
Advanced components
Live Shopping
Official extension
Version: 3.19.9
Latest version: 3.19.9

The Live Shopping app allows businesses to engage with their customers in real time by live streaming on their store websites. The app is compatible with both desktop and mobile devices.

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Before you start

Live Shopping is a paid app with different subscription plans: Lite, Standard, and Pro. The subscription cost depends on your chosen plan, each providing a specific number of monthly live stream minutes.

For more information about the plans and pricing, refer to the Live Shopping App Store page.


  1. Access the Live Shopping app page on the VTEX App Store.
  2. Click the Get app button to install the app in your VTEX account.
  3. Once the app is successfully installed, open your account's Store Theme app using the code editor of your preference.
  4. In the manifest.json file, add the app to the theme's peer dependencies list:

"peerDependencies": {
+ "vtexventures.livestreaming": "0.x"

  1. Declare the Live Shopping app in the desired template. For example:

"store.home": {
"blocks": [
+ "livestreaming",

  1. Deploy the changes made to the Store Theme app. For more information, please refer to Making your new app version publicly available.

Note: Adding a new peer dependency to the Store Theme app requires deploying a new major version of the app. To ensure a smooth deploy, please refer to the Migrating CMS settings after a theme major version update guide.

Once you have deployed your changes, check out the app behavior on VTEX Admin and set up the app by following the instructions in the Creating and managing events section.

Learn about the Live Shopping configuration of events and (configuring a landing page)[].

See also
VTEX App Store