
Release Notes
Release Notes
Payments Gateway API: New permission required for approving payments
March, 10

We're introducing a new permission model for the payment notification endpoints in the Payments Gateway API, used exclusively for manual approval of payments:

After April 1, 2025, users or API keys must have a role with the new Payments Notification resource to call these endpoints. The new Payments Notifier predefined role is available for this purpose.

What has changed?

  • New License Manager resource: Payments Notification

    Required to access the GET or POST payment notification endpoints on the Payments Gateway API, after April 1, 2025.

  • New predefined role: Payments Notifier

    Includes the new Payments Notification resource. By default, this role will only be assigned to the Sponsor user.

What needs to be done?

Only accounts that currently use the GET or POST payment notification endpoints in the Payments Gateway API or plan to do so are affected by this change.

The Sponsor user for these accounts must assign the Payments Notifier role to users and API keys that need access to payment approval notifications via the Payments Gateway API. The deadline for this action is April 1, 2025.

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