": [
"Value": 10,
"InterestRate": 0,
"TotalValuePlusInterestRate": 10,
"NumberOfInstallments": 1,
"Name": "American Express à vista",
"PaymentSystemName": "American Express"
"Value": 10,
"InterestRate": 0,
"TotalValuePlusInterestRate": 10,
"NumberOfInstallments": 1,
"Name": "Visa à vista",
"PaymentSystemName": "Visa"
"Value": 10,
"InterestRate": 0,
"TotalValuePlusInterestRate": 10,
"NumberOfInstallments": 1,
"Name": "Diners à vista",
"PaymentSystemName": "Diners"
"Value": 10,
"InterestRate": 0,
"TotalValuePlusInterestRate": 10,
"NumberOfInstallments": 1,
"Name": "Mastercard à vista",
"PaymentSystemName": "Mastercard"
"Value": 10,
"InterestRate": 0,
"TotalValuePlusInterestRate": 10,
"NumberOfInstallments": 1,
"Name": "Boleto Bancário à vista",
"PaymentSystemName": "Boleto Bancário"
"Value": 10,
"InterestRate": 0,
"TotalValuePlusInterestRate": 10,
"NumberOfInstallments": 1,
"Name": "Vale à vista",
"PaymentSystemName": "Vale"
"Value": 10,
"InterestRate": 0,
"TotalValuePlusInterestRate": 10,
"NumberOfInstallments": 1,
"Name": "Promissory à vista",
"PaymentSystemName": "Promissory"
"Value": 10,
"InterestRate": 0,
"TotalValuePlusInterestRate": 10,
"NumberOfInstallments": 1,
"Name": "Customer Credit à vista",
"PaymentSystemName": "Customer Credit"
"Value": 5,
"InterestRate": 0,
"TotalValuePlusInterestRate": 10,
"NumberOfInstallments": 2,
"Name": "Customer Credit 2 vezes sem juros",
"PaymentSystemName": "Customer Credit"
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"TotalValuePlusInterestRate": 10.29,
"NumberOfInstallments": 3,
"Name": "Customer Credit 3 vezes com juros",
"PaymentSystemName": "Customer Credit"
"Value": 10,
"InterestRate": 0,
"TotalValuePlusInterestRate": 10,
"NumberOfInstallments": 1,
"Name": "Free à vista",
"PaymentSystemName": "Free"
"Price": 10,
"ListPrice": 10,
"spotPrice": 10,
"taxPercentage": 0,
"PriceWithoutDiscount": 10,
"Tax": 0,
"GiftSkuIds": [],
"BuyTogether": [],
"ItemMetadataAttachment": [],
"RewardValue": 0,
"PriceValidUntil": "2023-04-01T13:13:20Z",
"GetInfoErrorMessage": null,
"CacheVersionUsedToCallCheckout": "",
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"conditions": {
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"parameters": [
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"Key": "RefId",
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"modalType": "",
"videos": [],
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"origin": "intelligent-search"
"recordsFiltered": 5,
"correction": {
"misspelled": false
"fuzzy": "0",
"operator": "and",
"translated": false

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