
B2B Seller Price

This feature is in closed beta, available only for selected customers. If you have any questions, contact our Support.

In B2B commerce, it is often necessary to offer personalized prices. For example, in the commercial relationship between a distributor (seller) and different supermarkets (buyers), there might be specific price deals in place for each supermarket. In this case, the distributor (seller) needs to set specific prices for each customer.

This scenario gets more complex when the seller’s products are offered in a B2B marketplace, since marketplaces usually centralize the relationship with customers.

Considering this, our B2B Seller Price feature allows sellers from B2B marketplaces to configure specific price tables for each customer, based on their email address, and apply these personalized prices using Pricing Hub. This feature works for all types of sellers in the B2B scenario, whether they are white label or not.

How it works

The diagram below shows how the process works, after all the required configurations.

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When a customer logs in on a B2B marketplace which has Pricing Hub enabled, it will make a POST Get Prices request to the Pricing Hub API to fetch prices information from the B2B Seller’s external prices app. The app will then return the prices information in the response, applying the specific prices associated with each customer email, as set by the seller.


To set up this process, the marketplace and each seller must follow the instructions below.


The marketplace must follow the steps below to activate the B2B Seller Price:

  1. Contact our Support and open a request to enable Pricing Hub on the marketplace and seller accounts.
  2. Enable the use of external prices by the seller through the PUT Configure External Price Source of the Pricing Hub API.
  3. Allow VTEX to share customers’ email addresses with the seller. To do so, it is necessary to set 'AllowEmailSharing' as the value for the TrustPolicy field in the POST Create Seller or PUT Update Seller endpoints.

Make sure to manage the relationship between the marketplace’s catalog and the sellers’ catalogs on the Received SKUs page. Read the article on Cataloging received SKUs for more information on this process.


The B2B sellers – white label or not – who want to use this feature must follow the instructions below.

  1. Configure specific price tables associated with the customers’ respective email addresses, either using the Pricing API or the VTEX Admin panel.

  2. Develop a VTEX IO app to allow querying price tables by email, integrating with external price systems, and install it in the master workspace.

    We offer a reference implementation template to simplify this process: Node template. This template app can be customized to use other price parameters, by following the instructions on the app repository.

    Make sure your app complies with the specifications detailed in the Pricing Hub documentation.

Pricing Hub only recognizes the master workspace. This means linking it to a test workspace will not work. For more information on the different types of workspaces, read our Workspace documentation.

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