Sizebay helps your customers find the perfect size in just a few clicks and customizes the shopping experience based on the provided measurements, recommending products that will best suit and fit your customers.
Install the APP using the VTEX Toolbelt, run:
_10vtex install sizebay.sizebay
In your peerDependencies
store manifest.json
file add:
_10{_10 "peerDependencies": {_10 "sizebay.sizebay": "3.x"_10 }_10}
- Note that we are importing the app to the
, this is mandatory for properly work.
Now at your store open store/blocks/product.json
, and add the block sizebay
, for exemple:
_10 "flex-layout.col#right-col": {_10 "children": [_10 ..._10 "sizebay",_10 ..._10 ]_10 }
At your admin page, go to Accont Settings > My Apps
, search for sizebay
and click on settings.
Fill the fields that you want to use, following the instructions given on the page;
- The fields with
are mandatory.
If you have any doubts please reach out our Support Team at