Storefront Development

Storefront Development
FastStoreExtending the FastStore APIAPI extensions - Use cases
Adding Installment Information in the Product Details Page
This guide outlines how you can display available product installment options on your Product Details Page (PDP).
For detailed instructions on API extensions, see the API extensions guide.


You want to display installment details (number, amount, payment system) on the PDP. This feature allows customers to view installment details directly on the product page, supporting their decision-making.


Creating GraphQL files

First, you must configure the necessary GraphQL files to retrieve and structure the installment data.
  1. In your store repository, go to the src folder. If you don’t have it, create a graphql folder.
  2. Inside graphql, create the vtex folder.
  3. In the vtex folder, create two other subfolders, resolvers and typeDefs.
For further information on code implementation, see the vtex folder available in the repository.

β”— πŸ“‚ graphql
β”— πŸ“‚vtex
┣ πŸ“‚ resolvers
β”— πŸ“‚ typeDefs

Defining the types

Now that the file structure is in place, let's define the data structure for our installment information using GraphQL.
In the typeDefs folder, create a product.graphql file to define the schema. Add the following schema definitions:
  • Installments: Specifies the structure of each installment option. Each installment has properties for:
  • installmentPaymentSystemName: Name of the payment system used (e.g., Credit Card).
  • installmentValue: Amount of each installment.
  • installmentInterest: Interest rate applied per installment.
  • installmentNumber: Total number of installments offered.
  • StoreProduct: Type that is being extended to include a new field called availableInstallments. This field is a list of installment objects, representing all the available installment options for the product.

type Installments {
installmentPaymentSystemName: String!
installmentValue: Float!
installmentInterest: Float!
installmentNumber: Float!
extend type StoreProduct {
Retrieve available installment data extending StoreProduct
availableInstallments: [Installments!]!

Creating resolvers

Now that we've defined the structure of our installment information (GraphQL types), let's create the rationale for retrieving and formatting this information using a resolver function. Resolvers essentially act as gateways between your frontend and backend, processing data requests.
In the resolvers folder, create a product.ts file to handle the installment information rationale. Add the following code.
  • productResolver: Defines a resolver for the StoreProduct type.
  • availableInstallments: Retrieves the installment information from the commertialOffer property of the first seller (sellers[0]).
  • installments.length: Checks if there are any installments (installments.length). If not, an empty array is returned.
  • The code iterates through each installment and maps it to a new object with the desired properties (installmentPaymentSystemName, installmentValue, etc.).

import type { StoreProductRoot } from "@faststore/core/api";
const productResolver = {
StoreProduct: {
availableInstallments: (root: StoreProductRoot) => {
const installments = root.sellers?.[0]?.commertialOffer?.Installments;
if (!installments.length) {
return [];
return => ({
installmentPaymentSystemName: installment.PaymentSystemName,
installmentValue: installment.Value,
installmentInterest: installment.InterestRate,
installmentNumber: installment.NumberOfInstallments,
export default productResolver;

Consolidating resolvers

In the resolvers folder, create an index.ts file to consolidate the resolvers.
  • The index.ts file exports resolvers by default, acting as a central hub for all your resolver functions.
  • resolvers:Combines the imported resolver with any other resolvers you might have in your project (represented by the ellipsis ...).

import { default as StoreProductResolver } from "./product";
const resolvers = {
export default resolvers;

Using fragments

Now that we've defined the availableInstallments field using GraphQL types and resolvers, we need to specify where this data will be used in your storefront queries. This is achieved through GraphQL fragments.
  1. In the src folder of your store code, create a fragments folder.
  2. In the fragments folder, create the following files:
    • ClientProduct.ts: Defines the client-side fragment.
    • ServerProduct.ts: Defines the server-side fragment.
  3. In the ClientProduct.ts file, defines the GraphQL fragment for retrieving installment data.
  • gql: Imported from @faststore/core/api to construct the GraphQL fragment.
  • ClientProduct: Fragment to indicate it extends the product query.
  • The fragment defines the specific fields we want to retrieve from the availableInstallments data structure.

import { gql } from "@faststore/core/api";
export const fragment = gql(`
fragment ClientProduct on Query {
product(locator: $locator) {
availableInstallments {

Adding server-side product fragment for installment details

Add a product fragment focusing on installment details to ensure consistency in data retrieval on the client and server sides. In the ServerProduct.ts file, add the following:
For further details on code implementation, see the fragments folder available in the repository.

import { gql } from "@faststore/core/api";
export const fragment = gql(`
fragment ServerProduct on Query {
product(locator: $locator) {
availableInstallments {

Formatting installment values

For a more user-friendly display, you can format the installment values to include currency symbols and proper locale formatting.
  1. In the src folder of your store code, create a utils folder.
  2. Inside utils, create the priceFormatter.ts file and add the following:
  • FaststoreConfig: Imported to access the current store's locale and currency settings.
  • priceFormatter: This function takes a numeric value and formats it according to the store's locale and currency.
For further details on code implementation, see the utils folder available in the repository.

import FaststoreConfig from "../../discovery.config.js";
export const priceFormatter = (value: number) => {
return value.toLocaleString(FaststoreConfig.session.locale, {
style: "currency",
currency: FaststoreConfig.session.currency.code,

Creating a new component with installments

Now that we've established the rationale for retrieving installment data, let's create a new component to display this information alongside the buy button on the PDP.
  1. In the src/components folder, create two new folders:
    • BuyButtonWithDetails: Keeps the component for our enhanced buy button with installment details.
    • sections/CustomProductDetails: Keeps the rationale for overriding the default PDP buy button component.
  2. Inside the BuyButtonWithDetails folder, create two new files:
    • BuyButtonWithDetails.tsx
    • buy-button-with-details.module.scss
  3. Inside BuyButtonWithDetails.tsx, add the following code.
  • priceFormatter: Format installment values.
  • styles: Stylesheet for the BuyButtonWithDeatils imported from the .scss file.
  • usePDP: Hook to retrieve the PDP context containing product and extension data.
  • We conditionally display the first installment option if it's interest-free (you can modify this to show all installments).
  • The component renders a section containing the installment information and the buy button.

import { usePDP } from "@faststore/core";
import { Button as UIButton, ButtonProps } from "@faststore/ui";
import { priceFormatter } from "../../utils/priceFormatter";
import styles from "./buy-button-with-details.module.scss";
export function BuyButtonWithDetails(props: ButtonProps) {
const context = usePDP();
const installment = context?.data?.product?.availableInstallments[0];
const interestFree = installment.installmentInterest === 0 ?? false;
return (
<section className={styles.buyButtonWithDetails}>
{interestFree && (
{`${installment.installmentNumber} interest-free installment(s)`}
<br />
{`of ${priceFormatter(installment.installmentValue)} with ${
<UIButton {...props} variant="primary">
Buy Button
export default BuyButtonWithDetails;

Creating a stylesheet for the component

Inside buy-button-with-details.module.scss, add the code below. The stylesheet styles the component using SCSS. It defines styles for the installment information container and the buy button itself.

.buyButtonWithDetails {
> span {
display: flex;
justify-content: center;
margin-bottom: var(--fs-spacing-4);
text-align: center;
font-size: var(--fs-text-size-1);
[data-fs-button] {
width: 100%;
[data-fs-button-wrapper] {
background-color: var(--fs-color-neutral-7);

Creating a custom section

By including the CustomProductDetails section in the PDP, you replace the default buy button component with your enhanced BuyButtonWithDetails component, which displays both the buy button and the installment information.
In the CustomProductDetails folder , create the CustomProductDetails.tsx and add the following code.
For further details on code implementation, see the utils folder available in the repository.

import { getOverriddenSection, ProductDetailsSection } from "@faststore/core";
import { BuyButtonWithDetails } from "../../BuyButtonWithDetails/BuyButtonWithDetails";
const CustomProductDetails = getOverriddenSection({
Section: ProductDetailsSection,
components: {
BuyButton: { Component: BuyButtonWithDetails },
export default CustomProductDetails;

Creating GraphQL files

First, you must configure the necessary GraphQL files to retrieve and structure the installment data.
  1. In your store repository, go to the src folder. If you don’t have it, create a graphql folder.
  2. Inside graphql, create the vtex folder.
  3. In the vtex folder, create two other subfolders, resolvers and typeDefs.
For further information on code implementation, see the vtex folder available in the repository.

Defining the types

Now that the file structure is in place, let's define the data structure for our installment information using GraphQL.
In the typeDefs folder, create a product.graphql file to define the schema. Add the following schema definitions:
  • Installments: Specifies the structure of each installment option. Each installment has properties for:
  • installmentPaymentSystemName: Name of the payment system used (e.g., Credit Card).
  • installmentValue: Amount of each installment.
  • installmentInterest: Interest rate applied per installment.
  • installmentNumber: Total number of installments offered.
  • StoreProduct: Type that is being extended to include a new field called availableInstallments. This field is a list of installment objects, representing all the available installment options for the product.

Creating resolvers

Now that we've defined the structure of our installment information (GraphQL types), let's create the rationale for retrieving and formatting this information using a resolver function. Resolvers essentially act as gateways between your frontend and backend, processing data requests.
In the resolvers folder, create a product.ts file to handle the installment information rationale. Add the following code.
  • productResolver: Defines a resolver for the StoreProduct type.
  • availableInstallments: Retrieves the installment information from the commertialOffer property of the first seller (sellers[0]).
  • installments.length: Checks if there are any installments (installments.length). If not, an empty array is returned.
  • The code iterates through each installment and maps it to a new object with the desired properties (installmentPaymentSystemName, installmentValue, etc.).

Consolidating resolvers

In the resolvers folder, create an index.ts file to consolidate the resolvers.
  • The index.ts file exports resolvers by default, acting as a central hub for all your resolver functions.
  • resolvers:Combines the imported resolver with any other resolvers you might have in your project (represented by the ellipsis ...).

Using fragments

Now that we've defined the availableInstallments field using GraphQL types and resolvers, we need to specify where this data will be used in your storefront queries. This is achieved through GraphQL fragments.
  1. In the src folder of your store code, create a fragments folder.
  2. In the fragments folder, create the following files:
    • ClientProduct.ts: Defines the client-side fragment.
    • ServerProduct.ts: Defines the server-side fragment.
  3. In the ClientProduct.ts file, defines the GraphQL fragment for retrieving installment data.
  • gql: Imported from @faststore/core/api to construct the GraphQL fragment.
  • ClientProduct: Fragment to indicate it extends the product query.
  • The fragment defines the specific fields we want to retrieve from the availableInstallments data structure.

Adding server-side product fragment for installment details

Add a product fragment focusing on installment details to ensure consistency in data retrieval on the client and server sides. In the ServerProduct.ts file, add the following:
For further details on code implementation, see the fragments folder available in the repository.

Formatting installment values

For a more user-friendly display, you can format the installment values to include currency symbols and proper locale formatting.
  1. In the src folder of your store code, create a utils folder.
  2. Inside utils, create the priceFormatter.ts file and add the following:
  • FaststoreConfig: Imported to access the current store's locale and currency settings.
  • priceFormatter: This function takes a numeric value and formats it according to the store's locale and currency.
For further details on code implementation, see the utils folder available in the repository.

Creating a new component with installments

Now that we've established the rationale for retrieving installment data, let's create a new component to display this information alongside the buy button on the PDP.
  1. In the src/components folder, create two new folders:
    • BuyButtonWithDetails: Keeps the component for our enhanced buy button with installment details.
    • sections/CustomProductDetails: Keeps the rationale for overriding the default PDP buy button component.
  2. Inside the BuyButtonWithDetails folder, create two new files:
    • BuyButtonWithDetails.tsx
    • buy-button-with-details.module.scss
  3. Inside BuyButtonWithDetails.tsx, add the following code.
  • priceFormatter: Format installment values.
  • styles: Stylesheet for the BuyButtonWithDeatils imported from the .scss file.
  • usePDP: Hook to retrieve the PDP context containing product and extension data.
  • We conditionally display the first installment option if it's interest-free (you can modify this to show all installments).
  • The component renders a section containing the installment information and the buy button.

Creating a stylesheet for the component

Inside buy-button-with-details.module.scss, add the code below. The stylesheet styles the component using SCSS. It defines styles for the installment information container and the buy button itself.

Creating a custom section

By including the CustomProductDetails section in the PDP, you replace the default buy button component with your enhanced BuyButtonWithDetails component, which displays both the buy button and the installment information.
In the CustomProductDetails folder , create the CustomProductDetails.tsx and add the following code.
For further details on code implementation, see the utils folder available in the repository.

β”— πŸ“‚ graphql
β”— πŸ“‚vtex
┣ πŸ“‚ resolvers
β”— πŸ“‚ typeDefs


Once you have set your development mode, you can view changes locally by accessing a PDP, such as https://localhost:3000/adidas-mens-performance-polo-green-night-99984111/p, and you will see the installment option for the product.


The PDP before adding the installment:


After applying the installment option, the information will become available above the Buy Button:
{"base64":"  ","img":{"width":929,"height":676,"type":"png","mime":"image/png","wUnits":"px","hUnits":"px","length":240060,"url":""}}
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