We have recently reviewed our Marketplace Protocol Documentation, updating our External Seller and External Marketplace Integration guides. See more details below
External Marketplace
For the External Marketplace integration guide, we have added 16 new articles going over the full process of integrating Orders, Catalog and creating the Integration App based on our template.
API Reference
For the External Marketplace API Reference, we have improved fields and endpoint descriptions, adding more details around the use of each call.
We also added the following endpoints, as a part of the Product and Category Mappings section: VTEX Mapper Registration Send Category Mapping to VTEX Mapper
External Seller
For the External Seller integration guide, we have updated the External seller processing payments article, adding more details around the development process on the seller’s side.
API Reference
You can also check out our External Seller API Reference, where we have improved fields and descriptions in the following endpoints: