
Delivery Window Blocker
Official extension
Version: 2.2.2
Latest version: 2.2.2

This app is no longer maintained by VTEX. This means it will not be updated, and support and maintenance are no longer provided.

A delivery window is a time frame during which packages are sent to customers, configured within a shipping policy. The Delivery Window Blocker app provides an interface on VTEX Admin for you to manually block or unblock scheduled delivery windows, and set up weekly recurrent blocking. The app is available for all VTEX stores.

The Delivery Window Blocker app is compatible with the native solution, which is the Delivery capacity configurations in the Scheduled delivery feature. Note that actions performed by the app will override delivery capacity settings.

For example, a delivery window blocked by the app will not be automatically unblocked by configurations made in the delivery capacity feature. It will be necessary to unblock the delivery window through the app.


You can install the Delivery Window Blocker app using VTEX App Store or VTEX IO CLI. Once installed, the app settings will appear in your VTEX Admin, under Orders > Inventory & shipping.

If using the New VTEX Admin, you will find them under Apps > Installed Apps.

VTEX App Store

Once you are logged in your VTEX App Store’s account, follow these steps:

  1. In the VTEX App Store, go to the app page Delivery Window Blocker.
  2. Click on GET APP.
  3. In your cart in the VTEX App Store, click on PLACE ORDER.
  4. Click on GO TO INSTALL PAGE.
  5. In the VTEX Admin, click on INSTALL.


Using your terminal and VTEX IO CLI, log in to the account you are working on and install the app.

How it works

The Delivery Window Blocker app enables you to perform the following actions:

Through the Delivery Window Blocker app you can access a shipping policy and edit delivery window’s configurations. This can be done by selecting a shipping policy and clicking on EDIT SHIPPING POLICY.

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Block a delivery window on demand

Blocking a delivery window means it will not be displayed for the customer at checkout. To block a window, do the following:

  1. In your VTEX Admin, go to Orders > Inventory & shipping > Delivery window blocker.

    For the New VTEX Admin, go to Apps > Installed Apps > Delivery window blocker.

  2. Open the Block on demand tab.

  3. Click on Shipping policy: Name and select the desired shipping policy.

  4. Click on APPLY.

  5. Click on Date: MM/DD/YYYY and select the start and end date to block the delivery window.

  6. Click on APPLY.

  7. In the row with the given delivery window, in the Actions column, click on the menu icon .

  8. Select the Block window option.

  9. Click on BLOCK.

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Set up a recurrent blocking time

To block a delivery window on a weekly basis, do the following:

  1. In your VTEX Admin, go to Orders > Inventory & shipping > Delivery window blocker.

    For the New VTEX Admin, go to Apps > Installed Apps > Delivery window blocker.

  2. Open the Recurrent blocking tab.

  3. Click on Shipping policy: Name and select the desired shipping policy.

  4. Click on APPLY.


  6. In the modal, fill in the day and hour during which the delivery window will be blocked.

  7. Click on CONFIRM.

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Unblock a delivery window on demand

Unblocking a delivery window means it will be displayed for customers on checkout. If you wish to unblock a window, follow these steps:

  1. In your VTEX Admin, go to Orders > Inventory & shipping > Delivery window blocker.

    For the New VTEX Admin, go to Apps > Installed Apps > Delivery window blocker.

  2. Open the Block on demand tab.

  3. Click on Shipping policy: Name and select the desired shipping policy.

  4. Click on APPLY.

  5. In the row with the given delivery window, in the Actions column, click on the menu icon .

  6. Select the Unblock window option.

  7. Click on UNBLOCK.

Unblocking delivery windows that were set up as recurrent blocking times works in a similar way. The difference is that on step 1 you will select the Recurrent blocking tab, and on step 4 you will select Remove recurrent blocking.

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See also
VTEX App Store