
Release Notes
Release Notes
New referenceValue parameter in the Create Payment endpoint request body
October, 24

What changed?

The referenceValue parameter was added to the Create Payment endpoint request body. This new field was created to represent the interest-free payment amount and is automatically filled in by the gateway before being sent to the payment connector.

The values ​​of the value and referenceValue fields will be equal whenever the value of the installmentsInterestRate field is equal to zero.

See the examples below:

Example 1: Order value is 15.00 (interest free).

"value": "15.00",
"referenceValue": "15.00",
"installments": 1,
"installmentsInterestRate": "0.00"

Example 2: Order value is 15.00 (with interest of 1.00 per month, 3 installments).

"value": "15.00",
"referenceValue": "12.00",
"installments": 3,
"installmentsInterestRate": "1.00"

What needs to be done?

No action is needed.

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