
Advanced components
Store Link
Official extension
Version: 0.9.4
Latest version: 0.9.4


The Store Link app provides blocks for displaying links in other theme blocks, such as Product Summary.

{"base64":"  ","img":{"width":1490,"height":834,"type":"png","mime":"image/png","wUnits":"px","hUnits":"px","length":705454,"url":""}}

  1. Add the store-link app to your theme dependencies in the manifest.json file. Then, you can use all the blocks exported by the store-link app and its respective props.

"dependencies": {
+ "": "0.x"

  1. Choose one of the blocks exported by the store-link app and declare it in the block where the link will be displayed. See below an example of a link.product being used in the product-summary block to display the "More details" link.

"link.product#product-page": {
"props": {
"href": "/{slug}/p",
"label": "More details >"
"product-summary.shelf": {
"children": [

Note that you must place the link.product block inside a block that provides a product context (e.g., ProductSummary). From the previous example, note that a {slug} placeholder is being passed onto the href prop. When rendered, this placeholder is overwritten by the value accrued from the closest product context, generating a link like /everyday-necessaire/p.


link.productA link that uses the product context, such as a product slug or department. For example, /{slug}/p.
linkA regular link that does not require the product context to function. For example, /home.


All blocks exported by store-link share the same props:

Prop nameTypeDescriptionDefault value
labelstringLink text.undefined
hrefstringLink URL.#
scrollTostringElement anchor to scroll after navigation. (E.g. "#footer")undefined
targetstringWhere the linked URL will be displayed. This prop works the same way as the target from HTML <a> element. Since the anchor element's target default is _self, this prop will be set to _self if it is undefined.undefined
displayModeenumHow the link will be displayed. Possible values are: anchor (displays a normal link with no styles) or button (displays a button that can be customized using the buttonProps prop).anchor
buttonPropsobjectHow the link button will be displayed. Use this prop only when the displayMode prop is set as button.{ variant: primary, size: regular }
escapeLinkRegexstringRegExp, with global match, used to remove special characters within product specifications (e.g., if you want to use /[%]/g then escapeLinkRegex = [%]).undefined
relstringThis prop specifies the relationship between the current document and linked ones for better SEO. This prop works the same way as the rel attribute from <a>, the HTML anchor element. You can see supported values here.undefined
  • buttonProps object:
Prop nameTypeDescriptionDefault value
variantenumLink button that has visual prominence. Possible values are: primary or secondary (values are set following the VTEX Styleguide).primary
sizeenumLink button size. Possible values are: small, regular or large (values are set following the VTEX Styleguide).regular

App Behavior

When creating an URL link using the href prop, you can add custom query string values, as shown in the example below:

"link#foo": {
"props": {
"href": "/login?returnUrl={queryString.returnUrl}",
"label": "Sign in"

Considering the href prop from the previous example, note that the URL link will be built correctly if the current page has the returnUrl query string. Otherwise, it will be built with an empty value.

Depending on the context that the link.product block uses, you can use product variables to structure different URL paths for the href prop. For example, you could create a link to a specific product department (/{department}).

Product variableDescription
brandProduct brand name.
brandIdProduct brand ID.
category1Highest level category in the category tree.
category2Second highest level category.
category3Third highest level category.
category4Fourth highest level category.
departmentProduct department.
productIdProduct ID.
skuIdCurrently selected SKU ID.
slugThe link text used to create the product link.

To build URLs with variables related to product specifications, use the following format: {specificationGroups.groupName.specifications.specificationName}. Replace groupName and specificationName with the specification group and the product specification names accordingly. For example:

"link.product#vtex": {
"props": {
"href": "{specificationGroups.Design.specifications.Dimensions}",
"label": "VTEX"

In the example above, Design is the specification group name, and Dimensions is the product specification name.


To apply CSS customizations in this and other blocks, see the Using CSS handles for store customization guide. All blocks have the same handles.

CSS handles
See also
VTEX App Store