
Release Notes
Release Notes
Search API: Teasers field deprecation
July, 6

From September 2023, the Teasers field in Search API requests will be deprecated. While some VTEX stores may use this entity to create integrations, we recommend using the new PromotionTeasers field as it provides more straightforward information. We encourage all users to update their integrations accordingly to ensure a seamless transition.

What has changed?

We have already added the PromotionTeasers field to Search API endpoints. Currently, both fields coexist, and it is possible to view previously recorded information. From September 2023, VTEX will deprecate the Teasers field for all accounts and maintain PromotionTeasers only.

Before - "Teasers" example

"Teasers": [
"<Name>k__BackingField": "AdditionalInfo",
"<GeneralValues>k__BackingField": {
"Team": "Flamengo",
"Name": "Pedro",
"Number": "9"
"<Conditions>k__BackingField": {
"<MinimumQuantity>k__BackingField": 0,
"<Parameters>k__BackingField": [
"<Name>k__BackingField": "PaymentMethodId",
"<Value>k__BackingField": "4"
"<Effects>k__BackingField": {
"<Parameters>k__BackingField": [
"<Name>k__BackingField": "PercentualDiscount",
"<Value>k__BackingField": "1"

After - "PromotionTeasers" example

"PromotionTeasers": [
"Name": "AdditionalInfo",
"GeneralValues": {
"Team": "Flamengo",
"Name": "Pedro",
"Number": "9"
"Conditions": {
"MinimumQuantity": 0,
"Parameters": [
"Name": "PaymentMethodId",
"Value": "4"
"Effects": {
"Parameters": [
"Name": "PercentualDiscount",
"Value": "1"

What needs to be done?

If you have integrations that depend on the Teasers field, you must adapt your implementation to use PromotionTeasers instead as soon as possible. You can find more information about the new field in Search API reference.

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