Storefront Development

Storefront Development
FastStoreCustomizing pages with Dynamic Content
Step 1 - Setting up the store code for Dynamic Content
Now that you have an overview of the Dynamic Content feature, let's start the feature implementation by setting up your store code.


1. Mapping pages and data-fetching functions

Create a file to map the home and landing Pages to their data-fetching functions. This file maps the home or the landing pages slug to a respective data fetch function, which will fetch, handle, and return the desired server-side data to display the content in a store section. For example, you can add an image from a third-party source in a Hero component.
  1. Open your FastStore project in any code editor that you prefer.
  2. In the src folder, create the dynamicContent folder.
  3. Inside the dynamicContent folder, create the index.ts file.
  4. Inside index.ts, add the following code:

    const fetchDataMyLandingPage = async () => {
    const response = await fetch("").then(
    (res) => res.json()
    return { data: response };
    const dynamicContent = {
    "my-landing-page": fetchDataMyLandingPage,
    export default dynamicContent;

    • First, we define the fetchDataMyLandingPage, which calls for an external API ( to fetch the product information.
    • The data object returns the information.
    • The dynamicContent relates the slug that we will define in the Headless CMS.
Let’s dive deep into dynamicContent and the pages allowed to be customized with the Dynamic Content feature: home and landing pages:
The dynamicContent object stores key-value pairs:
  • The key represents the page slug (e.g., home for the Home page and my-landing-page for a specific Landing page).
  • The value is the corresponding data-fetching function responsible for fetching data for that page. In this example, fetchDataMyLandingPage.
This page is a singleton page, meaning it is unique in your store. This page is mapped using the key home for the Dynamic Content feature. The value of the home key is a data-fetching function that returns the necessary data for the Home.
Landing page
Landing pages can represent different pages and URLs. To identify the landing page, use the slug from the Headless CMS SEO Path input in the Settings tab as the key to the dynamicContent object without the initial /. In the example below, the value /my-landing-page.
{"base64":"  ","img":{"width":2242,"height":1144,"type":"png","mime":"image/png","wUnits":"px","hUnits":"px","length":171788,"url":""}}
Now that we've established the file for mapping pages to data fetching functions let's define those functions to customize your component using third-party sources.

2. Creating Dynamic Content via API fetching

After mapping pages and data-fetching functions, you need to define these functions and create the logic to fetch the data from other data sources. There are two ways for fetching data:

Using API Extensions

  1. In the store code, create the folder graphql in the' src' folder.
  2. Inside graphql, create the folder thirdParty. This folder will contain the external data that we want to obtain.
  3. Create two other folders inside the thirdParty: resolvers and typeDefs.
  4. Inside typeDefs create the extra.graphql file.
  5. Add the following code:

    type Rating {
    rate: String
    count: Int
    type ProductsExtraData {
    id: Int
    title: String
    price: Float
    description: String
    category: String
    image: String
    rating: Rating
    type ExtraData {
    Data customizing ExtraData
    data: [ProductsExtraData]
    customFieldFromRoot: String
    customField: String
    type NamedExtraData {
    Data customizing NamedExtraData
    data: String!
    type Query {
    extraData: ExtraData
    namedExtraData(name: String!): NamedExtraData

    • The field ProductsExtraData represents product data, with fields for id, title, price, description, category, image, and rating.
    • The field ExtraData combines a list of ProductsExtraData and additional custom fields.
    • The field Query defines queries for fetching extraData and namedExtraData.
    Now, create the logic to fill these fields:
  6. Create a file called query.ts inside the' resolvers' folder.
  7. Add the following code to it:

    export type ProductsExtraData = {
    id: number;
    title: string;
    price: number;
    description: string;
    category: string;
    image: string;
    rating: {
    rate: number;
    count: number;
    async function getProductsFromAPI() {
    const response = await fetch("");
    return response.json();
    export const Query = {
    extraData: async (): Promise<{ data: ProductsExtraData[] }> => {
    const products = await getProductsFromAPI();
    return { data: products };
    namedExtraData: (_: unknown, { name }: { name: string }) => ({
    data: `Named extra data: ${name}`,

    • getProductsFromAPI fetches product data from an external API.
    • extraData resolves the extraData query by fetching and returning products.
    • namedExtraData resolves the namedExtraData query by returning a custom message.
  8. Create a file called extra.ts inside the' resolvers' folder.
  9. Add the following code to it:

    import { ExtraDataRoot } from "./query";
    export const ExtraData = {
    data: (root: ExtraDataRoot) =>,
    customFieldFromRoot: (root: ExtraDataRoot) => root?.data?.[0]?.image ?? "",
    customField: async (_: ExtraDataRoot) => {
    const res = await fetch(
    const customField = await res.json();
    return (customField?.[0]?.title as string) ?? "";

    • The Query function returns the API data in the field extraData through a request on an external API.
  10. Inside the resolvers folder, create a file called index.ts and add the following code:

    import { ExtraData } from "./extraData";
    import { Query } from "./query";
    const resolvers = {
    export default resolvers;

  11. Combine your resolvers and queries into the store's dynamic content in the index.tsx file inside the dynamicContent folder.

    import { gql } from "@faststore/core/api";
    import { execute_unstable as execute } from "@faststore/core/experimental";
    const query = gql(`
    query ServerDynamicContent($name: String!){
    extraData {
    data {
    rating {
    namedExtraData(name: $name) {
    async function fetchDataUsingApiExtension() {
    try {
    const result = await execute({
    variables: { name: "example-name" },
    operation: query,
    return { data: };
    } catch (error) {
    return { data: null, errors: ["Error fetching data from API Extensions"] };
    // Map slugs to data-fetching functions
    const dynamicContent = {
    "my-landing-page-api-extensions": fetchDataUsingApiExtension,
    export default dynamicContent;

    • Imports:
      • Import gql for defining GraphQL queries.
      • Import execute_unstable for running server-side GraphQL queries.
    • query Defining the GraphQL Query:
      • Query named ServerDynamicContent accepts a name parameter.
      • Fetches fields under extraData including nested rating.
      • Fetches namedExtraData based on the name parameter.
    • fetchDataUsingApiExtension:
      • It executes to run the GraphQL query with specified variables.
      • Returns the result data or logs and returns an error if it fails.
    • dynamicContent:
      • Maps the slug my-landing-page-api-extensions to the fetchDataUsingApiExtension function.
      • This slug identifies in the code which content we want to bring to the page.
You can render this data in your store sections once you've set up your dynamic content fetching functions and mappings. See the Step 2 - Handling Dynamic Content within custom sections guide for more information on using this data in a new section.

Using Fetch API or any request library

Single request

You can use Fetch API to directly fetch data from an endpoint.

async function fetchDataMyLandingPage() {
const response = await fetch("");
const data = await response.json();
return { data };
// Mapping slug to the data-fetching function
const dynamicContent = {
"my-landing-page": fetchDataMyLandingPage,
export default dynamicContent;

Multiple Requests Example

Use Promise.all to fetch data from multiple endpoints concurrently.

async function fetchDataHomepage() {
try {
const [apiData1, apiData2] = await Promise.all([
fetch("").then(res => res.json()),
fetch("").then(res => res.json())
return {
data: {
product1: apiData1,
product2: apiData2,
} catch (error) {
return { data: null, error: "Error fetching data from APIs" };
// Mapping slugs to their respective data-fetching functions
const dynamicContent = {
home: fetchDataHomepage,
"my-landing-page": fetchDataMyLandingPage,
export default dynamicContent;

  • fetchDataHomepage:
    • Concurrently fetches data from two endpoints.
    • Returns the data from both endpoints in a single data object with separate keys for each product.
Once you've set up your dynamic content fetching functions and mappings, you can render this data in your store sections. For more information on using this data in a new section, see the Step 2 - Handling Dynamic Content within custom sections guide.

Returning the data Object

For both approaches, data fetching using Fetch API or Data Fetching using API extensions, the data-fetching function must return an object with data as the root key in the following format:

return {
data: {
// data fetched

The data object can contain other objects inside:

return {
data: {
key1: result1,
key2: result2,

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