Storefront Development

Storefront Development
FastStoreGetting Started
3. FastStore CLI
The FastStore Command Line Interface (CLI) provides pre-configured scripts for starting, building, and developing FastStore projects. It also helps keep FastStore projects up to date with the @faststore/core package.

Running FastStore CLI on the project

The CLI is automatically added as a dependency in your project's package.json file, so once you run yarn install during the project setup, you can start using it in the project.

Installing FastStore CLI globally using npm

To use FastStore CLI commands globally on your machine, install the @faststore/cli using npm, and run the following command in the terminal:

npm install -g @faststore/cli

Default commands

Below is a brief description of the default commands available in the FastStore CLI. For detailed information about each command, click the respective command name.
Running the commands through yarn is already enough to develop part of your store. However, to set up your project with Headless CMS and create new sections, you need to install the FastStore CLI and use its commands.
Command nameDescription
buildGenerates a production-ready storefront. It compiles the project and optimizes it for production usage.
cms-syncSyncs the cms folder of your FastStore project with Headless CMS.
devStarts the project in the development environment and useshttp://localhost:3000 as server by default. It allows you to make changes to the project and see the results locally on your machine in real time without affecting the production environment.
helpDisplays help for FastStore CLI commands.
generateGenerates the GraphQL types and optimizations from the FastStore project.
startExecutes the FastStore project in the root directory and useshttp://localhost:3000 as server by default.


Starts the project in the development environment and uses http://localhost:3000 as server by default. It allows you to make changes to the project and see the results locally on your machine in real time without affecting the production environment.


yarn dev

faststore dev


Generates a production-ready storefront. It compiles the project and optimizes it for production usage.


yarn build

faststore build


Executes the FastStore project in the root directory and uses http://localhost:3000 as server by default.


yarn start

faststore start


Syncs the cms folder of your FastStore project with Headless CMS.


yarn faststore cms-sync

faststore cms-sync


Displays help for FastStore CLI commands.


yarn faststore help

faststore help [COMMAND] [-n]

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