Anti-fraud providers integrated with VTEX can now analyze payment transactions made with gift cards.
What has changed?
The allowAntifraudOnGiftCard
field was created within the Anti-fraud Provider Protocol, allowing anti-fraud providers to indicate whether they provide the service for processing gift card transaction data in a VTEX store.
Gift card transaction information is sent to providers through the Send anti-fraud pre-analysis data (optional) or Send anti-fraud data endpoints, as in payment operations made by credit or debit card.
See an example of a payload sent on the Send anti-fraud data endpoint, showing the gift card information in the payments object.
_27…_27"payments": [_27 {_27 "id": "DDB18D1721914346BF88EJ11B01C6312",_27 "method": "GiftCard",_27 "name": "Gift",_27 "value": 395.71,_27 "installments": 1,_27 "details": {_27 "address": {_27 "country": "BRA",_27 "street": "AV NEWTON DUARTE",_27 "number": "321",_27 "complement": "APTO 102",_27 "neighborhood": null,_27 "postalCode": "55555555",_27 "city": "SAO PAULO",_27 "state": "SP"_27 },_27 "giftCardId": "67",_27 "redemptionToken": "FJPI***************",_27 "redemptionCode": "FJPI***************",_27 "provider": "VtexGiftCard"_27 }_27 }_27]_27…
The information in the
fields is sent to anti-fraud providers only in masked format (****), enhancing security and data protection.
What needs to be done?
To enable the gift card data analysis at your anti-fraud provider, follow the steps below:
- Update your manifest to include the configuration
"allowAntifraudOnGiftCard": true
. - Open a ticket with VTEX Support requesting the provider integration update.
- Contact VTEX merchants with whom you have contracts to inform them about the availability of this new anti-fraud analysis service.
Learn more in the Announcement Anti-fraud analysis for gift cards.