
Release Notes
Release Notes
SafeData can now block the anonymous creation of documents for all Master Data entities
January, 18

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SafeData is an app that provides an easy-to-use, configurable middleware to retrieve and save information to Master Data V1 and V2. As of January 30, 2023, VTEX is improving the way you control the creation of documents with SafeData.

If your store uses SafeData to anonymously create Master Data documents in the data entities CL or AD, make sure to read the changes described below and make the necessary adaptations. Otherwise, SafeData might cease to work correctly in your store.

Information type calloutLearn more about how to use SafeData.

What changed?

SafeData allows anonymous users to create documents in Master Data data entities. This is useful for some scenarios, such as registering newsletter subscriptions.

However, it was previously not possible to prevent this behavior for Master Data v1 data entities CL and AD. Now you will be able to choose to allow or block the anonymous creation of documents via SafeData for each entity you wish, including CL and AD, by setting the flag Allow creating objects anonymously.

What needs to be done?

Starting January 30, 2023, SafeData will, by default, block the anonymous creation of Master Data documents for Master Data v1 data entities CL and AD.

The previous behavior for CL and AD was to allow the anonymous creation of documents. Therefore, stores that wish to keep this behavior, must actively set the flag in the app settings to keep the current behavior. Otherwise, documents will not be created anonymously and you will get integration errors.

To set this flag, follow these steps:

  1. Open the VTEX Admin panel.
  2. Go to ACCOUNT SETTINGS > Apps > My Apps.
  3. Click on the SafeData widget.
  4. You will see a list of data entities with the corresponding. Set the Allow creating objects anonymously for each data entity that you wish to allow this behavior.
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