
Outdated Checkout API deprecation

Beginning June 25th, 2023, the Outdated Checkout endpoint will be deprecated.

Both the Outdated Checkout endpoint and the Order Management System (OMS) endpoints in the table below allow you to obtain order fulfillment information, order management data, seller identification and more.

Beginning June 25th, 2023, the Outdated Checkout endpoint will be deprecated and all integrations that use this route will have to migrate to OMS endpoints, as indicated in the following table:

From Checkout endpointTo OMS endpoints
Outdated Checkout endpoint GET - https://{accountName}.{environment}

For integrations built with GraphQL that use the Outdated Checkout endpoint, instead of using the orders query provided by the app, now they will have to use the orders query provided by the vtex.orders-graphql app. For more information about GraphQL APIs, see this Overview. At the end of the article, you will find GraphQL orders query examples.

Why are we doing this

The Outdated Checkout endpoint is an old route that will be discontinued. Using the OMS endpoints ensure that your store is using the latest and most performant VTEX solution. Some of the benefits of migrating to the VTEX OMS endpoints are:

  • Faster order retrieve
  • Reduction in order integration errors
  • Option to paginate orders data

Having a unified service across all VTEX stores also helps us accelerate the pace of new solutions and product releases to improve your business.

What are the differences

The table below shows the Outdated Checkout endpoint fields that do not exist on OMS endpoints, and most of them will be permanently deprecated. Except for the fields in the table, all of the other Outdated Checkout endpoint fields can be found on VTEX OMS endpoints.

If you wish to see the Outdated Checkout endpoint’s payload, go to Outdated Checkout endpoint response body.

Missing FieldTypeDescriptionWill be deprecated
storeIdstringID of purchases made in the GoCommerce context.Yes
productRefIdstringProduct Ref ID.Yes
modalTypestringLinks an unusual type of product to a carrier specialized in delivering it. For more information see How the modal works and Setting up modal for carriers.Yes
manualPriceAppliedBystringUser ID or appKey used to make the change. This field must not be displayed to the shopper.Yes
productCategoryIdsstringItem's category path composed of category IDs. In OMS endpoints this field corresponds to productCategories.Yes
sellerChainarraySellers involved in the chain. The list should contain only one seller, unless it is a Multilevel Omnichannel Inventory order.Yes
attachmentOfferingsarray of objectsObject with the properties of the content declared in the field attachments.No
name (items > attachmentOfferings > name)stringName of the attachment.No
required (items > attachmentOfferings > required)booleanIf the attachment is required or not.No
schema (items > attachmentOfferings > schema)objectObject with the schema of the content declared in the field attachmentOfferings.No
availabilitystringAvailability to fulfill the order with the item. This field is being removed because it is related to the shopping cart.Yes
manufacturerCodestringProvided by the manufacturers to identify their product. This field should be completed if the item has a specific manufacturer’s code.Yes
profileCompleteOnLoadingbooleanWhen set as true, the order was made by a recurrent customer, and when set as false, it was not.Yes
profileErrorOnLoadingbooleanWhen set as true, this field indicates a profile error on loading, and when set as false, no errors were found. If there are errors, check the store's customer profiles in Master Data. This field doesn't have to be displayed to the shopper.Yes
teaserarrayList with promotions and taxes teasers.No
selectedDeliveryChannelstringDelivery channel selected by the customer, like delivery or pickup-in-point. This field is being removed and the information it retrieves can be found in the deliveryChannel.Yes
kitItemDetailsarray of objectsInformation about kits, if there are any.No
availableDeliveryWindowsarrayAvailable delivery window information, if it applies to the item.This field is being removed because it is related to the shopping cart.Yes
pickupDistancenumberDistance in kilometers between the pickup point and the customer's address. The distance is measured as a straight line.No
deliveryChannelsarray of objectsContains the delivery channels associated with the trade policy. Structure: {id: delivery} and/or {id: pickup-in-point}.No
availableAddressesarray of objectsInformation about available adresses.This field is being removed because it is related to the shopping cart.Yes
pickupPointsarray of objectsDetailed information about pickup points in the shopping cart. This field is being removed because it is related to the shopping cart; the pickup point option of the order was already selected.Yes
businessHoursarray of objectsInformation about the pickup point's business hours.Yes
DayOfWeekintegerDay of the week of the business hour, with 0: corresponding to Sunday, 1 to Monday, 2 to Tuesday, and so on.Yes
OpeningTimestringStarting time of the business hour, with the format hh:mm:ss.Yes
ClosingTimestringClosing time of the business hour, with the format hh:mm:ss.Yes
sharedTransactionbooleanWhen set as true, this field indicates it was a shared transaction, and when set as false, it means it was not.This field does not reflect on the shopper experience since it is about the store's internal financial matters.Yes
clientPreferencesDataobjectInformation about customer's preferences.No
locale (clientPreferencesData > locale)stringCustomer's prefered language while accessing the store.No
optinNewsLetter (clientPreferencesData >optinNewsLetter)booleanWhen set as true, this field indicates the customer opted to receive the newsletters, and when set as false, it means they did not accept to receive the newsletters. This field isn't displayed to the shopper since it is about the store's internal matters.Yes
saveUserDatabooleanWhen this field is set as true, it means the customers agree to have their data stored, and when set as false, the customer did not allow to store their data. This field isn't displayed to the shopper since it is about the store's internal matters.Yes
hooksDataobjectInformation about a legacy hook.This field has been deactivated.Yes
majorstringAn internal system's code of VTEX's modules communication.Yes
urlstringURL that used to be notified by the legacy look, which has been deactivated.Yes

Outdated Checkout endpoint properties descriptions

orderIdstringOrder ID is a unique code that identifies an order.
orderGroupstringOrder's group ID.
statestringStatus of the order in the Order flow.
isCheckedInbooleanThe field is set true when the order was made via inStore and false when it was not.
sellerOrderIdstringID of the seller related to the order. It can be a VTEX seller or an external seller.
storeIdstringID that identifies the store when the order was made using inStore.
checkedInPickupPointIdstringIf the field isCheckedIn is set as true, the checkedInPickupPointId will retrieve the ID of the physical store where the order was made.
valueintegerThe order's total amount, written as a sequence of numbers with no punctuation.
itemsarray of objectInformation about the order items.
uniqueIdstringUnique ID is an alphanumeric sequence that identifies an SKU in a given order.
idintegerItem's SKU ID, which is a unique numerical identifier.
productIdstringID of the Product associated with the item.
productRefIdstringProduct Ref ID.
refIdstringProduct referencial code associated with the item.
eanstringEAN of the SKU.
namestringName of the Product associated with the item.
skuNamestringName of the SKU corresponding to the item.
modalTypestringLinks an unusual type of product to a carrier specialized in delivering it. For more information see How the modal works and Setting up modal for carriers.
parentItemIndexnumberParent item index.
parentAssemblyBindingstringParent assembly binding.
assembliesarrayRetrieves information about orders' customizations.
priceValidUntilstringComputed price's validation date, due to pricing scheduling.
taxintegerItem's tax.
priceintegerItem's price.
listPriceintegerItem's list price.
manualPriceintegerItem's manual price.
manualPriceAppliedBystringUser ID or appKey used to make the change.
sellingPriceintegerItem's selling price.
rewardValueintegerItem's reward value.
isGiftbooleanThis field is true when the item is a gift in order context and false when it is not.
additionalInfoobjectAdditional information about the item.
dimensionobjectItem's dimensions in the measure unit configured in the catalog.
cubicweightnumberItem's cubic weight.
heightnumberItem's height.
lengthnumberItem's length.
weightnumberItem's weight.
widthnumberItem's width.
brandNamestringItem's brand name.
brandIdstringItem's brand ID.
offeringInfostringOffering information.
offeringTypestringOffering type.
offeringTypeIdstringOffering type ID.
preSaleDatestringItem's pre sale date.
productCategoryIdsstringItem's category path composed of category IDs separated by /. For example: /3/15/.
productCategoriesobjectObject containing product categories. Structure: "{CategoryID}": "{CategoryName}". Both the key and the value are strings.
quantityintegerQuantity of items.
sellerstringSeller ID that identifies the seller the item belongs to.
sellerChainarray of stringsSellers involved in the chain. The list should contain only one seller, unless it is a Multilevel Omnichannel Inventory order.
imageUrlstringItem's SKU Image URL.
detailUrlstringURL slug of the Product associated with the item.
componentsarrayItem's components.
bundleItemsarrayInformation on services sold along with the item's SKU. For example: a gift package.
attachmentsarray of objectArray containing information on attachments.
namestringAttachment's name.
contentobjectAttachment's custom field for content.
attachmentOfferingsarray of objectObject with the properties of the content declared in the field attachments.
namestringName of the attachment.
requiredbooleanIf the attachment is required or not.
schemaobjectObject with the schema of the content declared in the field attachmentOfferings.
offeringsarrayItem's offerings.
priceTagsarray of objectArray containing objects with item's price modifiers.
availabilitystringAvailability to fulfill the order with the item.
measurementUnitstringItem's measurement unit.
unitMultiplierintegerItem's unit multiplier.
manufacturerCodestringProvided by the manufacturers to identify their product. This field should be completed if the item has a specific manufacturer’s code.
priceDefinitionsobjectItem's price information.
calculatedSellingPriceintegerItem's calculated unitary selling price in cents.
totalintegerTotal value of all item's units in cents.
sellingPricesarray of objectDetails on item's selling price.
valueintegerTotal value of items in cents.
quantityintegerQuantity of items.
sellersarray of objectArray containing information on all the sellers associated with the order.
idstringSeller ID that identifies the seller.
namestringSeller's name.
logostringURL of the seller's logo.
totalsarray of objectArray of object that includes the following fields, whenever they apply to the order: - Items - Discounts - Shipping - Tax - Change
idstringCode that identifies if the information is about Items, Discounts, Shipping, Tax or Change.
namestringName of the Items, Discounts, Shipping, Tax or Change.
valueintegerTotal value of the Items, Discounts, Shipping, Tax or Change.
clientProfileDataobjectObject with information on the client's profile.
emailstringCustomer's email.
firstNamestringCustomer's first name.
lastNamestringCustomer's last name.
documentstringDocument identification code informed by the customer.
documentTypestringType of the document informed by the customer.
phonestringCustomers's phone number.
corporateNamestringIf the customer is a legal entity, here goes the corporate name.
tradeNamestringIf the customer is a legal entity, here goes the trade name.
corporateDocumentstringIf the customer is a legal entity, here goes the corporate document.
stateInscriptionstringIf the custmer is a legal entity, here goes the state inscription.
corporatePhonestringIf the customer is a legal entity, here goes the corpany's phone number.
isCorporatebooleanThe value is true when the customer is a legal entity and false when not.
profileCompleteOnLoadingbooleanWhen set as true, the order was made by a recurrent customer, and when set as false, it was not.
profileErrorOnLoadingbooleanWhen set as true, this field indicates a profile error on loading, and when set as false, no errors were found. If there are errors, check the store's customer profiles in Master Data.
customerClassstringIdentification of the class the customer belongs to.
ratesAndBenefitsDataobjectInformation on promotions and taxes that apply to the order.
rateAndBenefitsIdentifiersarray of objectInformation about order's promotions and taxes identifiers.
idstringID of the rate or benefit.
namestringName of the rate or benefit.
featuredbooleanThis field is set true when the promotions and taxes are cumulative and false when not.
descriptionstringDescription of promotions and taxes.
matchedParametersobjectInforms the criteria and conditions fulfilled so the promotion became valid.
paymentMethodIdstringID of the payment method.
additionalInfoobjectObject containing additional information about promotions and taxes, if it applies. For example { "Free shipping": "249,99" }.
teaserarray of objectList with promotions and taxes teasers.
shippingDataobjectObject containing shipping data.
addressobjectShipping address.
addressTypestringType of address. For example, Residential or Pickup, among others.
receiverNamestringName of the person who is going to receive the order.
addressIdstringShipping address ID.
isDisposablebooleanThis field is set as true when after the order placement the user's profile is disposed, and false when profile data is saved for future checkouts.
postalCodestringPostal code of the shipping address.
citystringCity of the shipping address.
statestringState of the shipping address.
countrystringThree letters ISO code of the country of the shipping address (ISO 3166 ALPHA-3).
streetstringStreet of the shipping address.
numberstringNumber of the building, house or apartment in the shipping address.
neighborhoodstringNeighborhood of the shipping address.
complementstringComplement to the shipping address when it applies.
referencestringComplement to help locate the shipping address, in case of delivery.
geoCoordinatesarray of numbersArray with two numbers with geocoordinates, first latitude, then longitude.
logisticsInfoarray of objectArray of objects containing logistics information of each item.
itemIndexintegerIndex of the item starting from 0.
selectedSlastringSelected shipping option.
selectedDeliveryChannelstringDelivery channel selected by the customer, like delivery or pickup-in-point.
addressIdstringAdress ID.
slasarray of objectInformation on Service Level Agreement (SLA), corresponding to shipping policies.
idstringID of the shipping method used in the shipping policy.
deliveryChannelstringIf the delivery channel is "delivery" or "pickup-in-point".
namestringName of the shipping policy.
deliveryIdsarray of objectInformation about delivery IDs.
courierIdstringCarrier's ID.
warehouseIdstringID of the warehouse.
dockIdstringID of the loading dock.
courierNamestringCarrier's name.
quantityintegerQuantity of items.
kitItemDetailsarray of objectInformation about kits, if there are any.
itemIdstringSKU ID of the kit's item.
warehouseIdstringID of the warehouse related to the kit's item.
shippingEstimatestringTotal shipping estimate time in days. For instance, three business days is represented 3bd.
shippingEstimateDatestringShipping estimate date. It is defined only after the confirmation of the order.
lockTTLstringLogistics reservation waiting time.
availableDeliveryWindowsarrayAvailable delivery window information, if it applies to the item.
deliveryWindowobjectScheduled delivery window information, if it applies to the item.
priceintegerShipping price for the item in cents. Does not account for the whole order's shipping price.
listPriceintegerSKU's optional price for a specific trade policy.
taxintegerTax in cents.
pickupStoreInfoobjectDetailed information about a pickup point.
isPickupStorebooleanIf this field is set true, it means the type of shipping is pickup, and if set as false, it is not.
friendlyNamestringName of the pickup point displayed at checkout.
addressstringPickup point's address.
additionalInfostringAdditional information about the delivery or the pickup point.
dockIdstringID of the loading dock related to the delivery or the pickup point
pickupPointIdstringPickup point's ID.
pickupDistancenumberDistance in kilometers between the pickup point and the customer's address. The distance is measured as a straight line.
polygonNamestringName of the polygon associated with the shipping policy.
transitTimestringDuration in business days of the time the carrier takes in transit to fulfill the order. For example, three business days is represented 3bd.
shipsToarray of stringThree letters ISO code of the country of the shipping address (ISO 3166 ALPHA-3).
itemIdstringItem's SKU ID, which is a unique numerical identifier.
deliveryChannelsarray of objectContains the delivery channels associated with the trade policy. Structure: {id: delivery} and/or {id: pickup-in-point}.
selectedAddressesarray of objectInformation about selected adresses.
addressTypestringSelected adress's shipping type, which can be pickup or residential.
receiverNamestringName of the person who is going to receive the order in the selected address.
addressIdstringSelected address ID.
isDisposablebooleanThis field is set true when after the order placement the information is disposed, and false when data is saved for future checkouts.
postalCodestringPostal code of the selected address.
citystringCity of the selected address.
statestringState of the selected address.
countrystringThree letters ISO code of the country of the selected address (ISO 3166 ALPHA-3).
streetstringStreet of the selected address.
numberstringNumber of the building, house or apartment in the selected address.
neighborhoodstringNeighborhood of the selected address.
complementstringComplement to the selected address if it applies.
referencestringComplement to help locate the selected address.
geoCoordinatesarray of numbersArray with two numbers with the selected address's geocoordinates, first latitude, then longitude.
availableAddressesarray of objectsInformation about available adresses.
addressTypestringAvailable address's shipping type, which can be pickup or residential.
receiverNamestringName of the person who is going to receive the order in the available address.
addressIdstringAvailable address ID.
isDisposablebooleanThis field is set true when after the order placement the information is disposed, and false when data is saved for future checkouts.
postalCodestringPostal code of the available address.
citystringCity of the available address.
statestringState of the available address.
countrystringThree letters ISO code of the country of the available address (ISO 3166 ALPHA-3).
streetstringStreet of the available address.
neighborhoodstringNeighborhood of the available address.
numberstringNumber of the building, house or apartment in the available address.
complementstringComplement to the available address, if it applies.
referencestringComplement to help locate the available address.
geoCoordinatesarray of numbersArray with two numbers with the available address's geocoordinates, first latitude, then longitude.
pickupPointsarray of objectsDetailed information about pickup points, when that is the type of shipping.
friendlyNamestringName of the pickup point displayed at checkout.
addressobjectPickup point's adress.
addressTypestringPickup point's adress type.
receiverNamestringName of the person who is going to receive the order.
addressIdstringAddress ID.
isDisposablebooleanThis field is set true when after the order placement the information is disposed, and false when data is saved for future checkouts.
postalCodestringPostal code of the pickup point.
citystringCity of the pickup point.
statestringState of the pickup point.
countrystringThree letters ISO code of the country of the pickup point (ISO 3166 ALPHA-3).
streetstringStreet of the pickup point.
neighborhoodstringNeighborhood of the pickup point.
numberstringNumber of the building of the pickup point, if it applies.
complementstringComplement to the pickup point address, when it applies.
referencestringComplement to help locate the pickup point address.
geoCoordinatesarray of numberArray with two numbers with geocoordinates, first latitude, then longitude.
additionalInfostringAdditional information about the pickup point.
idstringPickup point's ID.
businessHoursarray of objectsInformation about the pickup point's business hours.
DayOfWeekintegerDay of the week of the business hour, with 0: corresponding to Sunday, 1 to Monday, 2 to Tuesday, and so on.
OpeningTimestringStarting time of the business hour, with the format hh:mm:ss.
ClosingTimestringClosing time of the business hour, with the format hh:mm:ss.
paymentDataobjectObject with information about the payment.
giftCardsarrayArray with information about gift cards.
redemptionCodestringCode for the customer to use the Gift Card.
providerstringPayment provider's name.
valueintegerTotal amount of the Gift Card used by the customer.
balanceintegerCurrent amount of the Gift Card that can still be used by the customer.
namestringGift Card's name.
captionstringGift Card's caption.
idstringGift Card's ID.
inUsebooleanWhen this field is set as true, it means the Gift Card is activated, and when set as false, it is deactivated.
isSpecialCardbooleanWhen this field is set as true, the customer does not have to insert a code (redemptionCode) to make use of the Gift Card. For example, in a fidelity program in which the client has credits for another purchase. When the field is set as false, the customer must insert a code to make use of the Gift Card.
groupNamestringName of the collection the Gift Card belongs to.
transactionsarray of objectInformation about financial transactions.
isActivebooleanWhen this field is set as true, the payment is active, and when it is false, the payment is inactive.
transactionIdstringID of the transaction.
merchantNamestringName of the merchant that will receive the payment.
paymentsarray of objectDetailed information about payment.
idstringVTEX payment ID that can be used as unique identifier.
paymentSystemstringPayment system's ID.
paymentSystemNamestringPayment system's name.
valueintegerPayment's final amount in cents.
installmentsintegerNumber of payment installments.
connectorResponsesobjectInformation about the connector responses.
TidstringProvider's unique identifier for the transaction.
ReturnCodeintegerProvider's operation/error code to be logged.
MessagestringProvider's operation/error message to be logged.
authIdstringConnector's authorization ID.
referenceValuenumberPayment's reference value in cents.
cardHolderstringName of the person who owns the card.
cardNumberstringNumeric sequence of the card used in the transaction.
firstDigitsstringFist digits of the card used in the transaction.
lastDigitsstringLast digits of the card used in the transaction.
cvv2stringCard Verification Value (CVV2) is a security code used by payment processors to reduce fraudulent credit and debit card transactions.
expireMonthstringExpire month of the card used in the transaction (2-digits).
expireYearstringExpire year of the card used in the transaction (4-digits).
urlstringPayment's URL.
tidstringProvider's unique identifier for the transaction.
redemptionCodestringCode for the customer to use the Gift Card.
giftCardIdstringGift Card's ID.
giftCardProviderstringGift Card provider's ID.
giftCardAsDiscountbooleanWhen this field is set as true, the Gift Card is a discount over the price, and when set as false, it is not a discount.
dueDatestringPayment due date, with the format yyyy-mm-dd.
accountIdstringPayment's account ID.
parentAccountIdstringThis field retrieves the main account if the payment was made in a subaccount.
bankIssuedInvoiceIdentificationNumberstringNumeric sequence that identifies the bank issued invoice.
bankIssuedInvoiceIdentificationNumberFormattedstringBank issued invoice ID formatted.
bankIssuedInvoiceBarCodeNumberstringNumber of the bank issued invoice bar code.
bankIssuedInvoiceBarCodeTypestringType of the bank issued invoice bar code.
billingAddressstringBilling address.
sharedTransactionbooleanWhen set as true, this field indicates it was a shared transaction, and when set as false, it means it was not.
clientPreferencesDataobjectInformation about customer's preferences.
localestringCustomer's prefered language while accessing the store.
optinNewsLetterbooleanWhen set as true, this field indicates the customer opted to receive the newsletters, and when set as false, it means they did not accept to receive the newsletters.
commercialConditionDataobjectInformation about commercial conditions.
giftRegistryDataobjectInformation about gift list, when it applies.
giftRegistryIdstringGift list item registry ID.
giftRegistryTypestringGift list item's type.
giftRegistryTypeNamestringGift list item's type name.
addressIdstringAddress's ID for shipping the gift list item.
descriptionstringGift list item's description.
marketingDataobjectInformation about promotions and marketing. For example, coupon tracking information and internal or external UTMs.
attachmentIdstringAttachment's ID.
couponstringCoupon's code information.
marketingTagsarrayMarketing tags information. This field can be used to register campaign data or informative tags regarding promotions.
utmCampaignstringValue of the utm_campaign parameter of the URL that led to the request.
utmMediumstringValue of the utm_medium parameter of the URL that led to the request.
utmSourcestringValue of the utm_source parameter of the URL that led to the request.
utmiCampaignstringInternal UTM value utmi_cp.
utmiPartstringInternal UTM value utmi_pc.
utmipagestringInternal UTM value utmi_p.
storePreferencesDataobjectObject with data from the store's configuration - stored in VTEX's License Manager.
countryCodestringThree letters ISO code of the country (ISO 3166 ALPHA-3).
saveUserDatabooleanWhen this field is set as true, it means the customers agree to have their data stored, and when set as false, the customer did not allow to store their data.
timeZonestringTime zone from where the order was made.
currencyCodestringCurrency code in ISO 4217. For example, BRL.
currencyLocaleintegerCurrency Locale Code in LCID in decimal.
currencySymbolstringCurrency symbol.
currencyFormatInfoobjectObject with currency format details.
CurrencyDecimalDigitsintegerQuantity of currency decimal digits.
CurrencyDecimalSeparatorstringDefines what currency decimal separator will be applied.
CurrencyGroupSeparatorstringDefines what currency group separator will be applied.
CurrencyGroupSizeintegerDefines how many characters will be grouped.
StartsWithCurrencySymbolbooleanDefines if all prices will be initiated with the currency symbol.
openTextFieldobjectOptional field with order's additional information. We recommend using regular text only, do not use data formats like JSON - not even escaped.
valuestringAdditional information about the order.
invoiceDataobjectInformation used for order invoicing.
addressobjectAddress information.
postalCodestringPostal code of the order's invoice address.
citystringCity of the order's invoice address.
statestringState of the order's invoice address.
countrystringCountry of the order's invoice address. The format is three letters code (ISO 3166 ALPHA-3).
streetstringStreet of the order's invoice address.
numberstringNumber of the building of the order's invoice address.
neighborhoodstringNeighborhood of the order's invoice address.
complementstringComplement to the order's invoice address.
referencestringComplement to help locate the order's invoice address.
settleInvoicesarray of stringList of numbers of settled invoices.
itemMetadataobjectMetadata information about the order's items.
itemsarray of objectList of items with specific metadata about each one of them.
idstringItem's SKU ID, which is a unique numerical identifier.
sellerstringSeller ID that identifies the seller the item belongs to.
namestringName of the item as displayed to customers in the storefront.
skuNamestringName of the SKU corresponding to the item.
productIdstringID of the Product associated with the item.
refIdstringItem's reference ID.
eanstringEAN of the item.
imageUrlstringItem's SKU image URL.
detailUrlstringURL slug of the item.
assemblyOptionsarray of objectDisplays information about assembly options related to the item, if there are any.
idstringID of the attachment related to the order.
namestringName of the attachment related to the order.
requiredbooleanIf this field is set as true, when the customer purchases the item sending the attachment is required, and when set as false, sending the attachment is optional.
inputValuesobjectDisplays the attachment's content.
compositionobjectDisplays the attachment's composition.
taxDataobjectOrder's tax information.
customDataobjectCustom information in the order. This field is useful for storing data not included in other fields, for example, a message for a gift or a name to be printed in a shirt.
customAppsarrayArray containing the customer apps created by the store
idstringCustomer app's ID.
fieldsobjectDisplays the fields created by the store for each customer app.
hooksDataobjectInformation about the hook.
majorstringAn internal system's code of VTEX's modules communication.
urlstringURL notified by the Hook to update order's data.
changeDataarray of objectList with information about changes in the order.
reasonstringText explaining why there was a change in the order. This information may be shown to the customer in the UI or transactional emails.
discountValueintegerThis field can be used to apply a discount to the total value of the order. Value in cents.
incrementValueintegerThis field can be used to increment the total value of the order. Value in cents.
itemsAddedarray of objectList of items added to the order.
idstringSKU ID of the item added to the order.
namestringName of the item added to the order.
quantityintegerQuantity of items added to the order.
priceintegerTotal amount in cents of the item added to the order.
unitMultiplierintegerUnit multiplier of the item added to the order.
itemsRemovedarray of objectList of items removed from the order.
idstringSKU ID of the item removed from the order
namestringName of the item removed from the order.
quantityintegerQuantity of items removed from the order.
priceintegerTotal amount in cents of the item removed from the order.
unitMultiplierintegerUnit multiplier of the item removed from the order.
receiptobjectInformation about the receipt for changed orders.
datestringThe time the receipt was created. For example, 2022-06-29T17:42:08.3431198+00:00.
orderIdstringID of the order.
receiptstringReceipt's unique identifier code.
subscriptionDataobjectInformation about subscriptions.
subscriptionGroupIdstringID of the subscription's group. If this field returns null and the executionCount is 0, the order is the first one with subscriptions.
subscriptionsarray of objectList with subscriptions and their details.
executionCountintegerPosition of the order in the subscription cycle. The first order will have the value 0, the second will have the value 1, and so on.
priceAtSubscriptionDateintegerPrice of the order when the customer signed up for subscriptions. Subscriptions created from Admin UI or APIs do not have an original order, so the field returns 0.0. This field was valid only for Subscriptions v2 and is deprecated in Subscriptions v3.
itemIndexintegerEach item in the subscriptions' order is identified by an index. The position starts in0, followed by 1, 2, and so on.
planobjectInformation about the subscription's validility and frequency.
validilityobjectInformation about the period during which the subscription will be valid.
beginstringSubscriptions' beginning date with the format yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss.
endstringSubscriptions' ending date with the format yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss.
frequencyobjectInformation about subscriptions' recurrence.
periodicitystringDefines the subscriptions recurrence period. The possible values are DAILY,WEEKLY, MONTHLY and YEARLY.
intervalnumberNumber of the time interval configured between subscription orders, which depends on the periodicity. For a DAILY periodicity, the field's value will correspond to days, for MONTHLY to months, and so on.
merchantContextDataobjectInformation about the order's context provided by the merchant.
salesAssociateDataobjectInformation associated to the order.
salesAssociateIdstringIdentification code of the vendor related to the order. This field is registered by the merchant, with a maximum of 100 characters.
salesChannelstringSales channel, or trade policy, related to the order.
followUpEmailstringEmail of the store's employee responsible for managing the order.
creationDatestringOrder's creation date with the format yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss.{zone}Z.
lastChangestringOrder's last change date with the format yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss.{zone}Z.
timeZoneCreationDatestringTime zone of when the order was created with the format yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss.{zone}Z.
timeZoneLastChangestringTime zone of when the order was last changed with the format yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss.{zone}Z.
isCompletedbooleanWhen set as true, the order's payment has been settled, and when set as false, it has not been settled yet.
hostNamestringAccount Hostname registered in License Manager
merchantNamestringFor a VTEX store, the merchant's name will be the same as the account name. An external seller can have a merchantName, and in this case the field will not correspond to an account name.
userTypestringRole of the user retrieving the order.
roundingErrorintegerRounding error total amount, if it applies. For example, in orders with a discount over non-integer multiplier items, the rounding price is performed per item, not after the sum of all items. That can cause a difference in the total discount amount, which is informed in this field.
allowEditionbooleanWhen set as true, the order can be edited, and when set as false, it is no longer possible to edit the order.
allowCancellationbooleanWhen set as true, the order can be canceled, and when set as false, it is no longer possible to cancel the order.
isUserDataVisiblebooleanWhen set as true, the client's data is visible in the checkout, and when set as false, it is not.
allowChangeSellerbooleanWhen set as true, it is possible to use the Change Seller feature in the order, and when set as false, it is not possible.
orderFormCreationDatestringDate of when the orderForm was created with the format yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss.{zone}Z.

Outdated Checkout endpoint response body

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"clientPreferencesData": {
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"invoiceData": {
"address": {
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"state": "RJ",
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"skuName": "Xicrinha Small",
"productId": "13",
"refId": null,
"ean": "dasdsadasdasda",
"imageUrl": "",
"detailUrl": "/xicara-pequena/p",
"assemblyOptions": [
"id": "",
"name": "",
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"inputValues": {},
"composition": {
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"customData": {
"customApps": [
"id": "profile",
"fields": {
"age": "33",
"gender": "M"
"hooksData": {
"major": "1",
"url": ""
"changeData": [
"reason": "Aumento peso da Manga em 100grs",
"discountValue": 0,
"incrementValue": 75,
"itemsAdded": [
"id": "5042",
"name": "Manga Tommy 500g",
"quantity": 1,
"price": 75,
"unitMultiplier": 0.100
"itemsRemoved": [
"id": "5030",
"name": "Morango 300g",
"quantity": 1,
"price": 75,
"unitMultiplier": 0.100
"receipt": {
"date": "2022-06-29T17:42:08.3431198+00:00",
"orderId": "1243130560385-01",
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"subscriptionData": {
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"executionCount": 3,
"priceAtSubscriptionDate": 84444360.0,
"itemIndex": 0,
"plan": {
"validity": {
"begin": "2021-08-29T00:00:00",
"end": "2024-08-29T00:00:00"
"frequency": {
"periodicity": "DAILY",
"interval": 15
"merchantContextData": {
"salesAssociateData": {
"salesAssociateId": "Id72945"
} ,
"salesChannel": "1",
"followUpEmail": "",
"creationDate": "2022-10-13T13:48:36.1056593Z",
"lastChange": "2022-10-13T13:48:42.1418456Z",
"timeZoneCreationDate": "2022-10-13T10:48:36.1056593",
"timeZoneLastChange": "2022-10-13T10:48:42.1418456",
"isCompleted": true,
"hostName": "partnerintegrationbra",
"merchantName": "merchant123",
"userType": "callCenterOperator",
"roundingError": 0,
"allowEdition": false,
"allowCancellation": true,
"isUserDataVisible": true,
"allowChangeSeller": true,
"orderFormCreationDate": "2022-10-13T12:56:47.4031427Z"

GraphQL queries

For integrations built with GraphQL, see below the orders query provided by and vtex.orders-graphql.


query {
orders @context(provider: "") {
items {

type Order {
allowCancellation: Boolean
orderId: String
orderGroup: String
state: String
status: String
statusDescription: String
value: Float
salesChannel: String
creationDate: String
customData: CustomData
lastChange: String
timeZoneCreationDate: String
timeZoneLastChange: String
invoicedDate: String
isCompleted: Boolean
items: [OrderItem]
sellers: [OrderItemSeller]
totals: [OrderItemTotal]
paymentData: OrderItemPaymentData
shippingData: OrderItemShippingData
storePreferencesData: StorePreferencesData

Query vtex.orders-graphql

orders(options: OrdersOptionsInput!): PaginatedOrders
@cacheControl(scope: PRIVATE)

query orders($options: OrdersOptionsInput!) {
orders(options: $options) @context(provider: "vtex.orders-graphql") {
list {
currencies {

Query response

type PaginatedOrders {
currencies: [CurrencyOrderSummary]
paging: OrdersPaging!
page: Int! @deprecated(reason: "Use `paging` field.")
perPage: Int! @deprecated(reason: "Use `paging` field.")
total: Int! @deprecated(reason: "Use `paging` field.")
list: [OrderListing!]!
reportRecordsLimit: Int!

type OrderListing {
allowCancellation: Boolean
allowEdition: Boolean
clientEmail: String
clientName: String
clientProfileData: ClientProfileData
creationDate: String
currencyCode: String
deliveryChannel: [String]
hostname: String
isInstore: Boolean
items: [OrderItem!]!
lastChange: String
marketingTags: [String]
orderGroup: String
orderId: ID!
sequence: String
orderIsComplete: Boolean
origin: String
packageAttachment: PackageAttachment!
paymentData: PaymentData!
paymentIds: [String]
paymentNames: [String]
pciTransactionId: [String]
productIds: [String]
sellerIds: [String]
sellerNames: [String]
sellerOrderId: ID
shippingData: ShippingData!
shippingEstimatedDateMax: String
shippingEstimatedDateMin: String
skus: [String]
status: String
storePreferencesData: StorePreferencesData!
subscriptionGroup: String
totalItems: Int
totalValue: Float
totals: [Total!]!
transactionIds: [String]
value: Float
workflowInErrorState: Boolean
workflowInRetry: Boolean
isAllDelivered: Boolean!

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