New SKU Service endpoints
June, 5

SKU Service actions can now be accessed using the Catalog API, allowing you to create and edit SKU Service types, values and attachments. These are the new endpoints:
- [POST] Create SKU Service Type
- [PUT] Update SKU Service Type
- [DELETE] Delete SKU Service Type
- [POST] Create SKU Service Value
- [PUT] Update SKU Service Value
- [DELETE] Delete SKU Service Value
- [POST] Associate SKU Service Attachment
- [DELETE] Dissociate Attachment from SKU Service Type
- [DELETE] Dissociate Attachment by Attachment ID or SKU Service Type ID
- [POST] Associate SKU Service
- [PUT] Update SKU Service
- [DELETE] Dissociate SKU Service
This means the following Webservice methods have been incorporated into the Catalog API: