Storefront Development

Storefront Development
Store FrameworkRoutingEnabling 404 pages
Enabling 404 pages

A 404 error is an HTTP response code indicating that the server cannot find the requested page. This often happens when a user tries to access a page that has been removed or doesn’t exist, such as a deactivated product page.

For ecommerce websites, enabling 404 pages is essential to:

  • Prevent search engines like Google from indexing non-existent pages, which can negatively impact SEO.
  • Enhance the user experience by guiding visitors to valid content.

In VTEX IO, 404 pages are enabled by default for:

  • Non-existent product pages.
  • URLs with more than one invalid segment.

In addition, you can also configure 404 pages for URLs with a single invalid segment, as outlined in the instructions below.

The native 404 functionality does not apply to URLs originating from user searches. These URLs include the map=ft parameter and are not considered non-existent. In rare cases where search URLs include the map=specificationFilter parameter without map=ft, 404 pages might be rendered.


  1. Open the VTEX Admin and navigate to Apps > App Management.

  2. Find the Rewriter app and click the Settings button.

  3. Select the check button to Enable 404 for paths with one segment, e.g. /foo. This setting ensures that 404 pages are shown for URLs with a single invalid segment.

  4. Save your changes.

    {"base64":"  ","img":{"width":1300,"height":709,"type":"png","mime":"image/png","wUnits":"px","hUnits":"px","length":49989,"url":""}}

Customizing your 404 Page

To customize 404 pages, you can use blocks in your store’s theme:

  1. Open the terminal and change to a development workspace.

  2. Open your Store Theme using your preferred code editor.

  3. In the product or search template (store.product or, add and configure the store.not-found#product or store.not-found#search block, respectively. Find below an example of a store.not-found#product for a product template:

    "store.not-found#product": {
    "blocks": ["rich-text#not-found"]
    "rich-text#not-found": {
    "props": {
    "textAlignment": "CENTER",
    "textPosition": "CENTER",
    "text": "**PAGE NOT FOUND**",
    "font": "t-heading-1"

    The store.not-found blocks will only be rendered when the server returns a 404 error. The child block will be displayed to users in such cases.

  4. Save your changes and run vtex link in your terminal to preview the updated 404 page:

    {"base64":"  ","img":{"width":2878,"height":1492,"type":"png","mime":"image/png","wUnits":"px","hUnits":"px","length":169303,"url":""}}

  5. Once you are satisfied with the changes, make your new theme version publicly available.

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